
Jayden King - Rise of The Reegan

A young charming yet mean student bullies a student to his death and suffers consequences he never imagined he would and triggers a curse now he has a destiny, the only path to redeem himself, and the only way to find peace is to follow the path.

Mayali1512 · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

Who is in The Shadows?

Jayden stepped aside and looked down at his clothes, he was dressed as one of them, and even his hairstyle was just like them.

He slowly walked toward the room where everyone was and the woman who was standing with her brother approached him and offered him a wine.

She danced with him for a while, her flirty accent and eyes were telling him that if he didn't leave she'd make him marry her even if she had to put a gun on his head.

He pretended to sneeze and stepped away "I am so sorry I don't feel alright!" He excused himself and searched for an exit, every room was leading him to another big room with more and more crowd.

At last, he saw an exit but people were multiplying like popping popcorn and there was a lesser and lesser area to keep a foot. Unfortunately, he got pushed by someone and fell down, someone's foot struck his head so hard that he fainted.

His eyes opened sooner, he held his head and realized that his head was bleeding, he saw his palm it also had blood on it.

He took out a handkerchief from his pocket and covered his wound with it, holding it with his hand, and stood up.

The crowd was still there just like it was before, people were even bigger in number now.

He didn't know what to do, but all of a sudden he had an idea when he saw a gun in a man's pocket.

He reached out to him and took out the gun from his pocket, he fired at the ceiling and everyone sat down on the ground with their ears covered.

He rushed toward the door and got out of it. As soon as he got out he found himself in a long corridor with 16 doors, 8 on the left and 8 on the right, A few of those doors were half open, and few were completely opened.

He looked to the left he saw a small baby girl in her mother's arms, smiling and touching her face gently "Oh my Rose… look at you… Aren't you beautiful!" She kissed her on the cheek.

Then Jayden looked to the right and saw a girl on a high chair throwing food everywhere with her spoon.

He smiled and walked further, he skipped some of the doors but he had to stop when he heard sobbing, he looked inside and saw a little girl crying with a broken doll in her hand.

Then he approached the 12th door there was Felix with her in a bedroom, they had a difference of a year in their ages, "You know Dad promised to take us to the Funland tonight!" She whispered to Felix.

He happily looked at her then Jayden realized there was another door in that room, he reached it and saw a staircase going down to the living room, where her parents were sitting worried, Jayden walked past young Rose and Felix and peeked down from the staircase.

"If I don't go they will fire me!" Her father was holding his head.

"It's okay, go I will make an excuse" His wife patted him on the shoulder.

Jayden returned to the room and saw Rose crying her eyes out, both Felix and Rose were dressed differently now, as if this was from another day but same year "They always do this to us! I should never believe them!" She cried.

"Hey! Don't cry… besides I don't even like Lanny's Ice-creams!" Felix smiled wiping her tears "Screw Lanny's we will make our own Ice-cream!" Felix hugged her and she smiled.

Jayden felt sorry for snatching away her loving sibling from her, he left the room and found himself in that corridor again, he kept walking until he reached the 16th door, which was closed. He turned the knob but it didn't open.

He left it and turned to the left, where he saw a door in front of him, it was closed but not locked, he turned the knob and it easily opened.

There was another corridor across, with 16 doors in total.

As he walked further he realized he was now seeing the years of Felix's life.

He saw a lively artist, who drew amazing stuff and mostly for his sister, whenever she was upset.

Finally, Jayden reached the 16th door it was closed, but it opened when he turned the knob.

There he saw Felix who was sitting in his room in Deep Lake Town, he had a phone stuck between his shoulder and ear.

"You know what? There is actually a girl… in the school!" He looked down, he was blushing "I will introduce you to her when you come here... I know, I know! I miss you too Rose, Now I have to go she's waiting for me" He spoke and wore his shoes.

Jayden followed him out of his room, it was evening he walked out of the house and reached the lake, he waited for a while when a shadow of a girl approached him.

He smiled and stood up "I thought I was late but you are the one who is late" He was looking at her, it was their first date, he was expecting to have a good time with her but instead she put her hand on his shoulder.

She whispered something in a weird inhuman voice. Felix opened his mouth to grasp for air "What are you doing my heart feels like drowning" His face turned red.

"There there… my boy… I just cast a death spell on you but don't worry! You have 30 minutes left to watch the world for the last time with these beautiful eyes of yours!

Now you have to go to the abandoned park! Across the street you live! When you meet Jayden and his friends… don't run!" She whispered while her face closer to his, right after she disappeared.

He walked with dead eyes as if he was in a trance, but he still had fear in his eyes, the same fear Jayden saw when he saw him in the park last time.

He walked to the park within 20 minutes and when Jayden pushed him, he fell, and before he reached the ground he took his last breath, he was already dead before reaching the ground.

Jayden stepped back and he felt as if someone blew life in his body.

He was still processing when he felt like he was choking on something and water started coming out of his mouth, nose, and ears.

He remembered Brigid's word that if he stayed too long in a time he would get stuck there.

What he just discovered made him want to live, but he had no clue how will he find her hair.

First, he looked in the water that was coming out of his mouth, it was senseless then he felt as if the lake was where he should find that hair.