
Jujutsu Kaisen: Kokketsu

An average young man dies and is reborn in a world of Sorcerers and Curses. Watch as he reaches the top with his meta-knowledge and innate abilities. Author: "Hello, readers. This is the Author speaking. I wanted to inform you that Jujustu Kaisen and all images seen do not belong to me. Also, this story takes place in an AU, meaning there will be changes in the timeline. If any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors occur, then feel free to say it in the comments. Thank you for reading this fanfiction and see you readers later!"

Ash_Grey_858 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs

Volume 1: Chapter 6: Special Grade

Time Skip: Four Years Later

Location: Mt. Kumotori

POV: Third Person

January 3, 2003.

The sun is setting as it is almost nighttime.

At the bottom of Mt. Kumotori, a raven-haired boy with red eyes is on his phone as he goes towards the mountain.

Kokketsu: "A week ago, reports of a pair of foreigners went missing when they traversed the mountains. It's theorized that a Cursed Spirit is involved in their disappearance. So a Sorcerer was sent to investigate this case but never returned afterward. You get that Satoru?"

Right behind him, a silver-haired boy with blue eyes has his hands on his white coat pockets.

He adjusted his dark-lensed goggles as he replied.

Gojo: "I could care less what this mission is about, I'm just hoping that this Curse can last longer than the previous one."

Kokketsu just rolled his eyes as he put his phone on his black parka.

The hood of his parka swayed with the cold wind.

Kokketsu: "Easy for you to say. Unlike you, I have no defensive techniques to block away all that gross shit."

Gojo just snickered as he said.

Gojo: "You're just upset that you got covered in blood and guts after we made that Cursed Spirit explode."

Kokketsu just rolled his eyes as they continued their way up the mountain.

If you are wondering why are they going on a mission, it all started a few years ago.

Flashback: 3 Years Ago

Location: Gojo Clan Garden

POV: Third Person

The two boys were resting at a tree in the garden as they looked at the clouds.

After a while, Kokketsu started asking questions about certain topics.

Kokketsu: "Hey, Satoru. If you clean a vacuum cleaner, does that make you a vacuum cleaner?"

Gojo thought for a minute and answered.

Gojo: "That just makes you a vacuum cleaner cleaner."

A minute passed and Kokketsu asked.

Kokketsu: "Satoru, if olive oil is made from olives, what is baby oil made from?"

Gojo went silent again for a minute and replied.

Gojo: "Babies."

Kokketsu: "Ohhh. That's kinda dark, but okay."

The boys went quiet for a while.

Kokketsu: "Hey Satoru, what's the tastiest color in the alphabet, true or false?"

Go looked at him weirdly as he asked.

Gojo: "Satoshi. Are you high?"

Kokketsu: "Nah, I'm Satoshi."




Gojo/Kokketsu: "Hehehehehehehehehe."

As the boys lightly laughed at their antics, a maid appeared and spoke.

Maid: "Gojo-sama, Kokketsu-sama. Master is calling you both from his study."

The two boys sat up and looked at each other.

Kokketsu: "What does Ojii-san want from us? Did you do something stupid again?"

Gojo just shrugged.

Gojo: "I don't know, and I was about to ask you the same thing. The last time I checked, I haven't done anything in the past hour to piss off the old man."

The two were confused since most of the time, they get called to Yamato's study due to their antics.

Nonetheless, they stood up and followed the maid as she guided them to the study.

Location: Yamato's Study Room

Yamato: "You boys must be wondering why you're both here, and before you start pointing fingers at each other, no you're not in trouble, which I remind you many times not to stop before I lose my patience."

The boys sat on a chair as they looked at the silver-haired stoic man.

Gojo Yamato, the current Patriarch of the Gojo Clan and the father of Gojo Satoru.

Kokketsu: "Then what exactly did you call us for, Ojii-san?"

Yamato pulled a file as he said.

Yamato: "Satoru, Satoshi, I have read reports on the progress of your training, and I must say, I'm impressed. It has also come to my attention that you boys are currently unsatisfied these past few days. So I talked to your mothers yesterday and with a bit of convincing, you boys can now undertake missions to prepare you both for the real world."




Gojo/Kokketsu: "Ehhh?"

The boys were speechless.

They didn't expect that their mothers would let their children undertake life-and-death missions, especially Kokketsu.

Kokketsu then asked Yamato.

Kokketsu: "Ojii-san. I understand Satoru's case, but how exactly did you convince my mother?"

Yamato just sighed as he replied.

Yamato: "Honestly, I was just fortunate. When I told your mothers about this decision of mine, Satsuki-san was more upset than Satomi. She looked like she was ready to bury me alive but I informed her that you boys won't be children for long. So it's for the best to prepare you for the outside world so you won't crash and burn. Besides, my Shikigami will monitor you both to ensure you will be safe if things get difficult. So what do you say, do you boys agree?"

Kokketsu and Gojo looked at each other and smiled.

Gojo: "Have I ever told you that you are the best dad ever, Tou-san?"

Yamato just ignored his son as he continued.

Yamato: "By tomorrow morning, before sunrise, you will be debriefed about the mission and escorted to the location by our Sorcerers. I only ask you both to proceed with caution. If the mission is proven too much for you both, my Shikigami will forcefully evacuate you both away from the location. Do you understand?"

The boys nod happily, thinking about the fun that they are about to experience.

A few years later, the boys traveled to various places, exorcising Cursed Spirits, beating up Cursed User, making a name for themselves, and enjoying the time of their lives.

Flashback: End

POV: Third Person

Kokketsu and Gojo arrived where the last sighting of the foreigners was.

Kokketsu made a hand sign and said.

Kokketsu: "Fox. Spread out and find any clues."

A leash of Foxes appeared from his shadow and started investigating the area.

Gojo lifted his goggles as his Six Eyes glowed.

Kokketsu: "See anything?"

Gojo looked around and said.

Gojo: "Well, I can spot some minuscule amounts of remnants of Cursed Energy, but the weirdest part is that there are no footprints. It's like our suspect decided to float around the place at random."

Kokketsu then heard one of the Foxes called out to him.

Fox: "Kokketsu-sama, I found something of interest."

Kokketsu then went in that direction while telling Gojo.

Kokketsu: "Satoru, one of them found something."

Gojo followed and after a while, Fox guided them to the top.

But as they took one step, the scenery changed.

It was instantly midnight and snow started falling.

The ground was covered in snow and there wasn't a single tree on sight.

Kokketsu looked at Gojo as he said.

Kokketsu: "Domain Expansion?"

Gojo: "Yup."

Kokketsu: "Possibility of being Special Grade?"

Gojo: "80%. The other 20% is that it may be a Cursed User."

Kokketsu: "Rock Paper Scissors on who gets the first kill?"

Gojo: "You're on."

Gojo pulled out Rock and Kokketsu pulled out Paper.

Gojo groaned in frustration while Kokketsu smirked.

Kokketsu: "Okay then, now it's time to find our Special Grade snowman."

The boys walked around for a bit and it wasn't long before they witnessed a surprising sight.

There they were, two foreigners and the missing Jujutsu Sorcerer, frozen in place like a statue.

Gojo looked at the three victims and sighed.

Gojo: "They're dead."

Kokketsu frowned.

While this wasn't the first time they saw a dead body, it still wasn't a pretty sight.

The boys already experienced killing a Cursed User who preys on the weak and innocent.

Those moments made the boys realize that not everyone can be saved or redeemed.

Kokketsu's shadow spread towards the three corpses and he stored them inside his inventory.

Gojo pat his best friend's back as he asked.

Gojo: "Let's get going."

Kokketsu nodded as they continued on their journey.

Time Skip: One Hour Later

The two boys walked around for what felt like an hour.

A blizzard that started a while ago began to increase its intensity.

As they walked, Gojo was starting to feel cold while Kokketsu just remained unfazed.

After a while, Gojo whined.

Gojo: "God, this blizzard is getting worse by the minute. Where the hell is this bastard?"

Kokketsu: "Oh quit your whining, Six Eyes. It's not even a few hours and you're already whining."

Gojo just groaned as he pulled out a candy bar and opened it.

Gojo: "I don't wanna hear it from the guy who can increase his body heat with his blood."

Gojo takes a bite but finds out that his candy bar is now frozen solid.

Gojo: "..."

Kokketsu looked at his best friend with pity and said.

Kokketsu: "Okay now that is just cold, metaphorically and literally."

Gojo took a deep breath and exhaled loudly.

Gojo: "You know what? Fuck this."

He threw away his frozen candy bar and pointed his hands at the sky.

Kokketsu sighed as he stepped away from him.

Gojo: "Cursed Technique Lapse - Maximum Output: Blue."

In his hands is a glowing blue sphere that starts attracting everything in his vicinity.

After a while, the area was cleared out and they finally saw... a floating pale lady in a white kimono?

Gojo/Kokketsu: "..."

Gojo and Kokketsu looked at each other and they looked back at the supposed perpetrator.




Kokketsu: "Uhhh, hey Cursed Spirit lady. Are you good?"

Lady: "..."

The lady looked at Kokketsu with zero emotion.

They stared at each other for a full minute, which made Kokketsu feel awkward.

Gojo on the other hand just looked at the awkward scene in amusement.

Gojo: "Soooooooooooo, you two gonna kiss or what?"

Kokketsu: "Shut it Six Eyes! Don't make this even more weird than it already is!"

The lady on the other hand just looked at the two boys in silence.

Lady: "..."

She then raised her right hand in front of her mouth and blew a gust of wind, which caused large icicles to pop out of the ground.

But the two already got prepared.

Gojo just used Infinity to block the icicles, while Kokketsu put his hands to get her and aimed.

Kokketsu: "Blood Manipulation: Piercing Blood."

The jet of blood pierced through the icicles and hit the Cursed Spirit.

But she already froze the blood and shattered it to pieces.

She looked at the boys stoically as she spoke for the first time.

Lady: "Leave me."

In an instant, a blizzard appeared which limited the two boys' vision and separated them.

Gojo was about to make another Maximum Output Blue to clear out the snow but his entire being was engulfed in a wave of snow.

He was now underneath the snow but remained calm as he said.

Gojo: "I wonder how Satoshi is doing. I'm sure he's doing well."

Kokketsu on the other hand was surrounded by hundreds of snowflakes that started rotating and flew towards him at incredibly high speeds.

He uses his Flowing Red Scale in tandem with his Projection Sorcery to evade every single snowflake.

Kokketsu: "Impressive. This Cursed Spirit is keeping up to my speed."

He then decided to run around as the snowflakes followed him.

After a while, Kokketsu spotted the Cursed Spirit and went towards her.

The Cursed Spirit saw him as she raised her left hand created a massive snowball and shot it at Kokketsu.

But Gojo emerged from the snow and saw this, he used Blue to attract the snowball towards him.

This gave Kokketsu an opening and jumped over the Cursed Spirit, while at the same time, the snowflakes froze an inch away from her.

But what she did not realize was that as her snowflakes distracted her, a bunch of blood chains wrapped around her and pulled her toward the ground.

She stoically looked at her bindings as she saw a trail of blood that went towards Kokketsu who had his hand in the snow.

Kokketsu: "Blood Manipulation: Crimson Binding."

This gave Gojo an opening to teleport towards her and kicked her upwards.

As she was in the air, Kokketsu appeared in front of her, kicked her downwards, and then turned her into a frame.

She hits the ground hard and she coughs off blood.

All of a sudden, she was pulled towards Gojo.

Gojo then pulled his fist to punch her but was blocked by a wall of solid ice.

She then managed to break the Crimson Bindings through sheer strength alone and floated upwards.

As she looked down at the two guys, she yelled.

Lady: "I... Said... LEAVE ME!!!"

She made the blizzard even more intense and made ice needles rain everywhere.

Kokketsu saw this and then made a hand sign.

Kokketsu: "Serpent."

From his shadow emerged a giant green serpent that wrapped his body around Kokketsu as he was struck by a lot of ice needles.

Gojo on the other hand blocked the needles with his Infinity.

What happened next is that the ice needles bloomed into ice flowers that spread everywhere.

Gojo was engulfed in a dome of ice, while Serpent was frozen in place as his scales were torn by the ice flowers.

Kokketsu: "Shit. Sorry Serpent. I'll make it up to you later."

Serpent unwrapped himself from Kokketsu as he started shedding his damaged scales, healing the damage.

Kokketsu looked at the ice dome that started to crack and then shattered, revealing Gojo who was inside.

The two boys looked at each other as they then looked at the Cursed Spirit.

Kokketsu: "Satoru, I wanna try talking to her."

Gojo looked at Kokketsu curiously.

Gojo: "Really? You gonna try seducing her or something?"

Kokketsu just shrugged.

Kokketsu: "Meh, something."

He then took a few steps forward and asked.

Kokketsu: "Hey! What's your name?!"

Lady: "..."

The blizzard continued as the lady looked at Kokketsu in silence.

But Kokketsu remained unfazed and continued.

Kokketsu: "Listen! My name is Kolketsu Satoshi! We're not here to hurt you! We're just wondering why you killed those three guys!"

Lady: "..."

A minute passed and then the blizzard started disappearing.

The Cursed Spirit goes down and proceeds to float towards Kokketsu.

Lady: "..."

Kokketsu: "..."

Gojo: "..."

This ladies and gentlemen was the most awkward situation that Kokketsu has ever been involved with in both lives.