
Kera’s Life, Struggles

MissTasha · Fantasy
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24 Chs


By the time Kane and Kera reached her parents house it was already dinner time. Kera opened the front door, Kane behind following.

Mom looked at me in concern, "How'd it go kids?"

I gave my parents a reassuring smile and let them know we cleared the air for the most part.

Realizing Kane was quite, I turned to face him, his eyes were on Jimmy.

Kane walked over to him. I couldn't help but feel guilty I kept them apart. My heart once felt heavy now felt relieved seeing them together.

I watched Kane sit on the floor next to his son, "Hey buddy, what do you have here?"

Jimmy pulled his concentration away from his car set, "I have a ye-o car, it's my fav-rit!"

Kane chuckled, "I can see why, it's a yellow camaro. One of my all time faves."

I can only imagine the emotions going through Kane. He had tears threatening to come out, but I can only guess they were happy tears with his big smile on his face.

My parents made room for me on the couch, sitting in the middle. My dad watched Kane play with Jimmy. Turning to me, he gave me a small chuckle, "Mom told me about Kane. I hope you two were able to talk it out."

I gave my dad a small smile, "Ya daddy, we talked it out. He's gonna visit tomorrow too."

Dad gave me a nod in agreement. Mom got up to prepare dinner, "Kane, you staying for dinner."

"Yes Mrs. Jones! How bout you relax and I can throw some steaks on the grill?"

My paren lit up and agreed. If anyone wanted to prep dinner, we weren't in no mood to deny them.

Kane grabbed Jimmy gently, "You wanna go out in the back with daddy?!"

Just hearing his words filled my heart. Now I was the one with tears threatening to come out.

I got up from sitting, "Alright then, how bout i whip up a pasta salad to go with the steak and prepare some bake potatoes!"

My parents were excited, all they have to do is kick back. My dad yelled, "I'll have some drinks delivered. If you get wasted Kane, you can stay in my man cave!"

I shook my head. Kane seemed to like that idea, "I'll have to take you up on that offer!"

Kane held his arms open, "Come on bud!"

Jimmy jumped right into his arms as if he always knew that's where he belonged.

Dinner could not have come any sooner. We ate on the patio, talked and laughed as if we've done this for years.

After dinner Kane and my dad stayed seated drinking. My mom went in to put some dishes in the dishwasher and I took Jimmy in for a bath.

"So Kane, now that everything is straightened out between you and my daughter I can assume I'll be seeing you more? Now I know my daughter was wrong not telling you about Jimmy, but she felt it was right doing so at that time. And what's this nonsense about your dad?"

Kane answered enthusiastically, "Yes sir, I plan on going no where! I can't blame Kera decision at that time. I was young and was very influenced by my dad. Let's just say he's a traditional man and is set in his old ways, but he won't be an issue. I've made my stance!"

Jim went on about his expectations with Kane. By the time they finished a pack together Jim was dozing off. Kane helped him in and followed Joan to the room.

After getting Jim settled, Joan went to the closet and grabbed a blanket for Kane.

"Here's some blankets and a pillow Kane. Don't be scared of the basement, we've worked on it for years so it's pretty cozy."

Kera made her way down stairs catching her mom and Kane headed towards the basement.

"Hey mom, I can take it from here."

My mom left with a wink. I shook my head out of embarrassment. "Come on Kane, right this way."

We made our way to the basement. My mom already had the pullout couch ready, from out of no where I was lifted off my feet and pulled down with Kane.

"Kane! What are you doing?!"

We laid side by side, my back against his chest. He took a deep breath against my hair. It felt so good being in his arms, but it felt to much in one day.

He whispered against my head, "Mmm, I miss you so much."

"This is to fast."

Kane being a wolf disagreed. He wanted to explain the mating process but felt he should hold off. It was common for wolves to move fast when they found their one. Wanting to avoid any conflict he held back.

" I can't leave Jimmy alone. Goodnight."

Before Kera could get up, Kane rolled on top of her and gave her a passionate kiss. "Good night."