
Journey of The Spirit Dragon

Shen Xiao the main lead of the story, faces many hardships after his parents went missing. He and his sister losed everything after the property that left behind by his parents is acqired by other big families and they are betrayed by the subordinates of his father. He wanted to everything back and give them the same humilation that he and his sister suffered but he was to weak for that. Afters years of strugle he awakens his bloodline of the Spirit Dragon and steps on the path of cultivation. He is introduced to the world of cultivation that his hidden in another realm connected to Earth. His adventures leads him to know many secrets that are burried in the history of this planet. The Fate of universe lies in his hands as he is the Spirit Dragon whose name has vanished in the time. The ruler and protector of spirit races with a huge responsibility on his shoulder yet unaware of it. Follow Shen Xiao's journey to what lies ahead and how he overcome the hurdles in his journey.

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40 Chs

Shen Xiao - Feng Ruxue

After taking some time they went out iof the room but today no one was there as both Shen Xia and Feng ruxue were cultivating. Shen xia wanted to get stroger and Feng ruxueliked the changes inheer body that she felt after cultivating. Althought her cultivation was low but it helped her to smoothen her skin and she looked little younger.

Feng Ruxue owned a restaurant and she loved cooking food. All the customers at her palce were from rich families as the food quality was good and it was expensive.

When Shen Xiao entered in spirit space he directly went to her as Feng Xing said to him to act aggressive towards her. Feng Ruxue had mischevios nature as she liked tease him a little.

When he saw her sitting there he was dazed for a moment seeing her hot figure. Now that her body has been nourished by primal qi, she was looking more beautifull than before.

"Am i looking beautifull xiao'er she asked"

he nodded at her "yes big sis you are looking very hot today even i was dazed for a moment. You look like Feng Xing's big sister more then her mother."

She was taken aback by his reply but then she smiled seeing him teasing her back for first time. Otherwise he is always serious and focused. She was happy to see him change a little. She stood up as he was standing near her.

They both looked into each others eyes and smiled. She said " Are you planning to take us mother and daughter into you Harem."

Shen Xiao smiled at her and held her by her waist and pulled her towards him. He caressed her cheak and said "i already said you look like sisters not mother daughter."

She was stunned by his action as it was the first time she has been this close to any man. Moreover Shen xiao was reserved person so she couldn't comprehend his action.

She didn't say anything or stopped him and directly looked her into his eyes. Shen xiao also stood there and then his grip tightened on her waist and he moved forward their lips met. Feng Ruxue folded her arms around his neck and responded to his kiss.

seeing positive response from her he then moved his tongue into her mouth. Feng Ruxue already lost into kiss welcomed his toungue as their toungues intertwined and they kissed passionately.

"what am i doing? why can't i controll myself? and his kiss is so good i never thought kissing is this enjoyable."

she was attracted to him because when he came near her and pulled her into his arms Shen Xiao activated his charm technique. This made her even more vulnerable to him and she lost in savouring her first kiss.

Shen Xiao's hand moved from her waist as he touched her breast and pinched her nipple. Feeling this Feng ruxue came back to her senses and pushed him a little. She said "Xiao'er I am sorry but i am not ready for this yet. Although i know you need women and you had crush on me for a long time. I still need some time think about this. Feng Xing also told me to accept you as my man i need time process these changes in our life as things are going on a very fast pace."

"Don't worry aunt xue i will never force you do anything you don't want to do, You can take your time." he said and hugged her tightly. She didn't push him from her away and hugged back, he then kissed her forehead gently.

She blushed from the getle treatment from Shen Xiao.

He then asked "why are you sitting here alone, i thought you were cultivating."

"I was thinking about improving my restaurant and expanding it by opening a little since we need more resources and money for our cultivation." said Ruxue

He called Mia and introduced them with each other. He also aked Mia about their problems they were facing financially.

"Master, to impove the dishes you can rear the animals in spirit world and set up a formation on them. As they will grow faster and will be nourished by spirit qi with that help. They will become more tasty and healthy to eat for common people. moreover even cultivators will also come to eat that food."

"As for financial problem you don't need worry about that as you can use spirit tower's technology to hack bank account and transfer money into your account without anyone knowing, moreover you don't need money a lot but you need spirit stones. All the spirit stones used in Jade realm are low grade spirit stones." she explained

He was elated by her explanation and told her to transfer some money from Ling families account to his.

But she rejected him, she said "Ling family the strongest and minor family in Jade realm. They have backing of Qin Family. Ling family's patriarch is now at early stage of heaven origin realm. Whereas Qin family has many people at this realm and their strogest person is at late stage of heaven origin realm."

"Master if you need money we can take from Ye family as their family is also very rich. Although they have some cultivators in their younger generation and are part of some sects but their family is overall very weak compared to Ling family. They only have Ling family of earth as their backing." she said 

He knew that he was weak so doesn't want to mess with those strong families yet. Mia immediately transfered 100 million yuan from their account to his account. He was astonised to see this large amount and then an evil smile appeared on his face. He said to Mia "transfer all the funds of Ye family to charity accounts like hospitals and childcare or orphanage. They should do something good with their money."

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