
First day of classes- Part 2

'What the hell is a fullt set?' I asked myself in confusion as the template system responded. 

[ A full set means everything connected to a character like past lives, knowledge, weapons, and other pieces connected to them like familiars, or in this case, shikigami]

'Well that clears that up I guess, but who is Harutora?' I asked myself as the description of the card pulled up. Apparently, he is the main character of a novel series called Tokyo Ravens who is an onmyoji, a type of japanese magician. He ends up in several realisations that lead him to Onmyou Academy in Tokyo where he fights monsters and makes friends along the way. 'Okay, standard shonen level character, though maybe more seinen maybe' I thought to myself as I click the assimilate button. 

I then feel two foreign presences assault my being, as well as a connection to something hidden within my inventory. Then a deluge of knowledge and techniques from Harutora's life began to assimilate into my being as I then feel slight diziness from the process. "John!" said Hermione as she increased her voice to get my attention. "What, oh sorry Hermione I felt dizy for a moment" I told her as she changes her face to reflect worry. "Do we need to find a nurse?" she asked. "No, I think I just might have ate to little, so I will get more food" I said to hide the source of the diziness and went towards the table to grab more food to eat. 

As I went towards the table to get more food, I bring up the screen silently as I view my inventory and noticed some new editions to the mix beside the quil and parchment. What looks like a japanese school uniform, a buddhist ringed staff, a shikifu( a new term), and something known as the Ravens wing. As I sat down, I dismissed the system and saw my head of house come over to our table, carrying a stack of parchment papers. "Here are your schedules for this year, now remember you can choose electives your third year onward but your core classes will remain like potions" she said as she swiftly sent them to each and every student in a feat of magic. 

I recieved my schedules to notice I had potions first with the slytherins, then transfiguration, and Defense against the Dark Arts today. Astrology is at midnight every night and herbology and charms are thursday. "Well, the schedule seems pretty full ey Hermione" I say to her as I show her my schedule, even though it is the exact same. "Yeah, to bad we can't take anymore classes" she lamented as I patted her shoulder. "Well, this is the most optimal without stressing oneself into sickness Hermione" I told her as I began to eat as Ron said a comment how wanting more classes seems odd. Harry noticed quickly elbowed him in the side as he was eating. 

After I finished eating, I left the table to go towards potions class. I would call potions the most interesting thing in fantasy fiction. I mean, they can vary from the basic healoing vials to potions that help ascension into immortality like the Horai elixir. It was one of the classes I wanted to join the most in my last life, along with runes and alchemy if there ever was a chance. As I near the dungeon, the shift in temperature felt sudden and my body somewhat bristled in the cold. It was not dangerous and hypothermia wasn't a danger that would be brought up.

I then head towards the door of the classroom and go inside and sit down at a spot that was in the middle of the room on the left. It was only a few more minutes until the rest of the students begin piling in. The room seemed to be a somewhat equal divide between slytherins and gryffindors. Sitting next to me was Hermion, and Harry and Ron was sitting in front of us. I then hear the door bang open to see Snape coming into the classroom. "There will be no foolish wand waving in this class" he began to say as he neared the front of the room. He eyed us for a minute and when he got to Harry, his stare became what looked like a mixed of sorrow and revolting at his sight. 

"I don't expect many of you to consider potions magic as the waving of wands and incantations don't play a major part in its processes. However, I can teach you potions subtle ways of healing wounds, bottling glory, and even putting a stopper to death, if you aren't the dunder heads I usually teach" he said as he then began to stare at Harry. "Harry Potter, our new celebrity. Tell me potter, what would happen if I added powdered root of Asphodel to an infusion of worm wood?" he asked potter in a tone that was full of subtle mockery. "I dont know sir" said Harry. 

"Clearly fame isn't everything Potter. Where would you look if I asked you to find a bezoar?" Snape asked again. Harry replied the same answer. "What is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?" asked Snape again as Harry replied the same as he did the 1st two times. Hermiones hand shot up for every question but she was quickly ignored by the professor. " Well Potter, powdered root of Asphodel and Wormwood infusions make a powerful sleep potion known as the draught of Living Death. A bezoar is a counter against most poisons found in a goats stomach, and monkshood and wolfsbane are the same plant, which also goes by aconite" said Snape as he snapped at everybody else wondering why they were not writing it down. 

He then wrote instructions on a board and sat down, expecting us to read and do as he wrote without any starting words from him to explain the steps in further detail. Annoyed at his flagrant teaching style that shows his lack of care, I begin by wiping down my station as is basic and began gathering ingredients for a potion to cure boils. As me and Hermione was nearing the ending stages, an accident happened with Nevilles group as his couldron melted and was now covered in red welts. Snape came over quickly as though it was teleportation and began admonishing him and Harry for this mistake. Class could not end any sooner for me as I left the class as time ran out. I quickly made my way to transfiguration, noticing a nice little tabby cat with spectacle markings. I was not due to class until it was ten minutes passed. I went over to the cat and picked up to pet it. 

It looked alarmed and very embarassed at what happened to it, and for good reason. This tabby was my own transfiguration professor, Professor McGonagall. I treated her like a normal cat, all the while knowing who it was. She transformed into a cat and should have expected this from students. As other students began to trickle in, I put her down and headed towards my seat. As the class began Harry and Ron rushed in here, being around 5 minutes late. "Thank god the professor is here yet" says Ron as McGonnagal then leaped of her desk and transformed before our very eyes back into human form. "Well well, I suppose you have a good reason to being late?" asked McGonnagal as she stared down the two students. "We got lost professor" said Harry as he looked down at the floor. 

"Well maybe I should transfigure one of you into a map, then you might arrive here on time" said McGonnagal as she sent them to find seats and then began her lecture by saying "Transfiguration is a class in which messing around will not be tolerated, those who don't take my warning seriously will be removed." She then wrote down notes for us on the board and began explaining them in broad detail. It was basic for the first day, but she said that as class progresses, the theory behind our work will get harder and harder. She then handed us match sticks to began transforming them into needles. 

I took out my wand from my inventory and finally got a real good look at it. It was made of oak and was 11 inches of length. It was ornate and had various vines engraved into the wood. I then aimed my wand at the matchstick and muttered the incantation. I then felt something inside me flow from my body into the matchstick, changing its shape into a fine silver needle. "Fine work Mr.Liebert, 5 points to gryffindor" said McGonnagal and students stared in awe. After about 20 minutes, class ended and we had lunch. We then headed towards DADA, and it smelt heavily of garlic. I made sure to try and block it out but it did not work. "At this rate, with his stutter I might as well self-study" I said to myself as I walked out of his classroom to eat and be done with class. 

As our classes for the day finished, and dinner time passed we all headed towards our dorms for bed. As I lay in bed, I pull out my parchment and ink. I tear a strip of parchment and begin to draw the Kanji used in Shikigami creation in scratch like fashion. 'I should get me a brush to use' I mused as I finished the shikifu. I then began meditation to find my reiki, spiritual power, and began to convert some of it into spell power. As it was my first time to attempt and excersise, I was left somewhat exhausted. I then focused the spell power into the creation of the shikigami while muttering various incantations in my head. I then mutter order and watch as the shikifu transformed into a black raven.

"Well well, guess I can use you as my little spy" I said as I looked at the bird. The bird showed no emotion. However, I feel that if I tried hard enough, I could convert it into a shikigami with alot more autonomy. "How about I name you Kuro, it fits your feathers color" I said to it as a glowing white character then etched itself onto its core, giving it a more autonomous life. "Now go and spy for me, my little Kuro" I said to it as I released it from the window and went to bed. 

[A/N: Sorry if the end was not good, I kind of wanted to rush it so we can get to the good part of the story and finally get some plot action going. I even have plans maybe to find a way for him to travel to the worlds of his abilities. Also, if you had an idea for an item to be drawn let me know. Though there is no garantee I will put it in there. Goodbye dear readers.]

Reiki- means spiritual power in tokyo ravens and is used for various onmyoji abilities after its conversion to spell power. 

Shikifu- the talisman used to create and control shikigami.