
Chapter 3: the first day of classes-part 1

I woke up pretty early, atleast compared to anybody else. My internal clock told me it was 4 am, and my clock was always accurate down to the second. As It was early in the morning I began my routine from my first life. Habits are hard to break when they begin, and to undo them is like mental training in and of itself. I begin by doing push-ups, trying for my past lifes max of 100, but failed at 30. 'Damn, I forgot I am in a young body again' I thought to myself as my arms now acke. Time to move on to squats then. As I began to do squats, my legs began to ache at 45, and It felt to painful to continue at 50. I then did various other excercises like lunges and tri-cep dips until they ached as well. 

'Man if this hurts, I don't want to know what a run would do' I thought as I went to the showers which were located at the end of the boys hall of the dormitories. On the way, I noticed some influence from Kazuki's card. My posture is straight, my steps gracefull, and a slight tinge of beauty to my face. 'Not bad' I thought as I then began my hot shower which took not too long as I then got dressed in uniform. I looked at the hat for a moment but discarded it, as even the robe was a bit much but the hat was a no go. I went back to the dorm room, put my hat back in my trunk, and then I went downstairs towards the common room. 

it was 5:45 when I got down there and I was surprised to see Hermione down there as well, thought the not surpriseing part was the book in her hands. I quietly began to walk towards her, silent as a mouse until I startled her with a question. "What are you reading?" I asked her as I notice her jump a little. "Jesus, you scared me!" she began to yell but she silented down after seeing me. "Oh, its just you John" she said relieved it wasn't anybody else. "You still haven't answered my question" I told her as her eyes widened at the realisation. "Oh, it is the beginners potions text book, I wanted to get some reading in before we start class" she said as I then sat down on the couch, a book seemingly drawn out of my cloak but was really hidden in my inventory. I opened up the grade one spell book and began reading as well. 

"Are you hoping to get a headstart too?" asked Hermione as she spied what I was reading on. "Well, a little preperation never hurt, and I think I might badger Harry to do the same" I told her. "Wait, why would you do that towards the boy who lived, I thought wizards idolized him" she said as she began to put the book down in favor of conversating with me. I mean, the outcome was obvious as she truly had no friends in school and hoped that what made her different there might make her fit in here. I daresay, it is quite sad. "Well I come from the muggle part of the world, so my reverence for him is little, though the ones we should revere are his parents" I said to her. "I guess your right" she said as our conversation began to move onto theory work. 

Apparently, we both wanted to know the breakdown behind the logic of spells, but spied less logic and more feeling. I guess we had one thing in comment, wanting to know how magic ticked in a sense. "Hey, lets be friends" I offered her as she widened her eyes in surprise. "Friends! Are you sure?" she asked with slight hesitation. It is understandable, I am a stranger and she used to be friendless in school so nervousness is what she should be feeling. "Yeah, I think having you as a friend could be awesome" I said to her, which wasn't a lie. Having someone who seems to share your enthusiasm in things is one of the greatest things you could have. Heck, one of my best friends was a fellow enlistee in the military, Gunney Hamilton I called him. 

"Sure then!" she said with enthusiasm. We then shook our hands to signify this new friendship. As we resumed our conversation, various students began to trickle down into the hall as it began to hit seven o'clock. "Well, lets go down to the Great Hall for some breakfast" I said to Hermione as we began to head down towards the place where we were all sorted. After what felt like endless stairs and other trickeries, we finally arrived at the Great Hall. Inside the Great Hall was various professors, most noteably the heads of the four houses: McGonnagall, Flitwick, Snape, and Sprout. 

Along a table was various breakfast dishes like sausages, gravey, eggs, toast, and other wonderful things that made my heart begin to clench in agony at what these could do to me. I loaded a light amount of stuff on my plate and got some water as I sat down. While we were in the throughs of eating, I pull up my system and see that Kazuki finished assimilating, meaning I can role for a new card. I head over to the template tab and noticed the spin button flashing with gusto. 'Excited huh' I thought to myself as I mentally click the button icon as the wheel begin to spin with speed. As I waited for the wheel to stop spinning, me and Hermione engaged in conversation. Hermione was nervous at this part and had trouble talking a little, but it was understnadeable. 

As our conversations began winding down, the wheel slowed to a halt as the next character I drew was [Harutora Tsuchimikado(full set)].

'Okay what the hell is a full set?'