
Jewelry of the Apocalypse

Many years ago, a catastrophic plague engulfed the world changing it forever. Society was built anew in its wake. George, a remnant of the old world with a passion for eating, ventures beyond the ruins of the past to uncover the mystery of the world’s collapse. Along his travels, George comes across a pair of mercenaries, Blaire and Rupert. The opportunist and their counterpart the big muscle. Together they uncover the dirty secrets of cults and kings alike. All the while, a mysterious shadow lurks behind our heroes. Just who is K.M.? Why is George hearing voices? What is the true power of the Heart of Evolution? Will George ever find meat in a can?

Hotsauce_Bacon · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

Chapter 19 [Follow the Purple stoned Path]

The trip to the surface was about as gross as tunneling through layers of flesh sounded. Bits of torn flesh scarred from the rapid succession of injuries led to the trio's escape.

As flesh turned to soil and then to rock, George gritted his teeth as the ground split above them revealing the brilliant night sky overhead. With the long since extinction of light pollution, the cosmos were allowed to share the incandescent beauty of galaxies long forgotten to the weary travelers.

George sat on a nearby cluster of what used to be half of a building and with the last of his adrenaline pumping through him he looked down at Mimi and smiled. "It's alright," he said softly, properly cradling her. "It's over…" As Blaire and Rupert emerged from the hole, they found the pair of them huddled next to each other fast asleep.

With the danger long past, Blaire reached inside of their bag, pulling the silver disk from inside. Around the edge of the disk were a set of glyph-like markings that glowed a light blue as they placed a thumb towards the center. "This is the Rabid Ranger, the fern has bloomed. I repeat, the fern has bloomed." Once Blaire was done with the message, the glyphs went dark. They turned the outer edge of the disk to the left, revealing a new set of glyphs from which a golden glow now emanated.

"This is the Rabid Ranger, now requesting pickup from the ruined city. The mission was successful." A moment passes before the disk crackles to life.

"Excellent work, I'll have an escort send you to the palace at once. All hail the king." The voice was younger in tone, perhaps it was a junior member of the castle guard. All Blaire said in return was: "All hail the king." Before the glyphs went dark.

"How long do you think until they get here?" Rupert asked, setting down the other bags.

"Hmm, it might take them about a couple days to get here. Maybe tomorrow if we're lucky." Blaire smirked as the two of them sat on a pile of rubble next to George and Mimi.

"I doubt the people over at the Reserve would send anyone. Wouldn't want the king to get suspicious. I mean it was a pain in the ass to try and get this kind of reputation on our own. Fucker's too careful." Rupert pulled back part of his mane.

"Yeah well, it took us this long to get where we are. It's not like we can back out now." Blaire reached into their bag, pulling out a dagger. The blade was curved in both directions, resembling that of a snake. All the pair could do was go over their mission. Their real mission.


In the bustling square of the capital city of Bazelong, Shops littered the walkways, their colorful signs glittering in the sun. A shop clerk waved at the several small children as they raced on the stone pathway, the vibrant purple hue almost looking like it came from a dream. In the middle of the square sat a wonderous fountain with the visage of a Dragon-like lion clad in regal attire, one of their claws distinctly sharper than the rest. Underneath the statue was the inscription: IN MEMORY OF OUR VALIANT LEADER BASIL CABINRUZ. Next to the fountain laid a small wooden sign that read in bright red lettering: ONE NIGHT ONLY. The fantastical Night Circus featuring the mystifying Aurobora. On the right of the sign stood a young looking soldier, saluting. A look of admiration in their coal eyes. The greenish silver of his armor sparkled as they stood at attention, ear as sharp as spear heads.

From behind a shadow loomed over the stalwart young soldier. At first it wasn't a problem perhaps it was just a civilian admiring the statue. It was when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He felt his spine stiffen as the dark spindly fingers wrapped around his shoulder. He could practically feel the eyes staring at him, almost as if glaring holes into his very head.

Greymann tried to close his eyes but they wouldn't listen. He stared in abject horror as the face of the stranger came into view, the brilliant blue hue of their hair shining in the sun. "Hello~" the stranger slithered, smiling with a grin too large for their face.

In the castle, knights stood guard at the front gate the peacefulness of the capital dulling their senses. While both carried spears, the one to the right of the large wooden door, a frog-like soldier, their wide mouth opening in a yawn. The other knight, a goat like soldier, much taller than their frog counterpart shook his head in an attempt to keep himself awake. The taller knight was the first one to notice Greymann bounding towards the front gate. Frantically he tapped the frog's shoulder, jostling him awake. "Hey! Hey! Wake up, the kid's coming back."

"Huh, already?" The frog asked, squinting as the greenish blob quickly came into view. The dust spraying in a cloud as his feet slapped against the ground.

When he arrived at the gate, the two guards looked at him in confusion. "You okay?" The goat one asked. "You look like you've just seen that mother of all terrors.." the frog added.

"Are you sure Grody? Looks like he's been scared half to death to me." The goat responded clearly disregarding the actual issue.

"Look Breygar, that's not the point. Obviously he's got something to say to us. Go on, out with it kid!"

As the two of them stopped speaking, Greymann simply said eight words. "I need to speak with his majesty." The two guards looked at each other and then back at the junior knight before shrugging.

"Alright…" Breygar said pulling one of the two levers on the side of the door. Grody on the other hand had a bit more trouble, his slimy fingers not gripping the lever properly. "I've almost….got…it!" He croaked. From behind, Greymann he felt the same dominating as before. A chill ran down his spine as he grabbed the lever for him, Grody nodding his head in recognition. "Thanks lad."

As the two levers clicked into place, the large wooden door between them began to open, allowing the knight entry into the castle.

The young knight wasted no time talking to any of the other occupants as he bursted into the crown chamber the ornate pattern on the door resembling thorn-riddled vines reaching downward.

The king did not look up completely from his work as the doors slammed against the stone walls. Only giving Greymann a passing glance before returning to his paperwork. It was one thing to do paperwork when he was a merchant but now as this kingdom's ruler, he swore that his workload had doubled. Of course, that is to be expected after killing off many of the nobles from the previous era.

"What is it?" Cabinruz huffed as the young man closed the doors behind him.

"Uhm your majesty.."Greymann took a deep breath, collecting himself before he announced. "There is someone who wishes to speak with you."

"Oh?" The king replied, curious as the only people were himself and the knight. Amused, he set aside his quil and looked up properly. "And who is it that wishes to speak with me?" He asked.

"I don't know their name but they claim to be an old friend of yours…." Greymann said.

Cabinruz put one claw to his chin. An old friend? He thought. Then he remembered what Lieutenant Darwyn had mentioned several days ago.

"You see sir, it appears that the circus will be coming to the capitol, and I generally believe that it would be wise to visit." Darwyn said.

Cabinruz waived the notion away as he went back to his work.

Back in the present, Cabinruz put two claws to his temple while he sighed. Of course it would be him.... he thought as the shadow behind the young knight grew considerably. He sighed before dismissing them.

Greymann gave the king a courteous bow before leaving. However, his shadow remained.

It twisted and stretched to impossible lengths until it crept towards Cabinruz. As the shadow became more distinct, long spindly fingers tapped across the stone wall. A cheerfully grim laugh trickled from the shadow. Cabinruz rolled his eyes at the display.

"Must you always make things a spectacle?" He asked the man fully emerging from the shadow behind Cabinruz. His chuckle persisted as his gloved hands laid on the king's shoulders.

"Now now, dear Basil~ why I see you're as boring as ever…" The man launched off of Basil's shoulders and flipped into a somersault before landing in front of the desk.

"I told you not to call me that, Aurobora." Basil scowled at the gaudy clown before him. He didn't care that he was higher in seniority, Cabinruz still dispised it that someone so young could be so informal towards him.

"Oh Basil~ you look so adorable when you scowl… just makes me want to do something exciting.." Cabinruz shuddered when the clown uttered the word exciting.

"Master is pleased with your work. I personally thought that it could be a bit more interesting but that's just an old clown's opinion." Aurobora grinned as Cabinruz nodded.

"Yes, yes those two mercenaries are quite remarkable, aren't they?" Upon mention of the mercenaries being a group of two, Aurobora's grin widened.

"Oh ho ho~ well then your highness I believe there be an interesting surprise for you very soon~" From the way his mouth curled to the unusual length of his teeth, there was always something that disturbed Cabinruz about Aurobora's smile.

"Oh by the way~ have you ever thought about getting an assistant, a pupil perhaps. Who knows….it's always good to have a spare after the first clown dies. Hehehe~" Before Cabinruz could answer, the mad jester disappeared in a cloud of smoke that carried itself out of the room, leaving Cabinruz in a coughing fit.

Outside on the surrounding road beneath the balcony a gilded carriage towed by a three-headed horse trotted down the purple stone path to the front gate.


Several days ago-

George and Mimi were playing with Bonzai amidst the rubble of the city, while Blaire and Rupert were keeping watch over their camp. With the injury that Big Mama had taken from their escape, the loud rumbles that once made their home in the city, now a resounding silence blanketed the area. Only to be momentarily broken by the sound of laughter and playing.

However their playing was interrupted by the braying of something that George had long since wished to hear. A horse. With his eyes closed, George approached the animal until it two other heads leaned into view. When George opened his eyes he was almost taken aback for a moment.

"What?" Blaire said walking to the side of the carriage. "Have you never seen a trorse before?"

"Well… I mean, yes but no….I've seen one but it only had one head.." George kept his gaze on the grip of heads all whinnying, neighing, and braying respectively. The middle head seemed to enjoy George, sniffing at his clothes all over with happy snorts. Blaire turned to George, a confused look on their face.

"Pfftt, a one-headed trorse? Please that's only been talked about in stories." They laughed at the absurdity.

The other heads seemed disinterested to say the least. The driver of the carriage stepped down from their seat, their horns looping around a silver chained necklace. As the group was focused on the wonder of George knowing a one-headed Trorse, the side door of the carriage opened to reveal a frowning Beagle-headed man. While he busied himself dusting off his clothing, Mimi went up to the man, smiling. "Wow-Wow!" Her small finger pointing at the Lieutenant.

He scoffed, pushing the small child away, before he cleared his throat to get the attention of the Mercenaries he was tasked with retrieving. "Ahem....Are you the Monster of the Farlands and the Rabid Ranger?" He spoke in a slightly forced cheerful tone. At the mention of their names Rupert and Blaire turned around, with Blaire answering. "Yes that is indeed us."

"Good." Said Darwyn as he gestured the group into the carriage. As the two of them stepped inside, the carriage shook as Rupert sat. However as George and Mimi tried to follow after them Darwyn put out a hand to stop them. "And who exactly are you?" He questioned.

"Oi, they're with us Big Ears." Rupert growled, his head poking out of the red curtain of the window.

Darwyn gave the two of them a quick look over before removing his hand from the entrance. "hmph fine..."

As the dull grey and ashen sky turned to a brilliant blue, Mimi stared in wonder at the surrounding world as the carriage bumped down the dirt road. Soon the dirt was replaced with a glittering purple stone once the group had made it to the Capital. The city itself looked like one of the old storybooks George read as a kid. Quaint storefronts lining the sides of the street. All sorts of people roaming the square. People in dull green armor patrolled the streets, some were mingling with the crowd others were just wandering around.

When the carriage went past the large statue, Blaire coughed loudly but the sound that came after it sounded like they were saying "Usurper.." but George wasn't sure. Mimi squirmed in George's lap, trying to find a comfortable spot. He just looked down at her, smiling. It was hard for him to let go of the child. She almost felt like a baby sister to him, so all he did was rake his fingers through her matted hair.

Rupert just couldn't wait to get out of the carriage as it arrived at the front gate of the castle. The small space caused his shoulders to scrunch, a sharp pain stretching throughout his arms. The carriage heaved a heavy sigh of relief as Rupert exited the vehicle. Consequently, the Lieutenant was next to exit, the whole being friendly bit a strain on his nerves. Especially after being bombarded by the small child asking him questions. Following Darwyn was Blaire and finally George with Mimi in his arms, who was holding Bonzai.

From behind the large wooden doors the tall visage of King Cabinruz could be seen. While the statue did exaggerate some aspects such as the sharpness of his chin and the broadness of his shoulders, everything else seemed like it was picture perfect. The Lieutenant stared as the king approached the group with a wide smile.

"Ah Greetings! Welcome to Caber the Capitol of my fair kingdom. I am its ruler, King Cabinruz."

The king went to shake the hands of both Rupert and Blaire while stepping past George and Mimi.

"I must congratulate you on your completion of the mission. I knew I could count on the two of you."

Rupert huffed. "Yeah well, I'm sure we could've done just as fine if he didn't come along." His gaze was towards George, who looked a bit hurt.

"Well without him, we wouldn't have found Big Mama. Besides, it wasn't you who made contact with the villagers." Blaire countered.

Cabinruz was intrigued. He had only heard of the accomplishments of the mercenaries before him.

The man looked quite odd, dressed in strange clothing that were in tatters. Surely he must just be a guide. He thought as he went to shake his hand.

"What is your name young man? Are you a part of their party?" He asked in earnest.

George thought for a bit, trying to think of a good name. Then he remembered what that priest had called him. "I'm known as the Devourer of the heavens. But my friends call me George." Rupert's eyes rolled at the sight of George giving himself a nickname. Admittedly it was a cool name, but he just didn't want to admit it out loud.

"Well then sir devourer, I thank you for assisting with the completion of the mission." Cabinruz gave him a fake smile as he reached out his hand. George stared at the claw extended towards me and then down at Mimi, who was sitting in George's arms.

And while it seemed like a nice gesture, George couldn't really feel any real sentiment from the king as he extended his hand. "It seems like you don't believe me." George said, still holding Mimi.

The king looked surprised at his response. "Why whatever do you mean?" He asked somewhat taken aback that George hadn't immediately shaken his hand.

"What I mean is that you think that is just some stupid guide or something. that is what you were thinking, isn't it?" George was stone-faced as the Lieutenant began to approach the two before Rupert held him back.

George looked over at a training dummy that was stationed at the far end of the courtyard. He walked over to Blaire and Rupert and placed Mimi in Blaire's arms. The child reached out to George as he walked over to the dummy, setting his bag down along the way.

What is he doing? Blaire thought as George stood before the training dummy.

With his hands to the side, George opened his fingers wide and in seconds large claws sprung out of his fingertips. George barely flinched as he raised his right hand.

The king watched with baited breath as George swung down at the dummy, using his whole body in his swing. For a split second Cabinruz could see the faint glitter of something golden from underneath the boy's shirt.

His eyes went wide at the display of power. He felt a rush of excitement that hadn't been matched by any of the years he had spent as king. Cabinruz was besides himself, then he was reminded of what AuroBora had said. So this is what you had meant that. You sly son of a bitch...Yes that's it. I'll make this man into my student, a pupil! He thought. "Oh my...." He said to himself before rushing t0 the young man.

"Oh Sir Devourer, I beg of you, become my student!"

Chapter 19 [Follow the Purple Stone Path] end.