
Chapter 1

"kuya?, should we celebrate our birthday next week?, i don't have an extra money"

I pouted and looked at him

"gosh, kuya!, you're more beautiful than me, if I'm a boy?, I'll court you!"

He's gorgeous on his pink cocktail dress and light make up on his face, should i stop calling him he?, he doesn't suit on him

"lock the door, gela, I'll come home tomorrow"

He kissed my head and leave but he comeback after a few seconds

"btw, don't mind the celebration, ok?, it's on me, we will eat on a fancy restaurant i promise"

He just winked at me and leave, gosh! I admire kuya, he looks so beautiful I'm so jealous

I started reading my books, i need to review for my finals tomorrow

I woke up and finish my morning routine and looked for kuya gelo but he isn't here, i just cooked an instant noodels for my breakfast and take a bath after eating

I finished my exam earlier then my professors let me go home earlier than i expected, i got so drained so i slept when the moment that my skin touch the cover of my bed, i didn't even bother to change my uniform, I'll just change later but for now?, i wanna take a rest

I woke up late, it's almost 12 in the morning, i checked kuya in his bedroom but he isn't here, i also checked the whole house but there's no trace of him.

He didn't come home?, maybe he's busy?, lovelife?

I just smiled and look for something to eat on our refrigerator

Days had passed but kuya gelo didn't show himself, I'm starting to worry, did something bad happen to him?

Shit, i need to do something.

My phone rang, i got so curious and nervous at the same time, it's 12 in the morning, who's this person?


"gela, take care of yourself, I'm sorry but i have to do this, this is also for your sake."


Shit, the call ended, i tried to call the same number multiple times, but i got the same answer every time that i tried

"this person isn't available right now, please try again later"

I don't know what to do, i called the police and reported that kuya gelo was missing, they asked me how long has been kuya gelo missing, i told them that he's missing for about a 10 or 11 days.

They told me to calm down and sleep for now, they will do everything and they will just call me if there's an update

I woke up early in the morning and decided to have a walk, i saw alot of people who's having a gossip, kyla grab my hand and told me to calm down, o got so nervous but i gathered myself and looked at the reason of this people who's here

My knees got so weak and i almost lost my consciousness when i saw kuya.
