
It was never over

Mandy left Esteban years ago. she chose a good life over love. Fifteen years later and Life has screwed her forced happily ever after. She returns to the city she abandoned years before to heal but she is left salting old wounds when she meets a revamped Esteban again and this time, He is not letting her go. *I do not own rights to the cover*

samuelade · สมัยใหม่
5 Chs

The crash

"Your husband is at it again." Evie voiced over the line, giggling and exaggerating her moans of pleasure. Mandy Huo, unable to take the hurt once again pulled away from the hair stylist's warm hands and dashed out of the salon. Hugh was at it again. How could he even let Evie share that disgusting piece of information to her? He had promised to change. Hot tears escaped her eyes as she got behind the wheels and drove to their apartment mad as a hatter. It was a wild journey trying to juggle past cars with a blurred vision and a shattered heart. Mandy hoped she wouldn't die first before putting those two who were supposed to be her solace in trying times in their place.

"He promised..." Mandy echoed, her tears choking down the words she wanted to say. Call it a superpower but she ended up reaching her apartment in a span of fifteen minutes. As she forced the front door open, She wondered if she would be able to take seeing her ex-best friend riding her husband like a horse.

"Hugh!" She screeched as she stomped all the way to their bedroom. Screams of their sexual romp got louder and Mandy swore to the heavens that she would do something terrible to Evie. She banged the door open and was instantly turned to the stomach by what she saw.  A threesome. Her husband and two women, one looking like a paid slut and the other, her husband's regular fuck mate, A secret she recently discovered herself. The act continued for a minute and Mandy stood there, frozen and burning with hate at the same time. Then her anger went overboard. She clutched tightly to the bunch of keys in her hands and tossed them at her victim like a professional. The clinging whooshed through the air and finally hit her target, Evie. That wisecrack smile was forced away and replaced by Evie's screams. There was crimson liquid all over the bed as Evie wriggled around in pain. The other last saw this and dashed outside half-naked in fear of her own fate. Hugh pulled the injured Evie off him and faced his wife.

"What was that? Do you want to kill her?"

"Yes!" Mandy retorted. "This bitch deserves a fate worse than death."

After saying those words, Mandy lunged at Evie with the aim of tearing her to shreds. She didn't fucking care if she was going to jail for this. Evie needed to be made an example to other psychos out there but before she could get her fingers on the peroxide made blonde, Her husband held her back. His hands were moist, A remainder of the dirty sins he had committed. Mandy pushed his hands away, her aggression now transferred to him.

"Get off me! You have the guts to even try to stop me. You are evil."

"You have to keep up with all my excesses anymore."

"What is wrong with you? What do you want Hugh?"

" You know very well what I want Mandy. I want a divorce!" He retorted.

"So that is why you are torturing me? I want a divorce but I won't risk affecting our daughter's mental health. Aren't you thinking about her?"

"She is fourteen. She can handle it. Just admit it, You don't want a divorce because you know you are nothing without me."

Premium tears filled Mandy's eyes yet again knowing the truth was not so far fetched. Hugh had made it known he wasn't happy in their relationship anymore. He wanted a divorce but she had managed to lull him using his daughter as bait but Evie had returned to the picture to ruin it all for them. This time, he didn't even put his daughter into consideration.

"Say what you want Hugh Huo but know one thing. We are not getting a divorce. Not until I say so."

"Then keep staggering yourself," Hugh said, lifting Evie in his strong arms and absconding the room.

His response was the last straw to break the camel's back. Mandy sat on the moisturized bed to rethink her life decisions. She had been a stupid adult who made a lot of wrong decisions. The biggest one was marrying Hugh. No worries, She was sitting on the consequences of trading love for the green bucks. Mandy remained in the room while the day aged, fondling with her wedding ring as she made inquiries with her heart as to whether she was making the right choice.

Rrrriinnngg!!! Her phone chimed, arranging her chain of thoughts. She reluctantly picked the mobile and stared into the bright LCD screen. Hugh's number. She became hesitant to pick the call. For all she knew, It could be that bitch, Evie using her cheating husband's number to call and spite her. To brag that she won the battle. Don't do it, Mandy said to herself but giving it an afterthought, She decided to pick up.

"Hello..." An apprehensive voice said.

"Who is this?" Mandy demanded, unable to recognize the strange male voice.

"This is your husband's line right?" The voice over the line continued.

"Yes... I'm his wife, Mandy Huo. Is something wrong?" Mandy stammered. She pondered as to why her husband's phone was with this stranger and more importantly, Why was he calling her?

"I am a paramedic...There was an accident at Aldfall bridge and your husband was involved..."

"Oh my God! How is he?"

Even with the hate she felt got him, She still cared. She hoped it wasn't critical. Mandy rushed to get her car keys which were lost in the heap of disheveled sheets.

"Mrs. Huo..." The paramedic began, an unsettling pause in the middle of his sentence. Mandy did not like the silence one bit.

"What is wrong?" She questioned, her heart beating hard and threatening to burst out of her ribcage.

It couldn't be...

"Mrs. Huo, Your husband didn't make it."

The paramedic's revelation changed Mandy's entire life.

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