
Jujutsu Kaisen: The Contractor

Bindings, shackles, geas, chains, all things that restrict everything in our universe. Laws must be put into place and punishments need to be handed out to those who do not respect the rules for the world to retain its functions. But what happens when one can escape that punishment? What happens when one can manipulate those rules? A contract cannot bind one who can escape it. So the world cannot bind 'him' to its rules. He runs freely, unshackled by the rules of humanity and world. A God looking down on the world. ------------------------------------- Story is very slow and does not make the MC strong for the first 40 chapters. If you don't want that then I don't recommend this book for you. *I don't own the cover nor the story this fanfic is based on.*

WutDelusional · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
96 Chs

Culling Games VII

Arriving at the border of the Kyoto colony, Eino prepared herself to enter. Taking a deep breath, she entered the domain and found herself in the air falling from the sky.

'So this is how players have it when entering a colony.' Arai thought unbothered and left Eino to her own devices. She swiftly manipulated the clay around herself to slide down from the building as if she was surfing on it.

Closing their eyes, Arai tried to sense nearby sorcerers and found a signature. Someone was near him with a level of Jujutsu at the level where they would be able to scratch him if he wasn't careful. 'Seems they are further north, I guess we'll see who this is while making our way towards Tokyo.' Arai said before walking to this direction.

They still needed to spend 24 hours in this place and making the most out of it was the better thing to do than laying around doing nothing.

Arai was just about to go on his way but heard someone shout from the top of their lungs.


Looking back, Arai found an elderly man with short grey hair and a thick messy mustache. He wore the traditional samurai attire which was composed of a kimono and sandals.

"How could you keep this beauty from the eyes of the world?!!" The unknown old man screamed at Eino who was so confused.

"You talking to me? I'm flattered but I'm more into men in their twenties." Eino thought him as simply an old creep. This man was not a sorcerer and she was able to tell, even her danger sense told her that he was a normal man.

At that moment-

[New Rule has been added! Players will now be able to transfer points between one another!] Kogane said as he appeared before them.

'What?' Arai thought confused. This rule was not beneficial to most sorcerers as they are tightlipped and would not transfer points even if they died. 

No. This was for someone else.

But that moment of distraction was enough for the unknown old man to grab the sword from Eino's grasp.

"My sword!" Eino said as she tried to grabbed her sheathed sword but right when the unknown man unsheathed the burning red blade, the air around him had changed. The cause was not cursed energy but the sense of danger this man exuded. 

'Switch Eino!' Arai spurted into action and took back control. He immediately jumped back before the man swung his blade at him causing an explosion of power with the slash.

'The hell was that!' Eino was shocked at this development. Never in her wildest of dreams did she think this old man was this strong. All that changed was that he now wielded a sword.

Arai frowned at this newcomer. 'Was that an innate technique? Doesn't seem like it. To be honest, that looked like it almost held no cursed energy other than the blade's. That was achieved by raw skill.'

"Beware of an old man in a profession where men usually die young." Arai muttered.

"What a truly beautiful blade this is! Tsumukari, a beautiful name for a beautiful blade!!" The man known as Hagane Daido kept going off and off about the katana he stole from Arai.

But the freak show had not finished introducing all of its cast members as a new star appeared.

The man Arai sensed as a sorcerer had sensed him too and entered the fray. 

Rokujushi Miyo is a muscular man with a peculiar hairstyle. The top of his head is bald but he's styled the rest of his hair in a spiky fashion that juts out three hundred and sixty degrees around the rest of his head. His hair is dark and his eyebrows are thick while his eyes are a lighter color. Rokujushi doesn't wear clothes other than his mawashi, a traditional sumo loincloth.

"Tch! So many old crazy folks are getting in my way." Arai muttered annoyed at the two.


"Let me sumo with you." 

A simple domain had been deployed. A domain that cut off everything else in the world but their skill in sumo. It eliminates all other techniques inside of it but can only be activated with the other partner's consent.

Normally, Arai would not accept it. He would not initiate a fight that is not needed.

"Alright, let's do this."


The domain had been formed around them entrapping the two. As Miyo took on his sumo stance, he saw that Arai standing straight and had his hands in his pockets.

"Hey! That's not a sumo stance!" Miyo yelled out in anger. As someone who solely lived for sumo, accepting a sumo challenge and then not taking the proper respect to fight in one was insulting to not only him but every sumo wrestler in the world.

Arai chuckled as he took his hands out and touched the barrier behind him. "No... no it isn't. Or rather, this won't be a sumo fight."

In an area cut off from the outside world, Kogane nor the mastermind of this games could look within the domain. Miyo underestimated him, or rather he could not have predicted something like this have happened.

That someone would tamper with his domain.

Arai smiled before punching Miyo in the face sending his crashing into his own domain. With a face bloodied and full of disbelief, Miyo could only mutter. "How?"

Miyo's simple domain required a pact to cut off everything else. To only use sumo skills in the fight, but that could not bind Arai who was the master of all binding vows.

"Clench your teeth because this is going to be a beatdown." 

Miyo was cool about it and even smiled. Sumo was the best but fighting someone who wasn't doing the same as him was fun as well. Though not comparable to sumo.

"Let's play!"

Miyo charged at Arai making him duck the attack thrown by Miyo and was about to jump back but had his leg grabbed by Miyo.

"Don't underestimate sumo." Miyo said before using the momentum to throw Arai away.

His body landed on the ground but he quickly regained his footing before kicking him in the face. Both wiped the dirt off their face as they glared at one another. 

"Playing dirty won't stop me. You don't understand the feeling of a fight. The feeling of communicating with your opponent. That is what this fight is, communicating with your rival. Colliding with your ideologies and feel everything around you. Smell the light, see the sounds, feel everything outside and inside yourself. When that happens-"

"Look old man, I'm not here to receive enlightenment. We're not the same." Arai cut him off and looks down his hands. "There are different kind of worldviews, sure you're right about that. But that also means that there are different kinds of enlightenment. Yours is through fighting, mine is through defeat. Yours is freedom, mine is restriction." 

[Falling Blossom Emotion]

Arai had activated his own technique and wrapped his body in cursed energy.

"So let's do this one more time."

Arai threw a ball of clay which exploded into small shrapnel cutting Miyo's body and forcing him to block. The sharp shrapnel cut his body and blocked his vision making Arai spur behind him landing a kick to his back before grabbing his face and smashing it to the ground.

"Haha! You're better than I thought." Miyo said as blood dripped down his face. Unbothered by how he lost.

"Because I don't solely focus on sumo, if you only do that then its going to be predictable." Arai said before shaping clay into a sword. As he was about to kill Miyo, he heard the sound of glass shattering.

The simple domain made it so that time passed faster inside than outside and like most domains, the barrier was weak to the outside.

"How could you stop me from using this katana?!"

Hagane burst through the shattered barrier with his sword and was swung down aiming to split Arai's head in half. Arai though knew what had happened and pulled back his head just in time as his face was grazed by the blade spilling drops of blood in the air.

Pulling back his arm, he then slammed his fist into Hagane's chest sending a devastating blow to his stomach and making him cough blood. His body slammed into the wall but before he could fall, Arai grabbed the man by the back and kneed him in the spine making the distinct sound of bone breaking heard by the three.


"One who lives by the blade, dies by the blade." Arai said before decapitating the man in mid air. Leaving the body and head to fall on the ground splattering blood everywhere. He grabbed his sword and placed the sheath on his hips. Arai's eyes then locked on his next target, the sumo incarnator.

"Hehe, are you going to give me the honor of dying by sumo like that samurai." He said while having his head still on the ground.

"I don't care about your honor, I just did it because it was the fastest way for him to die." Arai said before taking the red blade and stabbed him in the head killing him. This resulted in the barrier collapsing revealing the outside world to him.

"10 points have been added." Kogane said as he appeared behind him.

Arai looked back to Kogane and smiled. That rule wasn't something sorcerers of the game would do. Sure they could threaten others so that they can transfer points but most sorcerers are too tightlipped to do so. At the end of the day, pride was something that bound them from doing it.

This could only mean one thing.

'Itadori Yuji. They entered the game.' 

He knew his next destination now.

After Arai left, someone arrived at the scene and looked at the corpses with a frown. This someone was Noritoshi Kamo. Previous heir to the Kamo clan's leader, but now he no longer held that position.

With a sigh, he simply walked away to his next destination with no purpose left inside of him.