
Just This 0nce

In an extraordinary twist of fate, May and her entire class find themselves transported to a distant realm on the brink of catastrophic war. Each student is entrusted with a mission: to prevent an imminent global conflict that threatens to engulf this foreign world. As they arrive, they are scattered to various embassies, each representing a different race in this complex and enigmatic society. May, however, finds herself alone in an ominous, sprawling dark forest. The dense canopy casts eerie shadows, and the forest conceals ancient secrets that may hold the key to both her survival and the world's salvation. In this hostile and untamed wilderness, May must summon all her courage, resourcefulness, and resilience. She grapples not only with the challenges of a perilous environment but also with the knowledge that her actions may influence the outcome of a war that could shape the destiny of an entire world. "Just This 0nce" is an epic tale of a young woman's journey into the heart of darkness, where she discovers her own strength and uncovers the hidden forces at play in a world on the brink of chaos. May's fight for survival becomes a beacon of hope in a world desperately seeking peace. —————————————————————— Before you start reading this know I am leaving the first couple of chapters unedited as they show how far I came as a author Upload is 5 times a week English is not my first language, so if there are any mistakes, please comment, and I will fix them and I am writing this on my phone as I can't afford a PC That is all so enjoy.

AshW0If · แฟนตาซี
70 Chs

Chapter 16 Lucky

Pov :3rd Person

In a hellish landscape surrounded by lava and brimstone there was a woman running for her life the woman had raven dark hair and amber eyes she was running away from a rock coverd monstrosity known as a rocsmilodon.

The woman was slightly faster then the beast so she was slowly increasing the distance between the beast and herself when the beast noticed that it was unable to capture its prey the beast widely opened its mouth, its insides started to glow a hot amber and from its mouth came a condensed beam of liquid fire , the woman side stepped away from the attach as if sensing her impending doom, she managed to evade the core of the attack but the backsplash of the liquid fire managed to hit her back injuring her .



"Fu*k "

The pain from having my back burned was unbearable but I had no time to be paralysed by the pain I needed to get away from the terminator so I ran faster then ever before this was the fastes I was able to run but the beast was still behind me , I was gaining ground on it but I was deathly afraid of its beam attack so I kept glancing at the beast to know when it will open its mouth again to use that attack , I was trying to think of a counter to its highly devastating attack but my brain came up blank as time passed it became more apparent that I was unable to lose my pursuer because whenever there is a large distance between us he fires his beam blast so that I have to dodge and as I am dodging he closes the distance betwen us.


[The Rocsmilodon specialises in Endurance and Defence you will run out of steam far faster then him.]


[78] I choked at amira's response and she was right even if I assign all of my free points into endurance I would still lose hence the only thing I am able to do is fight but I am unsure how.


[The best way is destroying the natural armor of the beast and dealing a critical injury]


[It's primary element is fire that is why it's beam attack is so strong but the armor is made of rocks meaning it has a secondary element of Earth]




[Rock meets high heat makes magma so I suggest knocking the beast into a lava lake]


"I am not getting close to the walking missile launcher but your suggestion has given me a plan of action "

I quickly made the most space that I was able to from the sabertooth and I ran towards a lava lake I had a very dangures plan that just might work if executed perfectly.

When I was came near the laval lake the heat I felt intensified but I didn't have time to care about the heat I quickly reached the shore and knelt down I turned around to see the sabertooth and saw it was 700 meters away from me I had no time to think about the stupid thing I was about to do so I didn't I just acted .

I put my fingers into the lava causing a mind numbing pain to shoot up through my arm all the way through my body but I gritted my teeth and focused my mind on the task I willed the lava into my inventory.

[+1 Liter of Liquid Lava]


[+1 Liter of Liquid Lava]


[+1 Liter of Liquid Lava]


As my inventory was being filled with lava I positioned my free hand towards the sabertooth and willed the lava out of my inventory, the lava left my hand highly pressurised and it flew in a straight line towards the sabertooth.

The beast clearly saw the stream of lava coming towards it but it didn't seem to care and just charged through it .I clearly saw the beasts confidence in its defense but I was unable to stop what I started right now was all of nothing as the beast kept coming closer I sprayed more and more lava at it and when it was 100 meters from me I quickly stoped spraying it with lava and I was finally able to see my handy work.

The rocky armor of the beast was glowing yellow it didn't turn into magma it was still present the fact that my plan failed disappointed me but now was to late for self pity no now I needed to fight

The beast roared in provocative and I responed by getting into a boxing stance.

The beast seeing that it's prey has stoped running was overjoyed it opened its mouth wide and fired its mouth beam

When I saw the beast opening its mouth I did a quick forwards roll towards the beast as it started shooting its beam I punched the sabertooth's mouth closed chosing liquid fire to come out of the beasts nostrils, the sabertooth followed by swiping at me with its paws but I rolled under its arm and punched it in the ribs I heard a cracking sound that signified the first crack in the beasts armor, the beast clearly angry tried to hit me by spinning its entire body causing me to have to make distance by jumping backwards when I made distance I quickly pointed my hands towards the beast and willed some of the lava out of my inventory, the jet of lava hit the beast straight in the face.

I was prepared to fight the beast to the death but then a familiar sound came it was the sound of a dice roll.

[Luck Plays A Role ]

I was overjoyed with that notification and I looked intensely at the sabertooth to see what is happening, I clearly saw the beast step on the puddle of lava and the next moment the beast slipped.

The beast came down head first onto the ground causing the broken sword stuck in its eye to move deeper into its skull hitting the brain.

It was the worlds insta kill but i ended up getting the credit.

[You Have Killed a [Rocsmilodon Lv 9]

[+541 Xp]

[You Have Leveled Up]

[You Have Leveled Up]

[You Have Leveled Up]





"Thank you World for killing this unstoppable monstrosity if it weren't for you I would have definitely died so thank you amen"


End of Chapter: 16


Name: May Parker

HP: 7/100 | MP: 0/0 | Level 8 EXP: 0/640

Race: Human | Sex: Female

Status: Critical Condition[Corrupted]

Strength: 22(-15%)

Agility: 19 (-15%)

Vitality: 16 (-15%)

Endurance: 18 (-15%)

Dexterity: 10 (-15%)

Intelligence: 5 (-15%)

Wisdom: 8 (-15%)

Luck: 15 (-15%)

Status Points: 25 | Skill Points: 3

Skills: Math Lv 6, Cooking Lv 5, Cleaning Lv 4, Bite Lv 1, Sprint Lv 2, Stealth Lv 4, Sword Mastery Lv 1,Skinning Lv 1 , Danger Sense Lv 1,Throwing Lv 2 , Dumb Luck Lv Max, Fire Resistance Lv 3