
Join My Curse, Lone Ghost

Yihyun, a lonely high school student who struggles with isolation and self-doubt, born by the life of his mother, hated by father and lived alone, The Establishment of the mysterious symbol appearing on teenagers’ phones, sparking intrigue and curiosity in the community., Human-Eating Monsters appeared

YihyunCheonsu · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

The Silence

[ Warning : Sensitive Content, Swearing, Gore Warnings ]

8 Pm :Dong-Nae, Busan, At a Cram School

The cram school buzzed with the sound of students shuffling in their seats, their attention divided between their textbooks and the whispered conversations around them

Seated at his desk, Choi Byung-ho leaned towards his benchmate, a hint of boredom and curiousity in his voice and asked

"Do you believe in Buddhism?"

"...No, why did you even bring up that fat baldy?"

His benchmate, a girl with a sharp tongue and a quick wit, scoffed in response, her gaze fixed firmly on her notebook

"That's rude! Buddha is like... uh... someone who's the faith for humans to be happy!" Choi Byung-ho defended the budha, his voice growing more stupid with each word.

"...Pfft... whatever" She muttered, turning her attention back to her notes

The monotony of the cram school lecture stretching out before him like an endless expanse of tedium

"...Why are you even here... let's go outside! Why don't we play games or something... instead of this... long lecture?" Choi Byung-ho suggested, his voice tinged with irritation and despair, just wanting to get out of this boring place

"...That's why you get low grades, moron" His Benchmate replied with a withering look, her words dripping with disdain but a bit of a smile

Choi Byung-ho bristled at her insult, his pride wounded by her biting remark.

"...Not like you have much better grades than me, idiot.." Choi Byung-Ho replied, his voice tinged with defiance

The tension between them crackled in the air, thick with unspoken animosity and resentment

"...Fu*k off, asshole" she retorted, her tone final as she closed herself off, effectively ending the conversation

As the clock ticked past 9 PM, the cram school began to empty out, students shuffling tiredly through the echoing hallways, The fluorescent lights flickered in the ceiling, casting a harsh glow over their tired faces

Among them were Choi Byung-ho and Ayame Ito, their footsteps echoing off the floors as they made their way out

Choi Byung-ho's stomach growled audibly, breaking the silence between them

"Damn.. I'm hungry.. Wanna eat together?" Choi Byung-ho asked, his voice tinged with tiredness

"...Fine... But I'll have Japanese food! And you'll pay! All of it" Ayame Ito replied, her tone playful as she teased him

Choi Byung-ho's eyes widened in mock surprise, his lips curling into a grin as he accepted her challenge.

"...Fu*k you... What do I get in return if I do that?"

Choi Byung-ho replied back, his playful banter drawing a chuckle from Ayame

"Well.. a hug? Isn't that enough for my little boy??"

Ayame Ito told him while nudging him gently with her elbow.

Choi Byung-ho rolled his eyes with a laugh

"...Fu*king mor*n... Fine! But don't see me as a pushover! I'm tough!"

Choi Byung-ho replied, his act masking the fondness he felt for Ayame

As they walked side by side, their laughter filled the empty corridors, a testament to the bond they share

11 Pm : Dong-Nae, at a lonely house

As Yihyun were laying in his bed, his wounds fully healed, Yihyun Cheonsu felt someone tapping him in his sleep

"W-who the-"

As Yihyun's eyes adjusted to the dimly lit room, he could see the faint outline of Xynon or Eunji Kang

standing before him

The soft glow of the moonlight seeped through the curtains, casting gentle shadows across her face. The air was still, filled only with the sounds of the night

"Eunji Noona? Why are you here?"

Yihyun's voice trembled slightly as he spoke, the uncertainty palpable in the air

"I'm here to protect you, Yihyun. Your dad asked me to. I'm your guardian now." Xynon hesitated for a moment before replying, her voice carrying a mixture of sincerity and deception since half of it were the truth but the other half being not

"My dad? But I haven't seen him in-"

Yihyun's brow furrowed in confusion as he spoke but

Xynon cut him off gently, her tone soothing yet evasive

"Let's not dwell on that now, You're hurt, aren't you? I cooked something up for you"

As she spoke, the aroma of home-cooked food wafted through the air, tempting Yihyun's senses. Despite his apprehension, he couldn't deny the enticing smell, and a flicker of comfort washed over him

Yihyun rose slowly from his bed, the floorboards creaking softly beneath his weight, He followed Xynon into the kitchen

12 Pm : Unknown

In the eerie silence of the underground chamber, Lee Jae Yun and Xyphurak stood before the commanding voice, their hearts heavy with regret and fear

The darkness enveloped them like a suffocating cloak, intensifying the sense of foreboding that hung in the air

"Seraphis, Xyphurak, Enter the hall"

The voice commanded, echoing off the cold, stone walls

As they obeyed the command, their footsteps echoed ominously in the vast emptiness, Lee Jae Yun and Xyphurak exchanged uneasy glances, knowing that they had brought upon themselves the wrath of an entity far more powerful than they could comprehend

"You both have shown your form and revealed our identity, How do you plan on covering it up?"

The voice pierced through the darkness, its authority sending shivers down their spines

"Let's kill whoever saw the video and-"

Xyphurak, ever impulsive, began to suggest a violent solution, but Lee Jae Yun silenced him with a firm hand over his mouth. With a resigned sigh, Lee Jae Yun spoke, his voice trembling with submission

"We shall accept any punishment you give us, Lord."

A palpable tension hung in the air as they awaited the being's judgment. Then, with a chilling calmness, the voice spoke again, its words dripping with a menacing force

"I think it's about time we reveal ourselves, You'll be the first ones to launch an attack. After all, we have to pick the 'Qualified Ones'"

Lee Jae Yun and Xyphurak exchanged a glance, their dread deepening at the implication of the being's words. With a heavy heart, they bowed in submission, knowing that they were now pawns in a game far darker and more sinister than they had ever imagined

As Lee Jae Yun and Xyphurak walked away from the ominous meeting, the tension between them lingered, a palpable weight on their shoulders

Xyphurak's frustration bubbled to the surface, his frown deepening as he expressed his discontent

"Well, he just suggested what I was gonna say"

Xyphurak muttered, his voice tinged with irritation as he pout

"You were more reckless than he? Well, whatever. How do you plan this?"

Lee Jae Yun sighed at his behaviour but asked him how to plan the attack

"Let's bust open the cities!! Woo-hoo! Fun~"

With a mischievous gleam in his eye, Xyphurak's expression brightened, his enthusiasm infectious, he smiles widely and somewhat cutely

Lee Jae Yun couldn't suppress a chuckle at Xyphurak's exuberance, shaking his head in fond exasperation.

"You're really a musclehead"

Lee Jae Yun replied, his tone tinged with both affection and resignation as they continued on their path

"Do you have a better plan then?"

Xyphurak's question hung in the air, his eyes searching Lee Jae Yun's for a glimmer of hope or a semblance of a better plan.

Lee Jae Yun's gaze was steady, his mind already churning with strategies and contingencies

"I'm planning to start from school"

Lee Jae Yun began, his voice measured yet tinged with determination

"We'll create a wave, stir up enough chaos to sow the seeds of fear and uncertainty, Then, we'll slip into hiding before the next attack"

"That's basically what i said, but yeah! let's do it!"

Xyphurak's expression shifted, a mixture of irritation and excitement crossing his face

With a nod of agreement, Lee Jae Yun and Xyphurak set off into the darkness, their resolve firm and their hearts set on the path ahead. Though the road ahead was fraught with peril, they faced it together, united in their mission to bring about a new era of fear and chaos

1 Am : Dong-Nae, at Yihyun's house

In the quiet of Yihyun's room, the soft glow of his computer screen illuminated the darkness as he immersed himself in late-night gaming. The faint clickings of his keyboard echoed in the room



The sound broke the silence, a soft thud followed by the gentle rustle of movement. Before he could react, a sudden impact stunned him, a swift blow to the head, sending his senses reeling. Yihyun's vision blurred as darkness threatened to consume him

Through the haze, he felt himself being lifted, his body guided with a gentle yet firm touch. The sensation was disorienting, his mind struggling to comprehend what was happening

As his consciousness waned, Yihyun was gently placed onto his bed, The events of the night blurred together as sleep claimed him, leaving him to drift into dreams, unaware of the watchful presence that lingered in the shadows

In the dim light of Yihyun's room, Xynon gazed down at the unconscious figure on the bed, mingling with uncertainty in her expression

"Gwishin, what's your name again?" Xynon asked softly, her voice barely above a whisper as she addressed the entity inhabiting Yihyun's body

"Iwata, Iwata Sarakeino" came the reply, though the voice carried an unfamiliar tone, a subtle shift in demeanor that hinted at a presence beyond Yihyun's consciousness.

"How long must I act like his cousin?" Xynon asked, her voice laced with a mixture of resignation and determination

"Till you can. You also have to improve on human speech"

Yihyun's unconscious body replied, his words spoken with a detached air, as if guided by forces beyond his control

Xynon's brow furrowed in understanding as she processed the situation, her mind racing with questions and uncertainties

"So, you got trapped in that kid's body when you were looking for a host"

she ventured, her tone tinged with curiosity and a hint of sympathy

But before she could receive a response

Yihyun's unconscious body sighed, a gesture of resignation and embarrassment


Yihyun's unconscious body murmured, his voice betraying a vulnerability that echoed in the stillness of the room after his eyes slowly closing again

"What had i gotten myself into"

Xynon muttered as She quietly merged with the shadows as she left from the dark room