
Chapter 2

I hugged his body tightly and started crying, i don't care if there's alot of people and this is the first time that i let myself to cry in front of someone.

"k-kuyaaaaa, stop playing around, will you!?

You promised that we will celebrate our birthday in a fancy restaurant, you never keep your promises, i hate you!"

I burried my face into his chest and let myself cry

"kuyaaa, i don't need to eat on a fancy restaurant, i don't care if we will eat a dried fish and fried rice on our birthday, just please open your eyes!

Don't leave me alone, don't go with papa and mama!"

I heard the sound of ambulance, i smiled and look at kyla's face, it seems like she understands what I'm thinking.

She helps me to stand up and she even go to the hospital with me.

The doctor announced 8:49 am, kuya gelo's time of death, dead on arrival.

i can't believe that, that was the last time I'll saw kuya gelo alive, i didn't even hug him that night, i felt so guilty, i need him right now!

Kyla hugged me and let my cry on her shoulder, she's making me calm

I got back on my senses when my phone rang


"hello?, gela?.

It's me, kenzo, i think i saw him again"

"You saw who?"

" i saw your brother, i saw gelo, our assumptions is right, he isn't dead."

My heart beats faster than it used to be, my tears started falling


"gela?, hello?, still there?"

I forgot that I'm on i call, i gathered myself and respond to kenzo

"meet me on the same spot"