
Kera’s Life, Struggles

MissTasha · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs

Chapter 17

My body felt a burning desire to just get as close to him as possible.

"Wait Kane, too fast! I just parted ways with Bryce and now I'm in my baby daddy arm!"

Kane laughed, "Baby daddy?"

It seems that's all he heard.

"Kera don't you feel something. Like, I'm-. Like something pulling you towards me?"

Kera thought for a moment. Thinking back, she would stock his social media.

He wasn't big at posting anything, maybe once a year he'll post a picture of himself, but that was it. Just a look at his pictures would ease her mind, but a reminder of that night would easily spoil her mood.

Then there were times when she'd look at the housing market in Nebraska, thinking she missed her parents, but she knew she was lying to herself. She did miss her parents, but the feeling was not the same.

She shrugged her shoulder, "I guess-. I mean, I thought of you from time to time."

Kane wasn't expecting a nonchalant reply. He took in a deep breath, "Well maybe because I'm a wolf and have a deeper connection it was different."

Kera looked up, trying to be calm as possible, but all she wanted to do was poor her struggles out on the table.

Kane kept his arms around Kera until she sat up. "I should get back to Jimmy, I don't want him to wake up and not be there."

Kane nodded in agreement, "I have to go back in a few hours and train, but I'll be here late morning, if not early afternoon. I'm not missing out on anything else."

Kera had a ball in her throat when he said those words. If she would have known more about him would that have made a difference?

Even though the thought of taking years from Kane and Jimmy's stung her heart, she was determined to make things right for her family.

Ker nodded and walked towards the stairs, "Goodnight."

Kane felt at ease. He can now rest peacefully knowing he had Kera, "Goodnight."

After only a few hours of sleep Kane woke up feeling giddy. He felt a sense of energy he haven't felt in a long time.

Reluctant to leave Kera and Jimmy, he sent Kera a morning text he'll be back later. If it weren't for giving his father his word to train with his fighters he'd be spending all his time with his family.

He smirked at the thought of it, his family. The thought of Jimmy had him plotting.

Kane needed his pack support. He knew it'd be difficult for them to accept Kera as Luna. His mother would easily be won, his father, not so much.

First thing first, develop a bond with his warriors that may have crumbled from years of his absence and get on his dads good side.

As he was lost in thought, he made it to pack land just before 4am. Surprised he was the first one, Kane pulled up to an open field and started stretching.

Kane smirked when he smelt his father, "Ready for a run old man?"

The Alpha was surprised to see his son there, ready to go, "You'd be surprised I still have it in me!"

As they finished stretching, his father started running as he yells, "Try to keep up kid."

Smirking at the old man, he started off slow until his dad became cocky. Next thing the Alpha knew Kane was running by his side.

"What was that Alpha?" Kane said sarcastically.

As Kane picked up more speed, he was now running in the forest by himself. He reached his destination and turned back.

Passing his father, he mockingly said "Try to keep up kid." Opening his arms out to the side as if he was going to bow.

Alpha suddenly let a leg out tripping his son, "You better hope I don't catch up to you!"

Kane landed on his knees and instantly got up knowing his father could easily gain momentum.

As Kane was near the finish line, he started passing warriors. All seemed happy to see him, from eyes popping in surprise, to grinning.

"Morning Alpha!"

"Your back…"

"It's bout time…"

"I kept your seat warm…"

As everyone was finishing their morning run, they started circling around Kane, "I know I lost time. It took me awhile to find myself, but I'm here now! I'm not going anywhere. Anyone who lost their mate from either death or rejection could understand, there's this emptiness, and that emptiness pulls you into a darkness. I shut everyone out, including my parents. Going forward that will not happen again! I can guarantee everyone you'll be seeing a lot of me!"

Looking around as he made his statement, he notice everyone reaction. Some stiffened at the mention of losing one's mate, others had a since of pride knowing their soon to be Alpha found himself.

Cheers surrounded Kane. He felt his heart becoming full, seeing his warriors happy he was back.

Alpha appeared, placed his hand on Kane shoulder, in a serious tone, "I expect the best from you!"

Kane thought they were having a moment, but as always his father had to ruin it. Kane looked at his father in the eyes and nodded.