
Extra: History Lesson 1

Once when the different realms were of one world, there was only silence as only chaos existed. In the chaos, the sound of particles moving grew louder as the Universe itself came into being.

First came the Heavens, which are now called Takamagahara (高天原), the High Plains of Heaven.

Next came the earth, Chikyū (地球).

Then came the Zōkasanshin, older than the gods themselves, created from the chaos of construction. There were three of these primordial deities, they were known as -

Amenominakanushi (天之御中主神), The Central Master, Takamimusuhi (高御産巣日神), The High Master, & Kamimasuhi (神産巣日神), The Divine Creator.

These were the first of creation.

From Takamagahara, the High Plains of Heaven, came the two Kamiyonanayo, born from a reed-shoot. Their names were -

Umashiashikabihikoji (宇摩志阿斯訶備比古遅神), Energy, & Amenotokotachi (天之常立神), Heaven.

These five deities born at the beginning of creation were known as the Kotomatsukami (別天神), the Distinguished Heavenly Kami.

After the creation of the Kotomatsukami, Chikyū, and the Takamagahara, came the second generation of kami called the Kamiyonanayo (神世七代), the Seven Generations of of the Age of the Gods.

The first two eldest of the Kamiyonanayo, were known as Kuninotokotachi (国之常立神), and Toyokumono (豊雲野神).

Following came the next ten deities of the twelve Kamiyonanayo. These were the first to hold the characteristics of onmyōdō (陰陽道), yin and yang. Half of them were born male while the other five were female.

Each of them was partnered to the other, one man for each woman.

Ujinshi (宇比地邇神) was married to Suhijini (須比智邇神).

Tsunuguhi (角杙神) was married to Ikuguhi (活杙神).

Ōtonoji (意富斗能地神) was married to Ōtonobe (大斗乃弁神).

Omodaru (於母陀流神) was married to Ayakashikone (阿夜訶志古泥神).

Izanagi (伊邪那岐神) was married to Izanami (伊邪那美神).

This was the creation of the first gods and of the first world and of the first heaven.

The couple Izanagi and Izanami would eventually come to create the next generation of kamiumi, the next gods, along with the islands and the land we live on.


(A/U: Now this is where Naruto lore and all that stuff comes into play. Not completely accurate because this is an anime world and anime world's don't have history books or other stuff that I would highly appreciate like stories.)


(Part One Section Three of the 'Creation Story of the World')

Among the multitude of the kamiumi that were born from the love of Izanagi and Izanami, came the being Ootstutsuki. Ootsutsuki fell out of favor because of an unknown incident that resulted him betraying his home and family. His actions nearly killed the world tree of the first world.

The world tree was a creation that the first deities, the Zōkasanshin, had created to stabilize the world. Somehow, from the weakened and hurt World Tree, came the creation of the first God Tree. The God Tree was a creation that sucked the living energies into itself, like a parasite. It was a creation that should never have existed.

Somehow Ootsutsuki had caused this creation of the God Tree. Angered, the gods attempted to rid the Universe of the tree, but those that attacked the tree lost their divinity. Their loss in divinity caused them to become the first yokai, beings no longer holy as they were the first devils and demons drenched in yin energy.

Tsukiyomi took pity on Ootsutsuki and the first yokai, believing that not all yin creatures or beings were necessarily evil. That perhaps there could be a better use of the God Tree, and clear Ootsutsuki's name. So he took the small sapling, the God Tree, and Ootsutsuki with him to the moon.


(Part Two Section Nine of the 'Creation Story of the World')

Eventually the once-godlike yokai left the god Tsukiyomi in favor of finding their own homes. They had discovered that if an object or being that is yokai lives long enough, they can regain their divinity. Except they must have good karma or else they will fall further and lose the possibility of returning back to Takamagahara.

Never did they know that if mortal objects or being lived long enough, they can become a yokai as well.

Nor did they know that if one circulated heavenly energies through their bodies, that it could extend a mortals' lifespan without them becoming yokai. That mortals that undergo this process have the possibility of becoming gods as well.

Most of this was unknown until the mortal—


(Part Three of the 'Creation Story of the World')

Ootsutsuki married the goddess S̴̨͐a̴̫̐y̷͉̅o̵̙͝r̴̙̓ï̵̮ but she did not love him. In disgust, she took her first born child, a son an heir, she threw him down from Takamagahara.

The first child unconsciously opened a dimension created from the near-death experience the World Tree had. In that world, the child grew up with an alternate, but mortal, family that loved the child.

The goddess told her husband that the first child, out of many more, had died.


(Part Five of the 'Creation Story of theWorld')

To hide the fruit of the God Tree from Ootsutsuki, the fruit was picked and the seeds were scattered across the different realms.

Yet Ootsutsuki had managed to eat another chakra fruit, one that another tree had bore. To gain the strength of the Chakra Fruit so that no god or mortal could ever hurt his family again.

With this power, he made his through each dimension to look for his missing children. Along the way, gathering subordinates and friends.


(Part Nine of the 'Creation Story of the World')

The princess of the Ootsutsuki clan was sent down to the mortal realm, the Earth, as the mighty Ootsutsuki clan waged war against the gods. With the help of a few allied gods, they kept their princess safe and out of harms' way.

Yet when she came back, she had fallen in love with a mortal man and now felt mortal weaknesses.

So they sent her away from their clan. Hoping that when she had rid herself of this weakness, so that their princess would lead their clan into greatness.

But Kaguya-hime never returned to the clan.