
Japan's Only Male Hero (MHA Fanfic).


The_Eldritch_Troll · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
13 Chs


Coming in the next day, he couldn't move because he was sore from last night. He groaned to himself as he felt lifted and looked at Momo. "Sorry for being so rough with you in the ungodly hours," Momo said. "It's fine; my legs will come back... hopefully," Izuku said.


time skip 

"Good to see you again, problem child," Aizawa said. "It's good to be back. I was missing you all," Izuku said, smiling.


Half of the class blushed because of his smile, as Aizawa's blush was hidden in her scarf, and she resumed teaching the class.


"Oh, and you'll be picking a class representative and a vice representative as well, and pick wisely," Aizawa said before lying on her makeshift bed.


The class was in shambles over which they should choose: "Pick me!" somebody said, "I will become the representative and protect Midoriya!" Kirishima said, and that made Izuku blush a bit.


Iida stands up and says, "Everyone stop!" She said, gaining everyone's attention, "How about we all vote for the democratic system? That will be good, right, Aizawa-sensei?" Iida said, "Sure, just don't interrupt my sleep," Aizawa said, and that made Izuku frown a bit, so he made a bold move and got up and walked over to her. "Do you mind if I do this?" he said, and Aizawa looked up. "What do you do?" she didn't finfish as Izuku slipped in the sleeping bag with her. "Sleep; I'll make sure no one wakes you up. Momo can teach right now."


Shota was really shocked at first, but smiled for a split second, closed her eyes, and slept for that moment, enjoying the warmth he had.


"Bold move, Izuku," he heard Momo say.


He didn't know he slept as well because he was being shaken up by his teacher, so he opened his eyes. "Thanks for that, Midoriya-Kun, but next time, warn me," Aizawa said. All he could do was smirk. "Alright," Izuku said.


He wasn't going to warn her the next time he does that, so anyway, the rest of the class voted for him, which he was really shocked at, and the other shocked thing was that Momo had been voted as his vice representative, so he made an announcement: "Alright, I'll make Kirishima my bodyguard and Iida to protect the class if I'm not here or Momo's not here to keep everything in order," Izuku said.


"Good choice," Aizawa said, and Kirishima and Iida came up. "Thank you, Midoriya, for choosing me! I'll make sure to protect you with everything I have!" Kirishima said, and Izuku turned to her and placed his hands on her shoulder. "I know you will," Izuku said, smiling, and he looked at Iida. "It's your job to keep everything in order as well, Iida," Izuku said, and Iida saluted him. "I'll do my best, Midoriya-Kun!" Iida said. 


He chuckled to himself as he heard the bell ring, and they made their way towards the lunchroom. He and Momo, as well as Kirishima, Uraraka, and Iida, made their way to the lunchroom, and Izuku was immediately hugged by Nagaoka. "Whoa, I'm fine! Ayumi-San!" Izuku said, "I saw the news that you were kidnapped! How could I not worry about you?" Nagaoka said, "I know, but the heroes saved me, didn't they?" Izuku said, and Nagaoka moved her head towards his chest. "Yeah, I know; it was just scary that you were kidnapped," Nagaoka said, and she felt her head being patted. "I'm fine, really," Izuku said, and Nagaoka broke the hug and nodded, and they all sat down.


"So, who picked me as the class representative?" Izuku said, and most of his table sighed, "I picked you to be honest; you are really smart and brave, so I thought you were the best choice." Momo said the first one was clean, and Kirishima raised her hand. "Guilty as charged," Kirishima said, coming clean; "me as well," Iida said; "me to," and Uraraka said.


Monama raised her hand as well, and Izuku was kind of shocked. "How come you voted for me, Monama-San?" Izuku said, "Well, let's be honest here; you're really smart, you act selfless a lot of times, and you're a hard worker." Monama said, "Same here," Kendou said.


"You guys..." he said, tearing up and wiping his tears. "I promise you that I won't let you all down," Izuku said.


Then, all of a sudden, the alarm started to go off.


"Warning, warning, warning! If any males are in the school, protect them at all costs! And exist calmly!" The alarm system beeped.


Most of the girls moved towards him and surrounded him, kind of like a wolf pack protecting their young from the threat they sensed, and he saw most of his friends being pushed away from the crowd that was pushing up on him.


"Um! Guys! I can protect myself! Please light up a little bit!" he yelled, and most of the girls replied, "No way!" "It's our job to protect you!" "Don't worry about anything! We'll protect you!"


He could hear Iida's voice: "Everyone! Calm down! It was just reporters trying to get in! But the teachers stopped them! Is this how we're going to act if there's a real villain making their way towards Midoriya-Kun? We all must act calmly in these situations." Iida yelled out, and everyone was calming down and beginning to pat his head. He moved to their classrooms as he sighed, "Thanks, Iida, for keeping everything in order." Izuku said, "No problem! Midoriya-Kun!" Iida said, "Now let's get back to class! Also, call me Izuku from now on!" Izuku said. 


He was about to walk with the rest of the group when he felt a kiss on his cheek, looked to see a snake girl winking at him, and slithered away. 'Uh,' Izuku thought.


"Welp, I think another girl is added to the harem." Momo said this to Izuku, who had gotten red from the way she spoke.




They arrived at the USJ, and everything went to hell pretty quickly. They were about to do their rescue training, which Izuku was excited for, and the misty villain showed up.


"Hello, the people of UA, we are here to kill all might and to take the boy," the mist said, and everyone was on high alert after she said that.


There were three people who made the dive for Izuku, which were Iida, Katsumi, and Momo, and made a makeshift circle around him.


"Evacuate now! And protect Izuku at all costs; the Pro Hero eraser head gives you permission to use your quirks freely! Protect him with your life!" Aizawa said as she jumped down at the downpour of villains while 13 was handling the misty villain, and while 13 was sucking up the villain, Izuku spotted her weakness, and his eyes widen, and he turned to Katsumi.


"Kachan! Hold your hands closely together and make an armor-piercing shot at the villain!" Izuku said, and Katsumi nodded, folded her hands together, and shot at the villain, and the villain screamed. 

"You did it!" Izuku said, hugging Katsumi, "You're going to pay for that!" The misty villain said as she tried to make her way over to where Izuku was, but she was made weightless by Uraraka, "I get it, Midoriya! Hanta taped her, and Sato threw her!" Uraraka said she was throwing her into the sky, and Hanta taped her and gave the tape to Sato, and she threw the villain into a nearby wall.


Izuku turned towards Iida. "Iida, go to the school and come back with reinforcements!" He said, "But I can't! "I'm supposed to protect you!" Iida said, almost choking on her words, "Just do it! We'll be fine!" Izuku said, and Iida looked down for a moment and looked at him. "Fine, but you better not hurt yourself, got it?" Iida said, "I make no promises!" Izuku said. 


Iida turns around and runs the other way and tries to open the locked door, and Kirishima runs towards her and uses her hardening and helps her pry the door with her. They get the door open slightly, and she shifts her body through the door, makes the outside barely visible, and starts running down the street.


"You little brats!" The misty villain said and turned towards Izuku, and a portal opened beneath him, which he fell through, and the misty villain went away as well.


"Everyone, your top priority is to find Izuku Midoriya and protect him! Find him now!"13 said, yelling to the students, and most of them nodded and headed down the stairs to fight for Izuku's life.


Where Izuku is currently


Izuku reappeared and landed on the ground, digging his shoes in to stop him from going any further. As he looked ahead, he saw a girl who needed some chopsticks for her lips, a creature standing tall next to her, and the same misty villain, "I got him. Kurogiri, nice job; we got our gift for master," Shigaraki said as she turned to him. Midoriya Izuku said, "Join us, and all of your ideals will be achieved, and your goals will be accomplished with us; you'll be unstoppable." Shigaraki said to bring her hands forward and close them, making it into a fist.


"No, I wont Izuku said Shigaraki's eyes narrowed. "Nomu, him, kill him" she said. Nomu stood up, but nothing happened. "Nomu, what did I say? Kill him!" Shigaraki snapped at the Nomu for not obeying her commands, and this gave Aizawa enough time to rush in there and erase Shigaraki's quirk and hit her in the stomach. She touched her, but her decay wasn't working as she widened her eyes.


Nomu sped towards Aizawa like a bullet train and slammed her head into the ground, making her bleed. "That's what you get for hitting me; Blum, finish the job," Shigaraki said as she walked towards Izuku and finally ran towards him.


Izuku powered up one for all: 'I won't let her hands touch me!" Izuku said in his mind as he dodged her hand and spun around and axe kicked her, and she was sent flying in the opposite direction as she stopped herself from digging her fingers into the pavement below them and stood up. "Not bad, Midoriya," Shigaraki said as she dashed towards Izuku. 'She's fast!" Izuku said in his mind before he felt her fingers touching him, but he didn't feel anything, and they both looked at Aizawa.


"You're such a cool hero, Eraserhead," Shigaraki said as the Nomu slammed Aizawa's face into the pavement.


Izuku pushed forward and punched her with 100 percent OFA, as there was a punch of wind everywhere. 'Did I get her?' Izuku said in his mind as he stepped back a little and saw his hand didn't break 'and? It didn't break?' Izuku said in his mind before looking up to see the Nomu standing there, and he was grabbed. He heard everyone calling out his name in fear.


'They are all fighting for me! They are risking their lives for me! I need to be strong for them! So, they can't worry about me anymore! SMAAAAAAASSHHH!!!!' Izuku brought forward his fist, and it slammed into the Nomu's neck.




There was a loud explosion, and he was blown back, skidding against the pavement of the floor and dangling in his shoes, making him stop in the process. He stood up to see the Nomu's neck regenerate on its own.


'I was at 100%; it was the same as all might's power!' Izuku was interrupted in his thoughts because he had to dodge the Nomu's punch and was in the air. He made the dive for it and landed, and the Nomu's fist was stuck in the ground.


'If all gets here on time, then she might be able to defeat this thing! but if that thing is stronger, then all might she possibly fight it long enough? ' No, don't think about that! You have to protect them! Right?! ''I have to protect them! I have to remember my origin! He was ready for the Nomu's punch as it blitzed towards him. "10 percent! SMAAAAAAAASSSSSH!!!' Their fists collated with each other as Izuku fired up his counter, and it blasted the Nomu away from him, but came and punches him again, so he does it again and again and again. 'I can't' He punches and uses his quirk again. ' My arms won't heal. And then the Nomu punches him yet again, and his quirk won't work: 'w-what? N-no matter! No matter what happens to me, I'm going to protect them!' He said it in his mind.


He holds his own against the Nomu, slamming his arm into the Nomu's arm as they struggle to power each other, and Izuku feels his arm about to break and falters as the Nomu begins to lean forward, pushing him into the ground. "It's going to be fine!" Izuku screams out, "I'm going to be fine! Help will be here soon!" He yells to them, to the ones who are watching him fight.


The ground broke underneath his feet as he was pushed into the pavement as he struggled to push the Nomu back. "Mom, everyone, I'm sorry! I'm sorry… all-all might….'


The door to the entrance breaks open, and the Nomu raises its head as all might steps out of the room, looking angry and not smiling as she sees her successor struggling to keep the Nomu at bay, and she frowns even more.


'All might? .....' he gains power 'I-I…I won't let you kill me!!!!!!!' He screams in his head as he lifts up the Nomu with every little strength he has left and punches forward, sending the Nomu into space itself. He falls forward and is caught by all his might.


"A-all might... Y-you're here," Izuku breathes out; he couldn't feel his arms anymore. "I'm here... I-I'm here, Izuku, rest; you have done far enough; you can rest," all might say to him. "But my classmates," Izuku said, choking on his own breath. "They are fine; they are going to be just fine," all might say, trying to reassure him.


He felt like he was being dropped into someone else's arms. "Take him to the entrance now!" She pointed at someone who was holding him. "I got the battle! Watch the pro do her stuff!" all might say.


He wasn't sure why, but he believed her as he fell asleep.


He wakes up again. He is met with a white ceiling, and someone hits him and says, "Wow!" Izuku said, holding his head, "That's for worrying us yet again! You numbskull!" Chiyo said, "You all had us worried; you can't be using that quirk like that again! It's going to be the death of you!" Chiyo said, "Lucky, after you were sleeping, your body was healing on its own slowly, but you were healing." Chiyo said, "Go back to sleep, boy; you need to rest." Chiyo said, "But what about my classmates? Ms. Aizawa? What about her?" Izuku said, "They're fine. You saved them. You did the best you could. They are fine." Aizawa will be fine. Just a head injury, nothing Izumi can't fix." Chiyo said. 


Izuku puts his body down. "I'm glad that I was able to protect them," he said before sleeping yet again for his earned rest.