

Suddenly one day at the night time a fairy come to the world and it land into the river which is flowing besides the city of the capital. As it's a night time so there have no persons in there. This fairy did some mistake so his world's king punished him and send him this world. But this fairy don't know where he is now...................

_ASTS_ · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs


When doctor asked him again he is thinking he can tell her but it's not the good time. Because when king punished him then he also said him if he tell anyone then he can come back to his own world. Also he will disappear after some day. So he can't tell her also. But he is in a relief because he don't come this world for his whole life. He can come back to his world but firstly he have to do good work. When he will do good work in this world, in the fairy land they can go to near at the true. Find the truth is really important otherwise they will think that he did wrong also they will give him punished for long time. Already he start missing of his world also his family and friend. He really want to go back to his world as soon as possible....

As he is not telling anything also doctors brother didn't received her call so she have no other choice. She take him with her. They are going to doctors house. Doctor is asking him is he can recall his name...? But he just answer he don't know. Now doctor say him that....." i can give you a name if you like it...." He replied her he will be ok with his name. Now doctor is thinking a good name for him. She find a name. She is telling him that..... " i can give you a name as like.... 'sunny'....." The fairy is asking why she give him this name..? Doctor tell him when he come to hospital that time was late night time. After sometime sun come out and the another day start. So she just named him sunny. Sunny can understand that now. But he is also curious that what is her name...? So he asked her what is her name...? She also answer him she is called by..... 'moon'... but her name is.....'munjao'... Everyone call her moon. Sunny is really enjoying the night view of the city. Everything is new to him because in his world there have nothing like that things. Colourful light and the gather of lots of people. As sunny is curious so moon take him out and take some barbeque for eat also they eat sweet potatoes. They are enjoying to eat at the night view. Doctor is observing sunny also that is he is doing normal or doing any mistake. After some time sunny just asked curiosity to doctor that is it call earth...? If it is then which place is it.....? Also where is he now....? Then doctor again think that obviously he have any problem otherwise why he is asking this asking...?...

Moon answer him yes it is earth. This earth is so beautiful. Also it's very big that you can't see all the beauty of the world in your life time. Don't you know about earth...? He replied her he know about earth but he have no idea how beautiful it is. He is thinking he have a long life so if he want he can see the whole world also can enjoy the beauty of the world. Doctor don't want to waste her time because she is so tired as she do her duty from the early morning to night. She need to take a healthy sleep. So they again go to the car and come back to her home....

Moon have a big apartment. She live here alone because her brother stay with his wife and parents in another city. As she is living alone so she have some problem with sunny. As a alone girl obviously have problem with alone boy also who have mentally problem. But she can't do anything because she take responsibility of him. Now she tell him that go and take a shower after that i will give you food for eating. As moon have many room so she give him a room for leaving today. Moon change the bed cover and use the new one. Sunny is asking her is she live here alone...?..... " don't you have any family... also you live without your friend..... ? " Moon tell him..... " obviously i have my family and friend also. But my family live in another place. I have my brother and they live with my brother. We will talk with it another time you should go for shower and i also have to go for shower.......

Sunny have no dress with out what he wearing now. So moon give him her dress. A t-shirt and a long pajamas. But it's moon's dress so she don't know how will he look like with this dress. Now he go for take a shower but also have some problem he don't know how to open the water tube. So he call moon for open the tube. Moon go there with hesitation because she is feeling shy as he is in a bathroom. But she go their and asked him is he is with dress or he is naked. He say that he is naked but he can't open the tube. Moon immediately come out from here. And say him..." you pervert what are you doing...?" Then he replied her he was jocking also he is with his dress but he cant open the water tube. Moon again go to the bathroom and see to him slowly. She saw he tell the truth he is with his dress. Now she is showing how to use bathroom in everyday. Sunny understand clearly and he thanked moon for teach him. Now he is taking shower. Moon also go for taking shower. She is so tired because she do hard work in everyday. Some time she also do night duty. It's a normal life for a doctor. But now moon have to face a big problem because now she is not alone. She don't make about sunny but she keep him into her house. Also her brother is not picking up her call. She is nervous also but she can believe him. He is really handsome also. But she think he will be gentile men. Because when they go out from car and take sweet potatoes this time he saw a little child was crying and asking for some food to her mother. But they was looking poor so her mother can't buy anything. This time sunny give her his potatoes and say her don't cry. This little child was so happy when she got some food. Her mother also bless him. That's why she can believe him a little bit......

Moon finish her shower and come out but she saw sunny is taking bath now also. So she just call him and tell him come out otherwise you will got fever. It's night so don't take it for long time.

Moon is making food for them. She is a busy person so she never make heavy food when he became busy. Today is also same for her. She just make a little food. Noodles and some vegetables is in their manu. Sunny come out after bath. And wear moon's dress. He is looking strange now. He have a long hair. So he is looking funny with this dress and his hair. Now she asked him is he is hungry...? If he is then come and join with her. Now they are eating noodles and vegetables. But again new problem come to him. He don't know how to eat them. He start eat them with his hand. Now moon asked him don't he know how to eat noodles.....? He answer her is it call noodles...? I don't know how to eat them. Moon come close to him and show him how to eat noodles. Sunny's brain is so sharp so he can catch easily everything in his brain. They are enjoying their food. Moon is looking at him and thinking he is quite normal now. But suddenly why he behave like a mad....? Why he asked question like a mad....? What's his problem...?

Is he really mad or he have any secret...? Then sunny asked her what's wrong is she want to asked any question to him....? Moon is so tired so she don't want to wast time. Also she have duty tomorrow. They are enjoying their food......

After taking food sunny is telling moon he can wash the dish. Moon is thinking he will broke them. But sunny is requesting her he can do it. Also he have to pay money to her. She give money to the hospital for him. Sunny want to do work for her. Moon is thinking if he want to do work then it's good for him. He will be normal very soon.So moon is showing him how to wash them. Sunny learn it quickly and washing them. But sunny is thinking another things..... King told him in the world he have to do good work. If he do good work then they can find the culprit soon.... So he is trying to do good work in everytime......

Moon go for sleep and tell sunny to go for sleep in his room. Sunny go his room and go to his bed. Moon on the AC. But sunny is again asking moon what is it...? It's making the room cold. Then moon said to him it's call AC and it's work to make room cooler. Sunny also tell her his world is so cool so they don't need this type of things. Moon notice his work and tell him take a sleep. Moon think that he is talking nonseance. He is really mad or he lost his every memory. Moon come out and go to her room and fall in sleep......

But sunny can't sleep. It's a new place to him and first night in this world. In the previous night he was drank so he have no idea what he did this time. He is trying hard to sleep but can't sleep. It's really late night now. He go to balcony and watching the night view. It's beautiful but when he was in his land this time he enjoy every nigh. His land is so beautiful every night the fairy of night fly over the sky. And made beautiful sound. Also sing song for the whole night. Beautiful fairy was flaying everywhere and in his world night is not so dark. In the night fire fly in everywhere and some fairy's wing can also make light. It's really enjoyable view. Suddenly he is missing his world so much. But he can go there now. He is feeling so much heart broken. Suddenly he fall in sleep and he start dreaming about his world. He is messing his friend and family so much in his dreaming. He start crying and he is crying like a kid. At that moment moon wake-up for drinking water. But her water bottles was empty. So she was coming to the kitchen for water. She notice that sunny is crying. She go near at the door of sunny and find him he is crying a lot. She is in a hesitation now. What she will do now....? Is it will be good to go to his room or not.....? She can't take decesation......! But as a doctor she have a main duty to treat patients well. So she go to his room and sit beside of his bed.......

She is trying to wake him up so she start calling him by his name. But he is not response at his name. So as there have no choice so she start push him by her hand. But she is feeling uncomfortable with his body temperature. He got fever. Moon warned sunny don't take shower for long but he ignored her warning and now fall in fever. Now moon is thinking what she will do now. She is alone in this home with a patients. But as a doctor she have to treat him well.....