

After waving his sword an indefinite number of times, Haru reopened the eyes he had closed in the process.

'Seems like that's my limit.'

Although he didn't know much about the world itself, Haru had little knowledge. What were called [Development Abilities] were considered rather difficult to learn. To learn the ability [Swordsman] Haru would surely have to continue the path that the former Haru was trying to follow, the problem always remained in knowledge. Not being aware that something was wrong, the previous Haru had continued and continued to swing his sword, but it was different from physical training. This was actually useful as Haru thought the ability would appear directly when he got a falna, which would be very useful in the Dungeon.

'Again, how is it possible that the previous Haru didn't notice, I don't think these feelings could really be so difficult to understand.'

There remained a mystery to him as it was possible that the previous Haru hadn't noticed all this, but he was starting to think he was the wrong one.

'.. Better not to wrap my head around this for now, I won't get any new information anyway...'

He felt again the weight of everything he had done in the day, and taking off his work clothes, Haru noticed with pleasant surprise that the 'pyjamas' he had worn yesterday was now perfectly dry and ready to be used for the night.


With this routine alternating between morning and early afternoon work and various workouts in the evening, the days passed in the blink of an eye, and after about 4 days, while Haru was headed for the umpteenth time to perform his 'contribution', he noticed 4 unusual figures. Compared to the normal villagers, these four certainly wore more prized clothing, and above all Haru could see them show off armour certainly more expensive than his sword and his small pair of vambraces put together, He realized that these four people could only be the adventurers who came here for the goblins.

'This is my chance to ask them to consider my escort mission'

While they were chatting with each other, probably discussing what their upcoming mission will be, Haru slowly approached them. He had memories of the past adventurers and had found that they seemed to be rather rude with him, but he didn't pay much attention to it since the previous Haru had been saved by them after all.

"Excuse me, Adventurers, Could you give me a few minutes of your time?"

The previous Haru admired adventurers a lot, and although a boy of 16 years old at that time, he appeared as a boy of a much younger age, but Haru had no intention of seeing adventurers in that light, this wasn't what he needed.


The adventurer's sharp eyes of a greyish colour met those of the person who had requested their attention, and the vision of what appeared to be a little lower boy than him, with eyes of a strangely amber colour and reflecting calm through them intrigued him for a moment. There was no doubt that the boy wanted something from them, but the adventurer was far from willing to listen to someone with so little power, it was evident that this boy was no different from the other humans, he was weak.

"What makes you think we adventurers have time to talk to a kid, don't you see we're busy?"

Haru hoped that any adventurer would be in front of him, was at least kind enough to hear what he had to say, but apparently his expectations were a little too high.

"... I have an escort mission for you. After you have finished with the current mission, I want you to take me back with you in Orario, of course I will pay a fair amount given the distance from the village and any dangers that will arise in protecting me along the way."

Even though the adventurer was rude, Haru couldn't be swayed by something so stupid. He didn't care if the adventurer had to improve his self-esteem by trying to stimulate him into a fight, he didn't care to compete in any way with people at this low level, but it was still true that alone he would have great difficulty to get out of the great forest that surrounded the village, and not only that, the monsters would certainly not let him pass so easily.

"Wait Thes, I'm interested in what the boy says."

Talking was the woman next to the man named Thes. There weren't many people able to approach adventurers so casually, and the boy seemed to be completely calm, as even if Thes had attacked him, he would have come out of it without any harm.

The truth was very different. Haru had complete confidence not in the adventurers themselves, but that their work in this place would surely be affected if one of their members had attacked a person who, in fact, was part of the same village that had requested adventurers to the Guild, which meant he was automatically protected from any harm the 4 could attempt to do, and in addition he hadn't opened any hostility, there was no reason for Haru to be frightened, and he was pleasantly surprised that the woman seemed more reasonable than the man he had approached, mistaking him as the party leader.

"I thank you for the opportunity, if you are interested in the mission I have for you, just come and knock on that door. Now I'm sorry but I have to excuse me as there's work for me to do."

Pointing his house to the adventurers, Haru pretended not to notice that the adventurer showed a smile rather inconsistent with the 'professional' atmosphere that he was trying to maintain.

"We will be sure to accept, it's only additional money, and we had to go that way anyway, for the grade of extermination it will take about 2 days at the most, but this depends purely on the quantity of monsters. The less the monsters, the easier it will be to exterminate."

The woman was very surprised by how much this boy had considered their needs and at the same time was familiar with every single word he said. It was not uncommon for some villages to have people defined as merchants who were escorted all the way to Orario to sell their goods, but Haru had a completely different air. In front of her, it wasn't the air a normal merchant had, and she was even more curious about it. Certainly some may feel angry at the confidence behind his words, but the woman seriously thought every word spoken. It was true that it was free money that would enter their pockets without any effort, since the monsters in this forest for them were nothing but small fries, and besides the road they had to travel wouldn't change at all.

Thes was surprised, he would normally reply that he didn't distractions during the returning trip, but the woman's smug look was enough to shut him up completely.

While the other two adventurers were trying to calm down Thes, visibly angry as the real party leader had decided without consulting him, Haru set off on his way, but before Thes could add anything, the smile on the woman's face disappeared, their strategic discussion wasn't over yet, after all.


As Haru quickly got used to it, his routine took most of the time from morning until late afternoon. In the days he had to train in fact, he had honed more his physical strength, and had tried to slowly increase the distance travelled in the run.

The results were certainly better than those the previous Haru had obtained. Besides that, he could feel more confident in performing movements than before. Although theoretically his body hadn't changed compared to the self version of the previous universe, Haru struggled a bit mentally to bear the burden of having taken a body that was fundamentally different from his, but the feeling had faded and faded as the days passed, and now he felt much more comfortable in his body, which was very similar to the version of himself that had started the gym few months before hospitalization.

He could reach such good results because the body was trained, although in the wrong way, and fortunately he managed to correct that flaw before his body would have undergone irreversible changes.

But as these thoughts filled his mind, Haru had just changed from work clothes into his pyjama, making another day pass by...


Hearing the door knock repeatedly, Haru realized they could only be the adventurers with whom he had an arrangement. Not wanting to keep them waiting longer than they should, Haru had in his hand a small bag containing the Valis he should have paid as a reward for the mission. Since the inventory wasn't large enough to carry many objects at once, Haru chose to keep only some things like clothes there, while in his free hand he had something akin a small suitcase with everything he could carry, and of course he chose to bring only a few things that he really needed.

"...Sorry if I made you wait."

Opening the door apologizing for making them wait, Thes was about to advise him not to be a burden on the way more than he already was, but before he could speak, the woman was faster.

Like Thes, the woman had light gray hair, only a slightly lighter shade compared to the latter. Though her aquamarine eyes were completely different from those always filled with anger Thes seemed to always wear whenever he was near him. Her attitude seemed to be kind, and with a smile almost inspiring professionalism, she bent her head slightly in apology.

"I, too, apologize for my colleague's disrespect. Adventurers must take any mission seriously, no matter how simple, and we must also bring respect to those who offer us missions."

She was interested in the boy, that's for sure. But she certainly hadn't forgotten what her adventurer job was. If he had denounced Thes' disrespect to the guild, their entire group would have suffered repercussions, and to avoid that, the woman apologized on his part, which really didn't matter at all because Haru hadn't considered in the least what Thes was mumbling even now. As long as the mission was done, he didn't care what he said at all.

"...Back to business, my name is Luumrov Nerivaris, but everyone is used to calling me Lum, so I would appreciate it if you did the same. The other two are Timár, abbreviated Tim, and Tedna, abbreviated Ted."

Nodding, Haru waited for the other two at their party to introduce themselves, which they didn't hesitate to do.

Once the pleasantries were over after Haru introduced himself as well, The group of four adventurers and Haru headed to what was the continent's main city, Orario. Since he knew the adventurers would finish their quest today, he chose to train only partially, leaving the rest for when he arrived on Orario.

He knew that the village wasn't far from Orario, but he had been informed that to reach the city it would take only a little more than 3 hours.

In the way, Thes had chose to totally ignore Haru's presence, which Lum had promised herself to make him pay for later, but only with these little mishaps, the little journey foreshadowed being rather calm, except that the adventurers had felt the presence of monsters, which immediately alerted them. They certainly didn't expect to pass undisturbed, and it was precisely this moment that Lum most awaited. She wanted to show the boy what they were capable of, and to be able to surprise him enough to change his vision of adventurers before someone stronger than him in the future would put pressure on him and he, by relying on the guild's rules alone, would have thought it was always safe.

Although she couldn't have known that Haru was already aware of it.


(Hope I was clear enough with the explanation regarding the sword. It was the process I thought for him to acquire [Swordsman]. The previous Haru learnt, but couldn't understand what Haru could understand from it, there's a reason for that too.)

(My discord server: discord.gg/y8VBZAp)