
Kaito chapter 96

Kaito chapter 96

author's note: I would greatly appreciate any feedback on the story's progression and welcome any suggestions for improvement. Thank you.

Unable to dodge the attack, Mangetsu was swept up by the powerful current and crashed into the arena walls, shaking the entire structure. As the waves died down, Mangetsu struggled to stand against the wall.

Kaito appeared in front of him, holding his tanto at Mangetsu's neck with a smirk he said "It's over,". just then Mangetsu who was struggling to stand up smirked and said "It is "then turned into water. kaito realizing what just happened tried to jump back only for the water around his feet to become thick and quickly water tendrils shot up and enveloped him.

As Kaito struggled to break free from the watery restraints, Mangetsu materialized from the water behind him. He pointed his finger in the shape of a gun at Kaito's head and without hesitation fired a powerful blast of water using his Water Gun jutsu.


blood spattered in all directions as the attack connected with Kaito's head. His lifeless body fell to the ground with a sickening thud just as Raido landed beside them, too late to stop the jutsu.

Mangetsu stood looking down at Kaito's motionless form and the pool of blood spreading beneath his head. he was panting heavily and was clutching his left arm, which had suffered extensive damage from Kaito's earlier use of the Water Style: Giant Waterfall jutsu.

In the stands, Kushina's voice could be heard screaming "Kaito!" while Naruto yelled out "Kaito-nii-san!" and Hotaru yelled out "Kaito-kun!" Their voices echoed throughout the now-silent arena,

up in the crowd

Kushina's voice carried through the arena as she screamed out "Kaito!" Tears streamed down her face as she watched in horror. Naruto dropped his bowl of ramen as he shouted out "Kaito-nii-san!".

Amidst the gasps and murmurs of shock from the crowd, Mikoto sat beside Kushina and covered her mouth with her hand. "Oh no..."

Hitomi, sitting nearby, also covered her mouth in shock and disbelief. This was not how she had expected the match to end. "This can't be happening..."

Hinata could only cover her eyes in horror at the sight before her. Shikamaru looked horrified by what had happened. Sasuke never thought he would see someone who could rival his older brother being killed.

Shikaku, sitting up straight and arms crossed, had a serious expression as looked seriously at the prone form of Kaito

In the waiting area

Hotaru cried with desperation, "Kaito-kun!" She could only watch in despair as her crush was struck by Mangetsu's "water gun jutsu", blood spattering all around. Her eyes widened in mortification as she saw her crush and teammate fall to the ground, lifeless.

Standing beside her, Itachi's arms were crossed and his gaze narrowed at Kaito. Chojuro, nearby, looked on with a serious expression. He couldn't help but acknowledge the strength that Kaito must have possessed to push Mangetsu.

Tears welled up in Hotaru's eyes, her desperation evident as she attempted to leap down to the arena floor. However, Itachi swiftly caught her arm, preventing her.

"Let me go!" Hotaru pleaded, her voice choked with tears and anger as she struggled against Itachi's firm grip.

Itachi shook his head and replied calmly, "Just watch."

up in the stage

 Kushina fell back into her seat with a look of despair on her face. Tears filled her eyes as she whispered weakly, "Kaito..."

Naruto couldn't bear to look up. Tears streamed down his face, his body trembling with a mix of grief and anger. His chakra started to stir around, reacting to the emotional turmoil within him. Beside him, Kaito simply slurped loudly on his ramen, seemingly unfazed by the intense emotions surrounding him. "Damn, he managed to beat my clone," he remarked casually after swallowing a mouthful of food.

All eyes turned towards Kaito, some filled with shock and others with disbelief who was eating ramen.

back on the arena floor

Mangetsu Hozuki's relief turned to shock as Kaito's lifeless body dispersed into white smoke. It was a shadow clone all along.

Mangetsu jumped back, clutching his left arm in pain, his eyes scanning the arena floor frantically for the real Kaito. He cursed inwardly, berating himself for letting his guard down at such a critical moment.

Raido, who had been ready to declare Mangetsu the winner. "Heh," he chuckled to himself, "I was just about to declare the Hozuki kid the winner. He sure fooled me with that trick."

in the waiting area

 A puzzled look crossed Hotaru's face hearing Itachi's words. She turned back towards the arena floor just in time to see Kaito's prone form puff into white smoke, revealing itself to be nothing more than a shadow clone.

Relief flooded through Hotaru as she clutched at her heart. "Thank God, he's okay," she whispered tearfully. Wiping away the tears that threatened to fall with an angry expression. "I'm going to kill him for scaring me like that!" she declared, her voice trembling with emotion. Then, turning to Itachi once again, she asked curiously, "How did you know that was a clone, Itachi-kun?"

Itachi simply hummed in response to Hotaru's remark, a small smirk playing on his lips. "Kaito has used that trick on me a few times during our sparring sessions,"

up in the stage

Kaito sensed the eyes of everyone on him and turned towards them, puzzled. "What?" he asked innocently, wondering why everyone was staring.

Before he could react, Kushina lunged at him, wrapping her arms tightly around him in a fierce hug. Tears streamed down her face as she held him close, relieved that he was safe and sound.

Naruto joined in, jumping onto his big brother and shouting gleefully, "You're okay! Nii-san!"

Kaito was taken aback by this sudden display of affection, he gently pushed them back slightly, looking between them with concern. "Whoa, Mom, why are you crying? What's wrong?" he asked, bewildered by the intensity of their reactions.

Kushina wiped her tears away hastily, then bonked Kaito on the head, her voice shaking with a mixture of relief and reproach. "Don't you ever scare me like that again!" she scolded him, her eyes still wet with tears.

Rubbing the top of his head where his mother had hit him, Kaito asked indignantly, "Hey, that hurt! yknow, what was that for?"

Kushina pulled him into another hug, whispering through her sobs, "I thought I had lost you."

It finally clicked for Kaito why his mother had reacted so strongly. The trauma of losing her husband and now almost losing her eldest son must have been too much for her to bear. He rubbed her back soothingly as she cried on his shoulder.

Eventually, Kushina let go of Kaito and he tried to explain himself. "I couldn't let my clone waste the food I bought, you know? That would just be a waste since I'd still be hungry even if he ate it." Kaito rubbed the back of his head and laughed nervously as he continued, "That's why I sent him to fight in my place. But that cocky clone just had to let his guard down." His frustration was evident in his exasperated tone.

Shikaku shook his head and warned Kaito, "If you don't get down there, you're going to be disqualified."

With a resigned sigh, Kaito replied with a simple "Hai." Turning towards the arena once more, before his body flickered in and out and disappeared.

back on the arena floor

Mangetsu frantically looked around, searching for Kaito while clutching his left arm. Suddenly, Kaito emerged onto the field with a body flicker, his form flickering in and out before fully materializing. In one hand, he held a steaming bowl of ramen, while the other chopsticks.

Casually slurping down some ramen, Kaito asked Mangetsu, "Are we fighting or what?", hearing Kaito's taunt Mangetsu made a series of one-handed hand signs before calling out "Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu." A massive water dragon formed with surrounding water and launched towards Kaito.

Kaito jumped up just before the water dragon impacted where he stood. While in midair, Mangetsu appeared in front of him using the body flicker and swung his sword at Kaito. However, the sword passed right through Kaito's body as an after-image flickered out and Kaito reappeared behind Mangetsu in another flicker. Kaito delivered a chakra-enhanced kick to Mangetsu's back that sent him crashing to the ground.

Mangetsu quickly regained his footing and skidded back on the ground before coming to a stop. But before he could react, Kaito flickered in front of him, and said, "It's kinda getting bored, ya know. Sorry, but I think it's time to end this."

Suddenly, red lightning crackled and surged from Kaito's body as he called out the jutsu's name - "Red Lightning: Nagashi (Stream)." Multiple arcs of red lightning discharged in every direction from Kaito's body and struck Mangetsu.

The bolts of Red lightning struck Mangetsu, their effectiveness heightened by his body's water nature. As the Red lightning coursed through him, Mangetsu's body convulsed and contorted, unable to fully dissipate the electricity due to his watery form. He was thrown backward, crashing to the ground in a half-liquid state. Mangetsu lay motionless, knocked out by Kaito's "Red Lightning: Nagashi (Stream).".

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