
Jujutsu Kaisen: Kokketsu

An average young man dies and is reborn in a world of Sorcerers and Curses. Watch as he reaches the top with his meta-knowledge and innate abilities. Author: "Hello, readers. This is the Author speaking. I wanted to inform you that Jujustu Kaisen and all images seen do not belong to me. Also, this story takes place in an AU, meaning there will be changes in the timeline. If any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors occur, then feel free to say it in the comments. Thank you for reading this fanfiction and see you readers later!"

Ash_Grey_858 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Volume 1: Chapter 5: Subjugation Ritual

Time Skip: 2 Weeks Later

Location: Gojo Clan Training Grounds

POV: Kokketsu Satoshi

It was nearly midnight.

The evening winds are blowing softly.

The crickets are singing their melody.

The moon is full and is illuminating the surroundings.

As for me, I was currently at the center of the Training Grounds, bathing in the moonlight.

For what reason?

I'm gonna summon my second Shikigami and do a Subjugation Ritual.

Kokketsu: "It's almost time."

Outside the battlefield are three individuals.

My best friend, Gojo Satoru, stayed up late at night just to see my fight.

My mother, Kokketsu Satsuki, who was worried for my well-being.

And Fox, my Shikigami.

My mother was the first to speak in worry.

Satsuki: "Sato-kun, are you sure you are ready for this? How about you do this together with Fox and Sato-kun? Better yet, what if you do this next year?"

Fox just shook her head.

Fox: "That is not possible, Satsuki-sama. For the Subjugation Ritual, the Nine Shadows User must perform the ritual on their own, otherwise the ritual will fail. And I have faith in Kokketsu-sama's capabilities. There is nothing to worry about."

Gojo also commented.

Gojo: "Fox is right. Relax, Obaa-san. This is Satoshi we're talking about. If anything, I'd be more surprised if he took his time to win."

Their words helped calm my mother down a bit, but was still worried nonetheless.

Satsuki: "I know, but..."

I looked at my mother with a smile and said.

Kokketsu: "Mama, it's okay. I know what I'm capable of. I promise, if I fail today, then I'll do this next year. But I won't fail, after all..."

Kokketsu: "... I'm strong."

Fox then informed me of the time.

Fox: "It's time."

Mother just sighed as she nodded in acceptance.

Gojo pulled a pair of 3D glasses and some caramel-coated popcorn, out of nowhere.

Kokketsu: 'Seriously, Six Eyes?'

It just took a deep breath and exhaled loudly.

I made a hand sign and chant.

Kokketsu: "Emerge from darkness, blacker than darkness. Purify that which is impure."

A barrier emerged from the sky as it started surrounding the arena.

As the Curtain was about to close, I heard my mother whisper.

Satsuki: "Good luck, Sato-kun."

The Curtain closes, but I made it transparent from the outside for them to see the battle unfold.

I just smiled as I made another hand sign.

This time, it's different.

Kokketsu: "Serpent."





In my shadow, a giant green serpent violently emerged and rapidly surrounded the arena as its massive body wrecked the place.

Kokketsu: "Wow. You are one big snake. Almost as big as a bullet train."

His head moved towards me as he realized that he wasn't alone.

He then looks at me with killing intent and hunger.

Serpent: *Hiss*

I remained calm as he just stood there...


I cracked my knocked as I walked towards him.

Kokketsu: "Ohh? Do you want a piece of me? Bring it on then."

Serpent hissed at me as it charged at me at breakneck speeds.

His jaws opened wide with the intent to devour me whole.

As he was about to devour me, I sidestepped to the left as he went past me and made him crash into a tree.

I chuckled as my body started feeling hotter as I said.

Kokketsu: "Blood Manipulation: Flowing Red Scale."

Serpent regained his bearings as he looked back and charged at me again.

But I used my Projection Sorcery and was now instantly right on top of him.

Kokketsu: "Huh, how disappointing."

My hand touched his head as was about to turn him into a frame...




Kokketsu: "Ehhh?"

Serpent: *Hiss*

He just violently shook me off as I just jumped away from him.

Serpent attempted to strike me from behind with his tail, but I swiftly evaded.

The tip of his tail penetrates the solid earth with ease as it continues its onslaught of attacks.

All I did was just dodging, blocking, parrying, etc.

As I did so, I just said.

Kokketsu: "That was odd. You're either too big for me to turn into a frame, or I haven't mastered Projection Sorcery to accommodate bigger targets. And here I thought it was gonna be easy. I'm glad you proved me wrong, Serpent."

As I dodged another tail strike, I cut my wrists and let the blood come out.

Kokketsu: "Blood Manipulation: Crimson Bindings."

A pair of small yet durable chains of blood emerged from my hands.

I stared at Serpent as I smirked.

Kokketsu: 'Time to channel my inner Belmont.'

We both charged at each other as I did a barrage of whip attacks at him.

He swiftly dodged all of them and then sprayed venom towards me.

I projected behind his attack as I wrapped the chains around a nearby pillar and threw it on Serpent.

It hit his body, but it did nothing due to his hard scales.

Kokketsu: 'Shit.'

I decided to do a different approach and attempt to wrap them around his body.

Of course, he didn't let me attempt to do so as he went around dodging them but I instantly appeared behind him and wrapped it around his body.

Kokketsu: "Yes! I got ya!"

He didn't like that and just looked at me as if wondering what was next.

Kokketsu: "Uhhh, I gotta admit, I did not think this through."

Serpent: *Hiss*

He just hissed at me in anger as he then started shaking his head and slithering around the arena.


I crashed into a bunch of stuff, such as a tree, a boulder, the ground, and even the Curtain itself.

Fortunately, my Flowing Red Scale made my body durable enough to tank the damage.

POV: Third Person

Meanwhile, outside the Curtain.

Gojo: "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! This is so much better than comedy shows!"

Gojo was laughing out loud, obviously entertained at Kokketsu's misfortune while eating some popcorn.

Satsuki on the other hand was gripping on her kimono in worry as she had to witness her son being manhandled by his own Shikigami.

Satsuki: 'Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be okay...'

She kept repeating those words in her mind as she witnessed the battle, while in the background, you could hear Gojo choking a bit from laughing too much while eating popcorn.

Fox just continued to silently watch her master battle her fellow Shikigami as she thought.

Fox: 'Kokketsu-sama... I have complete faith in your strength, but you will soon realize that the rest of the Shikigami will not easily bow down to anyone. Especially... IT.'

POV: Kokketsu Satoshi

I finally had enough as I deactivated the Crimson Bindings.

But the Serpent just tail-whipped me downwards and I ended up crashing hard toward the ground.

Kokketsu: "Owww... My... Owww..."

But I didn't have enough time to complain when Serpent surrounded me and wrapped me around his body.

And there I was, being constricted by my own Shikigami as I struggled to get out.

He started frightening his grip as I struggled to get out.

Kokketsu: "Grrrrrr... I... Am... Not... Into... Bondage.... I.... losing..... oxygen....."


Am I gonna lose?

POV: Third Person

Outside the Curtain, Satsuki was now fully panicking.

Satsuki: "SATOSHI!"

She was about to approach the Curtain but was blocked by Fox who stood in her way.

Fox: "Satsuki-sama, it would be in your best interest if you calm down. I assure you that Kokketsu-sama has everything under control."

Hearing this, Satsuki was angry at her words.

Satsuki: "Are you blind?! My baby is about to die! How can you call that under control?!"

Fox just remained unfazed as she continued.

Fox: "This is why Kokketsu-sama was against letting you know of this Ritual. With all due respect, your interference will only be a hindrance to his growth. Remember, your son will not remain a child forever. He will face obstacles and challenges as he grows. Many will seek to harm him and his loved ones just because of existing alone. If you cannot let him gain the strength to protect what is dear to him, then what is the point in having been gifted with great power?"

A week ago, Kokketsu talked to Gojo about taming his next Shikigami.

Unfortunately, his mother overheard their conversation and was against the idea.

It took Kokketsu almost a week to convince his mother otherwise, which she did, but under the condition that she would be there to watch the battle.

Fox continued.

Fox: "I understand your worries. No sane parent shall ever wish to have their children in harm's way, but Kokketsu-sama needs to face these battles to be prepared for future ones. If you truly wish for what's best for your child, then trust the words from one mother to another. This is what's best for him."

Satsuki was speechless.

She wanted to deny Fox's words, but deep down, she was right.

After losing the one and only love of her life, she doesn't want to lose the only thing that's giving her the will to live.

But as much as she wants to keep her baby safe, she doesn't want him to be held back because of her.

After a long internal debate, Satsuki sighed in defeat and sat back down in silence.

Fox bows in gratitude as they both return to spectate the battle.

Meanwhile, Gojo just sat there in silence as he watched Kokketsu being constricted by Serpent.

Gojo knew that Kokketsu may not be gifted with infinite intelligence, but he made up for it with his supernatural strength and cunning.

Gojo: 'There is no way you will lose. I know you're hiding an ace in the hole somewhere.'

Gojo wasn't worried for him for even a bit because he knew he would win.

After all...

He is his best friend.

POV: Kokketsu Satoshi

Nah, I'd win.

Serpent continued to constrict me as I started slowly resisting him and appeared getting weaker by the second.

But in reality, my Flowing Red Scale was keeping my internal organ from being crushed as I collected blood from my mouth with the help of Convergence: Stack.

Kokketsu: 'That's it... C'mon... Eat me... I'm weak and vulnerable... And I'm offering myself to you...'

After a minute or two, Serpent sees that I am 'losing consciousness' and opens his mouth to devour me whole.

As he was getting closer and closer, I smiled as I opened my mouth, revealing a big red orb.

Kokketsu: 'Sike!' "Blood Manipulation: Piercing Blood: Stack."

Serpent was too late to react when a crimson beam of blood blasted towards his mouth as it penetrated through his head.

I didn't stop there as I traced the beam throughout his whole body and essentially cut him in half, freeing me from his clutches.

Afterward, I just stood there as I looked around.

Only blood and guts remained as I saw Serpent disappear.

I smiled as I commented.

Kokketsu: "I knew that with my current strength, I couldn't penetrate through your scales, so I decided to aim where it hurts. After you caught me, it was no longer a battle of strength, but of patience. You couldn't wait to have me inside your stomach, so you just went for the kill, not realizing that I was faking it. In the end, I've won."

I looked towards the spectators and just gave them a smile and a thumbs up.

The Curtain was then dispelled as I approached them.

My mother ran towards me and gave me a big hug to which I reciprocated.

I felt droplets on my head as she spoke.

Satsuki: "Don't ever do that stupid stunt again. You hear me, young man?"

I sighed as I just nodded in agreement.

After a while, we let go and I saw Gojo with a grin on his face.

Gojo: "That was pretty clever, Satoshi. Even the poor bastard didn't see it coming."

I just smiled back as we high-fived.

Kokketsu: "I got to admit. He made me break a sweat, but I managed in the end." 'I have to thank Six Paths Madara for the idea.'

The Piercing Blood in the mouth was a reference to Six Paths Madara's Sage Art: Storm Release Light Fang.

Fox sat by my side as she said.

Fox: "Congratulations, Kokketsu-sama. Now Serpent is under your command."

I nodded as I headpat Fox as she was desummoned.

I looked towards the battleground as I made a hand sign.

Kokketsu: "Serpent."

From my shadows emerged a giant green serpent, but this time, he was more tamed.

Once he emerged, he bowed down to me.

Serpent: "I have been subjugated. I will be of service." *Hiss*

I smiled as I patted his scaly head.

Kokketsu: "Welcome to the family, Serpent. Mind telling me about your techniques."

He nods as he explains.

Serpent: *Hiss* "I am an expert in the field of stealth and assassination. My scales are also durable enough to defend me from Grade 1 Techniques. I also have a potent venom that rivals the Kamo Clan's poisonous blood, but it is not limited to Cursed Spirits only."

I nodded as I thought of a couple of ideas to use his abilities in combat.

Kokketsu: "Thanks Serpent. That is all for now. You can go and rest."

I desummoned Serpent, and afterward, I heard my mother say.

Satsuki: "I don't like him."

I looked at my mother pouting as I just shook my head.

Kokketsu: "Well, this has been a productive evening. I don't know about you guys but I am beat. How about let's call it a night?"

As I said so, Gojo already left, leaving me with my mother.

Kokketsu: "Wow. What a douchebag."

Satsuki: *Giggle* "Come on Sato-kun. Let's go to bed."

I nodded in agreement as we went to bed.