
Journey of The Spirit Dragon

Shen Xiao the main lead of the story, faces many hardships after his parents went missing. He and his sister losed everything after the property that left behind by his parents is acqired by other big families and they are betrayed by the subordinates of his father. He wanted to everything back and give them the same humilation that he and his sister suffered but he was to weak for that. Afters years of strugle he awakens his bloodline of the Spirit Dragon and steps on the path of cultivation. He is introduced to the world of cultivation that his hidden in another realm connected to Earth. His adventures leads him to know many secrets that are burried in the history of this planet. The Fate of universe lies in his hands as he is the Spirit Dragon whose name has vanished in the time. The ruler and protector of spirit races with a huge responsibility on his shoulder yet unaware of it. Follow Shen Xiao's journey to what lies ahead and how he overcome the hurdles in his journey.

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40 Chs

Dual Cultivation Technique

Then Shen Xiao sat up while pulling Feng Xian'er onto his lap, his dick drilling deeper into her pussy.

"Ahn~ So deep, but I like this!" After a while, Feng Xing pushed Shen Xiao to lie down, took over the control in a cowgirl position, and moved her hips fast. "Ahn~ I like your dick so much!"

Shen xiao was stunned to see her wild behaviour. He then smiled and started pinching her nipples and holding her breast which were bouncing as she moved up and down.

"I really like your lustfull and wild side Xing'er" He said as he started to suck on her nipples.

Before long, they both reached the peak of sexual pleasure once again. Shen Xiao thrust his dick deeper, and he shot his semen and Yang Qi straight into Feng Xing's womb as her love juice and Yin Qi flowed from her pussy.

After that they embraced each other and didn't continue. After some time they sat cross legged and started cultivating. 

They both cultivated primordial yin-yang union. As they cutivated they found lotus budding in their consiousness. Shen xiao looked into his consiousness as he found the lotus rotating and sucking all the yin energy from Feng Xing and his cultivation grew rapidly. From middle stage of Qi Manifestation realm he his cumtivation rose to two minor stages and stopped at peak stage of Qi manifestation realm. It was beacause of Feng Xing's Virgin qi and yin qi was very potent as she is a Phoenix.

On the other hand Feng xing also felt chages because her cultivation rose to middle stage of qi gathering realm from early stage of body foundation realm. She could also feel her shackles on bloodline loosen. She was very exicted to see this. 

It was because Shen Xiao's Yang qi was very rich due to bloodline and his cultivation was higher compared to Feng Xing. Due to the rapid rise in their cultivation they need to consolidate it otherwise it will ruin their foundation. 

After cultivating they could feel that they have a strange connection between they and they could feel each others presence very clearly.

Just as they were thinking about it Mia appeared between them as she laughed seeing them. Both of them felt awkward seeing her there.

"what are are you doing here Mia" Asked Shen xiao as the covered their bodies and wore clothes.

"why are you feeling shy master, did you forget that i am part of you and i can see everything you see and know what you think." she said

"I know you were thinking about the connection you guys feel after dual cultivcation. It is due to your cultivation technique 'primordial yin-yang union'. As your cultivation increases and you dual cutivate more you will increase its effects. Now that you guys have stepped into first stage of dual cultivation technique it is showniung its effects. It also depends on your feeling for each other. For this connection to for both parties should be using this technique." She explained

"It is interesting. I can also feel when you are in danger, when we are not together with each other." said Shen Xiao

After talking some time they again started to dual culticate. They could feel the deep love and care they have for each other. Then they cultivated to conslidate their foundation of cultivation as as it has increased during their dual cultivation session tonight.

Shen Xiao reached at peak of Qi manifestation realm and Feng Xing's cultivation rose again as she reached at late stage of Qi gathering realm.

After cultivating they open their eyes and looked at each other. They embraced each other and slept in their room.

At morning Feng Xing was the first to wake up. She looked at Shen Xiao who was peacefully sleeping and she smiled. After few minutes he also woke up and both of them went out of Spirit Space.

"You can bring Yao'er to Spirit world and teach her cultivation so that she can divert her mind and can regain her past self." Sai Shen Xiao

"You should also act agressive towards her, Sister Xia and my mother. So that they can also be your harem members. I can't hanlde you alone. After cumming so many times you were still hard as ever and i was overwhelmed." she said

He felt at loss of words listening to her complaints.

Suddenly Mia spoke, "Yes master, she is right, you need many women to increase your cultivation other wise you will lag behind. Your cultivation is very slow due to Primal Spirtual veins. Moreover when you reach higher in cultivations it will be more slower."

He also knew that but he didn't want rush things with them due to his selfish desire to become strong. He did not want to use his women as cultivation resource.

"What are thinking, I know they will be ready because they already like you but they can't express due to mortal thinking. Now that we are cultivators we shouldn't think much abvout it, otherwise whats the point of cultivating."

Seeing Feng Xing's different behavior than usual he was puzzeled. Because she has changed a lot than before, not that he mind these changes.

Seeing his thoughts Mia spoke "master this change in her nature is due to her bloodline and you have to be ready because she will change more because she is a phoenix. Moreover you yourself will also change as you bloodline will awake in future. As spirit dragon is lustfull, Ruthless and little arrogant." 

Shen Xiao was lost in thought listening to her words but then he chose to embrace the changes because things were changing for better for the first time in few years.

He sighed inwardly and thought that he would let nature take the course and he will be ready for the future.

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