
Soft Laughter on Cloudy Dreams

There are no rules for architecture for the castle in the clouds.

~Gilbert K. Chesterton


Tou-san was teaching me a very fun jutsu, one that goes BOOM! It was very fun. We nearly killed someone with it, but it wasn't my fault, he was just asking for it. No, it wasn't my fault.

And anyone that says otherwise is lying.


Yesterday, Tou-san gave me a pretty pretty pendant that helps me with using this weird thing called chakra. Then he made me do a crash-course in using that thing called chakra. It took me all day just to stick that stupid leaf to my forehead, then all evening to walk on water. Walking on water is fun but I had to account for the different flows and tides underneath the waters' surface and it's hard. I was so tired by the end of the day, but it was fun.

He said that if didn't always have to be shaped like a necklace, it could be a bracelet, armband, ring or even a crown. As long as it held a specific seal, but color didn't matter. The pendant thing is apparently like training wheels, since something about chakra being new and evolution not really accepting it yet?

Apparently he would never have met Haha-ue if he never became a ninja. Although he tells me to say Okaa-san instead when we're in public, because we're ninja and not samurai. Though I don't what Haha-ue would have been like because she's dead...

Otou-san says that Haha-ue was one of the prettiest women he had ever seen in all Five Elemental Nations. With a voice so nice that even the birds would stop singing just to listen to her. I like listening to Otou-san when he starts talking about Haha-ue, he always has a nice smile and a soft voice when he talks about her.

His eyes start to see something I can't see and its weird. Orochimaru-oji-san said that was because he missed her.

Orochimaru-oji-san is nice. He always carries candy and keeps other delicious treats on him at all times. Sometimes, he teaches me other things like how to treat poison and infiltration techniques, or shows me where Otou-san keeps the strawberry pocky. Uncle always makes sure I'm safe, especially when Tousan cooks. We still don't know if the kitchen cabinets are safe. Last time I opened them there were tentacles and sharp teeth.


I'm really bored.

Like really bored.

So I told Tou-san that I was going exploring. He said to be careful, and that if someone tries to kidnap me, that I should take the corpse home for identification. Although Orochimaru once said that dismemberment is better than killing someone, because then they can become witnesses and can be used for fun things like targets in training. Then if you take the corpse home, you can give it to The Thing Under the Kitchen Sink.

The Thing Under the Kitchen Sink can be sated with small offerings of cheese and stuff, but blood works much better. Although with how Tou-san handles the kitchen knife I don't have to worry about that.

Hm, I wondered what I would be having for dinner and whether I should be worried about it trying to eat me again, when a little green thing sprouted from the ground. It was...sparkly and seemed to glow. Then it dulled to a boring green.


Intrigued, I poked the sprouted...seed with a stick. A leaf fell off. Is it okay? I didn't break it, did I? Looking around, I spotted a planting pot. It was old and had faded kanji inscribed onto it. Slowly, I sounded it out.

"Mis-mister...U-Ukki. Mister Ukki."

Mr Ukki.

That sounds like an adequate name for Mister Ukki. Scooping handfuls of dirt into the pot, I carefully transplanted the small sprout.

"Mister Ukki."

Grabbing the potted plant and dusting off my pants, I used the hand signs for shunshin. Crouching down in preparation for the impending impact of feet to ground. Looking up I found myself in the forest. Sweat-dropping I realized that I would have to shunshin again because I was several miles away from my intended destination.

I tried again.

This time I was free-falling. Looking up, I saw the Nidaime's face on Hokage Mountain.

Shunshin again.

Some cave where there were people in white animal masks. They jumped into various attack positions, chakra spiking in threatening levels. Panicked I flailed slightly.


There was a thick black thing coming me, it tendrils reaching towards my mask. Coughing I waved away the eldritch abomination. Looking up, I saw Tou-san holding a cookbook.

Tou-san was cooking again.

Tightening my hold on the planting pot, then slowly backed away as no sudden movements or else. Tou-san's cooking is horrible. My life, and health and well-fare is more important Tou-san's feelings. Right? Right! I don't want to be his taste tester, last time I was restrained to bed rest for an entire week!

Maybe Orochimaru-oji-san is doing something interesting in his labs. As soon as I escaped-er strolled down for a visit to my favorite uncle and perhaps freeload on food-I mean conveniently visit during dinner.

Seeing the entrance, I practically dove through the hidden entrance. Navigating through the different traps and maze-like corridors with seemingly endless amounts of dead-ends. Spotting a familiar figure, tiredly I flopped myself on the ground in front of him. His golden eyes peered downwards, and laughed quietly at me. Kneeling downwards, he picked me up and carried me inside. Quietly offering a cup of delicious tea. A homemade brew he learned from his mother. A woman whom I truly believe is a descendant of the tea goddess Huchi Fuchi.

There, I started a one-sided conversation about the best ways to take care of plants. Showing him my little potted seed, hopefully Mister Ukki grows to be a pretty plant, like a bonsai. Orochimaru-oji-san ruffled my hair and showed me how to take care of it. That simply keeping the soil moist and adding small amounts of differing types of nutrition.

When he was done teaching me the best ways to grow a plant. A small green leaf had grown on the sprout. Bright green contrasted with the dark earth. I smiled as I observed the small plant. He chuckled quietly. I didn't forget his inquisitive eyes though. I hugged the plant closer to my chest right as he pulled me into a tight hug.

It was warm.

Cuddling closer, I rested my head onto his chest. Listening to his heart beat. It was strong, and went thumpthumpthump.




Silver light gleamed off the katana, slicing through shadows and damp earth. Engraved carvings of wolves seemed to hunt as the sword was thrust into the dummy. Above, the moon shone brightly as Tou-san smiled at it, no her.

He said that Haha-ue was like the moon, and like the moon perhaps she can see us from above. That she is not really dead just rather without physical body in the mortal realm.

The dull thud of blade meeting practice dummies echoed in the small training field.

It is not disgraceful to keep up the practice of our ancestors as long as we are not master-less. A samurai without a lord, is disgraceful. To become a ronin is more disgraceful than those nukenin that abandon their villages, their homes, their country.

I have not yet started learning how to use the katana, wakizasha, yumi or even how to use the etsi, the battle axe, or geki, two-pronged spear. He says I'm too young and inexperienced, and that I have yet to show my claws and until then... Instead Tou-san is showing me the arts, like painting, calligraphy, nature poetry, mythological literature, flower arranging, and the tea ceremony, chanoyu orchado. Sometimes he shows me the kata for the kobuda, aikido and kendo martial arts.

Hmph, Tou-san is being mean.


Quietly I watched as those odd four-limbed beings that pride themselves so much on their bi-pedalism, ability to walk on two legs. Those beings called children, horrid little things, warily I watched as they smiled toothily towards me.

Then as one, they rushed forward. Dirty hands, paws, reaching forward as I leaped backwards towards safety. Quickly weaving between the poorly-placed obstacles as I ran towards safety. Whining, I stared questioningly as Tou-san cooed at the large army of hungry mini-human thingies.

Then betrayal.

Large hands pushed me towards the large mass of dirty children. Shocked, I couldn't pull away in time as they dragged me to go play with them. Spotting the familiar white mane of Jiraiya-hentai-oji-san as he was chased by another crowd of angry women, I yelled the only thing I could think of.


Immediately my captors froze as they turned to see what I was pointing at. As they were distracted, I escaped. Soon there was a large mass of mothers swooping in to remove their children from the premises of a well-known pervert.

Sighing, I waved happily towards Tou-san, as he glared at Jiraiya. A brief flicker of killing intent rising before it was pushed down to the depths of a calm but eerie smile.

"I'm going to kill that man for ruining my Kashi-chan's first attempt at making friends."

Stepping forwards, I widened my eyes to try to mimic puppy-eyes. Sparkles, more sparkles. Familiar laughter and a wide smile, together we headed home. With Tou-san plotting the best way to punish his friend for ruining 'my first attempt at making friends.'


Today, I was almost late for the Academy, but it was so boring and I copied the example of this Nara, and fell asleep. Although that day was filled with more play than actual learning.

Tou-san rented out a house near the school so I wouldn't have to walk those twenty-five long miles back home. The day before we were setting up furniture and filling the cupboard and fridge with food and just generally breaking in the house.

The house had smelled strongly of strangers, of the previous owners, and it took a while before it no longer smelled so strongly. We might have to replace the carpet with how much it smells like them. Thankfully Tou-san brought my bed, through a storage scroll, and so I don't need to smell like I'm in a stranger's house.

Then my first day at the Academy, I had worn my favorite scarf and that was my only comfort as those brats, uh, little monsters did this thing called play, something that involves torture and bruises. The only person that made sense was this girl called Uchiha Akane, and we had fun plotting world domination and making plans on how we were going to conquer each nation, in the corner.

I hope she fulfills her dream of being the Empress of Fire and Sparkles.

Supposedly the Academy is the place where you learn to become a super cool and very awesome ninja. Tou-san went there and that's where Tou-san met Jiraiya-oji-san, Tsunade-oba-san, and Orochimaru-oji-san. Tou-san also said that if he didn't become a super cool ninja then he would never met Haha-ue.


Tou-san was leaving for another mission. It's supposed to last only a week and perhaps a few days this time. I don't really like him leaving but it's on the Hokage's Advisors's or his Second's orders, although it's said that the Daimyo isn't on good political terms with the current Council because of-because of...I forgot.

Although Tou-san keeps complaining that the Daimyo is just another dirty politician and that the Hokage should either man-up or retire already because his power over this ninja village is lax. Perhaps they should seek counsel from the man called the shogun?

I dunno, politics aren't my forte and I only know what Tou-san talks about during yuushoku, dinner.

Glaring, I picked up another ration pack and threw it into the pile of weapons and other rations. Huffing quietly, I dragged another bag of kunai towards the growing mound of food and weaponry.

"Really. Can't. Wait. To learn. How to. Pump chakra. Into muscles."

A hand ruffled my already wild hair. Looking up, I glared as Tou-san eye-smiled at me.

"Maa, don't worry cub. Soon, you'll be able to shatter Hashirama trees and break men's bones."

Staring, I questioned whether I had hear that correctly and trying to envision it. Me, a little six year old shattering one of those huge Hashirama trees into little splinters? Breaking bones is easy, but a tree?


Chuckling quietly, Tou-san pointed to his hitai-ate, forehead protector, and spoke.

"You won't be able to do that for a long time but with practice, my little cub will be able to do anything! But you're also partially yokai so don't forget to cover those fluffy ears and that tail of yours!"

Indignant I couldn't stop a little whine of displeasure escape.



I waved goodbye as Tou-san and his teammates seemed to almost disappear into the horizon. Looking down, I watched the guards below sleep. Turning around, I felt the breeze dance through my hair as the sun rose behind Hokage-iwa, Hokage Rock. As the morning chill sank into my bones, I whispered a small wish.

A selfish little wish, as I watched the village below start to wake.

"Tou-san, I want you to come back soon."


Coming back from the Academy, tiredly I put away my bag and was making a small snack for myself. Behind me, I could hear the front-door creak open. Heavy foot-steps echoeing through the small house.

Smiling, I navigated through the small corridors and rooms towards where I knew Tou-san was at. Leaping upwards, I hugged him, breathing in deeply his calming scent.


Turning around, I showed him the already two inch plant that is called Mister Ukki.

Tou-san smiled at me but something dark lurked there. Observing him, I took notice of how his shoulders seemed tense. As though preparing for something, something. Tou-san just didn't seem like Tou-san, intstead he seem so...lifeless.

His ears were flat and his tail was no where to be seen. He seemed to shrink back at my gaze and...what?

I held Mister Ukki out for mock-inspectiona as I continued talking. Hoping that he could see and feel what I had felt. His empty eyes passed over it. Saddened I withdrew my plant, keeping a plastic smile on my face. Hopefully this passes over.


There were whispers around every corner. Heated glares stared accusingly at us. Talk of war in every household, around every bend and on each person's lips.

Tou-san, what did you do?