
Just This 0nce

In an extraordinary twist of fate, May and her entire class find themselves transported to a distant realm on the brink of catastrophic war. Each student is entrusted with a mission: to prevent an imminent global conflict that threatens to engulf this foreign world. As they arrive, they are scattered to various embassies, each representing a different race in this complex and enigmatic society. May, however, finds herself alone in an ominous, sprawling dark forest. The dense canopy casts eerie shadows, and the forest conceals ancient secrets that may hold the key to both her survival and the world's salvation. In this hostile and untamed wilderness, May must summon all her courage, resourcefulness, and resilience. She grapples not only with the challenges of a perilous environment but also with the knowledge that her actions may influence the outcome of a war that could shape the destiny of an entire world. "Just This 0nce" is an epic tale of a young woman's journey into the heart of darkness, where she discovers her own strength and uncovers the hidden forces at play in a world on the brink of chaos. May's fight for survival becomes a beacon of hope in a world desperately seeking peace. —————————————————————— Before you start reading this know I am leaving the first couple of chapters unedited as they show how far I came as a author Upload is 5 times a week English is not my first language, so if there are any mistakes, please comment, and I will fix them and I am writing this on my phone as I can't afford a PC That is all so enjoy.

AshW0If · แฟนตาซี
70 Chs

Chapter 6 Deadly dangures to Highly Dangures

(A/N- Sorry this is unedited so if you find some mistake do point it out so I might fix it )

[You Have Leveled Up]

[Tetanus] - Your stamina consumption is increased by 20% do to muscle spasms (Lasts for 00:29:34 )

[Sword Mastery Lv 1] - You have a easier time using swords it comes instinctively to you +10% Damage increase and +5% Speed increase while using a sword

POV: 1st Person 

I finished reading all of my notifications and I can't express how glad I was that the new status effect is not permanent but I just don't know what that 30 stands for seconds , minutes or what I truly fear days.

"System the effect will go away in 30 minutes right ? Not days " I was unable to keep my fear of the unknown under check so I found myself asking the system.

[You are correct it is minutes but you should focus more on the aspect of how it appeared for a normal person it will take some time for the symptoms to show themselves but for you it was instantaneous] the system answered and gave me a new fear "So your saying that diseases and the like will effect me immediately ?" I asked with a shaky voice [Yes] The system coldly replied. 'Sigh' I couldn't help but sigh at this new revelation, This was a major weakness that anyone can exploit I mean someone just needed to throw a bunch of diseases at me and I will immediately be weakened.

"Was there a way to fight against it ?" I asked my system as I started walking towards the skeletons to pick up there armor and weapons. [ If you are exposed to a large number of status effects you will get the skill [Status Effect Resistance] that will be helpful in removing your newfound weakness ] the system answered swiftly and its answer helped to remedy my concerns I wanted to ask more questions but I was already standing above my last foe .

The enemy I killed last the only level 1 skeleton lay before me I took its sword and inspected it , the sword was less rusty then the one I was currently using and looked like it might actually cut rather then deal blunt damage , I put my old weapon into my inventory and took the new sword as my primary next was the armor it looked like it was made from some beasts leather and it only covered the chest,back and one shoulder it had some wear and tear as well as some holes here and there but this was better then nothing .

I took it off the skeletons armor and put it on I tried moving to the next skeleton to take its loot but my new armor was to lose it kept hitting my chest with every movement I made , just then the armor flashed a low white light and it started to shrink until it was the perfect size for me I was about to ask the system but it answered before I can even ask the question [ In a RPG game it doesn't matter if the armor was made for a gnome or a giant you will always be able to use it , One size fits all ] "Good to know " I answer

[+3 Rusted Sword]

[+3 Damaged Lether Armor ]

[+1 Large Corrupted Curved Hollow Beast Tooth]

I keep looking around and checking the weapons and armor my foes dropped I even went back to the battle ground and looked arount there for something of value i even checked the skeleton I first killed and I can confidently say I took every thing of any importance I even took a beast tooth, The system said it was hollow on the inside and full of mana and it might be of use to awaken my own mana so I took it. When I took everything of importance I left the area to continue going to the less dangures outer region

I have also decided to save my Status Points so I can increase my attributes on my own as the system said it is easier to increase them in the beginning and harder the higher the attribute was . The Skill point tho I invested in the [Stealth] skill for obvious reasons 

I kept the same pace as before the system tells me when my body is at its limit I stop and rest then continue The run was far easier with the [Stealth Lv3 ] skill as when there was something I was unable to fight I just hid with the skill until the creature left but I also managed to kill a few things most of them not even worth mentioning except the corrupted raven (it dive-bombed me ) that I was able to kill by swinging wildly the sum of my kills gave me 13Xp. I thought I will need to sleep during my long jog but apparently I don't need to sleep any more I only need food and water to keep going. I can sleep of course but it will only earn me a status buff and I rather not sleep in a dangures forest.

After 68 hours of almost non stop jogging I was finally out the inner region and finally I was able to see completely the trees where no longer as dense as before now there were a few feet apart and much shorter that allowed them to give a lot of light . I was finally out of the deadly dangures area and was now in the highly dangures one I was so happy that I might have squealed . Now was the time to find a temporary base of operation and commence operation Power Level .

End of Chapter 6


[Stealth Lv 3] - You are odorless as well as 30% harder to spot in light areas but when in a dark area the effect doubles.


Name: May Parker

HP: 100/100 | MP: 0/0 | Level 3 EXP: 13/40

Race: Human | Sex: Female

Status: Exited [Corrupted]

Strength: 7 (-15%)

Agility: 12 (-15%)

Vitality: 8 (-15%)

Endurance: 10 (-15%)

Dexterity: 5 (-15%)

Intelligence: 5 (-15%)

Wisdom: 7 (-15%)

Luck: 15 (-15%)

Status Points: 10 | Skill Points: 0

Skills: Math Lv 6, Cooking Lv 5, Cleaning Lv 4, Bite Lv 1, Sprint Lv 2, Stealth Lv 3, Sword Mastery Lv 1