

Suddenly one day at the night time a fairy come to the world and it land into the river which is flowing besides the city of the capital. As it's a night time so there have no persons in there. This fairy did some mistake so his world's king punished him and send him this world. But this fairy don't know where he is now...................

_ASTS_ · Fantasy
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4 Chs


(The year of 2050).....

Suddenly one day at the night time a fairy come to the world and it land into the river which is flowing besides the city of the capital. As it's a night time so there have no persons in there. This fairy did some mistake so his world's king punished him and send him this world. But this fairy don't know where he is now. As he is punished so now he lost his power and also his look. He is looking like a human now. He have no idea about human but he saw some human before. He just saw them but he have no idea about gender of human. He saw human before when he was flaying in front of the sky. He saw some children was playing in the ground but he saw them many years ago. He can understands children because all the children are same in everywhere. As he saw some children so he have no idea about older. As he is punished and he become a human so he have no dress now. He is looking like a male now but he have no idea that he is a male human. He don't know who is male or who is female.....! And he is thinking where he is now......

But he can't stay here like that he have to go another place because if anyone see him he will be in danger as he have no dress also. But it's a good things that he can speak. When his king punished him in that time king give him a power that he can talk with another human with their language. Now he is looking here and there is there have anyone. But he can't see anyone here at this time. So he is coming out from water slowly. He is walking naked as he have no dress. Suddenly he saw some dress is hanging on the rope in the outside of a house. Now he is going to this house carefully for this dress. He go their and take dress. But he don't know how to wear them. He didn't wear this type of dress before. But he need to wear some dress as he is fully naked. He is wearing them quickly. It's really difficult for him. After he finish wearing dress he is leaving this place. Now he is walking alone without any goal. He don't know what he will do now and where he will go. He have no idea about this place. He is feeling hungry also. When he was fairy he didn't want to worry for eat any food. That time when he feel hungry he just order for food and servant send him food. But now as he is a human so he is feeling hungry like a human and he have no power also. But It's night and he can't find any food or anyone for help. So he is walking alone with hunger........

He is new here so he is curious also. He is looking everywhere with curiously. He is so much hungry but he can't do anything without walking. After some time he come to a place and saw there have some people who gather together and they are eating and drinking something. He go there and asked for some food. He also notice that they have different types of cloths. He is not understanding what they wear. When all this persons look at him they are laughing and laughing. But this fairy can't understand why they are laughing he just asked them for some food. Then they are telling him what he just wear. He is a male but he wear female dress. He ware a long t-shirt and short skirts. He is looking strange that's why they are laughing. But he don't want to know anything without eating food. So he again asked them for some food. As this people is in good mood so they give him some from their. Also give him some drinks. This fairy is eating and drinking now......

There have a big problem now. This people was drinking alcohol and they give him it also for drink. This fairy didn't know about alcohol because in his world there have no alcohol but they drink so many delicious drinks. So he drink it and now he become drunk. He immediately is became unconscious. But this people think that he is sick also he can't tolerate alcohol so they send him to the hospital. They call the ambulance and send him to the hospital.......

What a life of him...! Now he is going another place and from here he will live an another life.......

After some time ambulance arrive into a hospital and it's nearest hospital so it don't take many time. Now people send him to the doctor. Doctors are chequing him and they are thinking he have any mentally problem. As he wear female dress. They give him some medicine. After some time he weak-up. Nurse call the doctor. Doctor come to him and asking him what's his name and where is his home...? But he is not answering because he have no place for live in this world and also he have no name here. So he is became quite. Also he notice doctor and nurse have a different clothes. The doctor wear a dress like him. So he is thinking..... " when he was with this people who give him food they said him he is a male and he wear female dress. Now he understand people have two gender.... (male and female....). So he can understand now that he is a male and the doctor and nurse is female..... ". He asked this doctor are you a girl...? Doctor is thinking he is really mentally weak otherwise why he is asking this types of question...! She answer politely yes she is a girl and also she tell him that.. " you are a boy do you know that ....? " Now he also say her yes he know that. Doctor don't want to force him and she have duty also so she need to go out now. And the doctor say him to take rest and she come out. Suddenly he look at him-self and find out he have a different clothes. So he asked to the nurse when he wear this clothes. Nurse say him this doctor give him this dress because he was looking funny. Now he really want to thank her for her good work. He is taking some rest because he lost his all power and now he is so weak......

He is thinking what he will do now. Also he have to learn everything as human do in his every day's life. He can talk like human but he know nothing about human. He also know that if he tell anyone that he is a fairy then obviously they will think he is a mad person. Now he is feeling good and he have to go out from here. Doctor also release him. He have to pay of his hospital bill. But he have no money and he have no idea how money is looking like. Now he is trying to go outside without paying his bill. So nurse are blocking him. But he can't do anything. Suddenly this doctor come who treat him before. Now she is asking them....." what's happened here and why they are doing noise there have so many patients... " Then nurse is telling her what actually happen. Doctor is thinking he have mentally problem otherwise why he is doing that...? Now this fairy is requesting her pay for him after that he will give her all the money. Now he have no money so he can't give them any money. Doctor is thinking about his word but everyone is telling her not to do that. He will cheat with her money and he will not give any money if she pay for him. But doctor is thinking about him. She is thinking she will take him with her as her brother is a specialist about mentality disorder. If she take him with her then she can help him about his problem. She will give him to her brother and for doing that he can take better treatment from her brother. She don't need to do worry about money because her family is wealthy and she also earn money. She just want to help him. Because he is really younger and if he can take rights treatment he can be recover soon. So she pay bill and take him with her. She have duty now so she just tell him sit down a chair and wait for her also don't go anywhere. Now she leave for her duty......

The fairy is thinking what he will do now. As he have no place for live so he didn't say any word to her. He come this world because he was punished. But why he was punished he have no idea. It wasn't his fault he can recall it. He was punished because in his world a fairy girl was die. But how she was die nobody have this idea. But this fairy girl's parents blamed him and they want justice for their child. Fairy girl and he was a good friend. They grow up together and do work together play together also. They became young now and they are still together. This girls fairy develop her feelings for him and she start liking him. But he never develop his feeling for her. But he notice that she like him and she want to stay with him forever. As he notice her so he clearly tell her that he don't love her. He like her as a friend also like a little sister. He also knew that another fairy boy is liking her. But he also notice that this fairy boy is not good for his friend. This boy is character less and he did so many wrong things with another. So he warning this boy for stay away from his friend. But after this day his friend was missing and they couldn't find her. But they was trying to find her but they fail. Her parents know that she like him and want to stay with him. So when she was missing her parents blamed him and say him he did something wrong with her. He is a prince of the fairy world. As they couldn't find this girl so king of the fairy world just punished him by sending him into the world. This girls parents also liked him as a own child but they lost their child so they are also upset. So they punished him and he also know it. By thinking this he just fall sleep where he was sit. He is sleeping like a little baby. And dreaming about his past life. Doctor come there after some time and see him he is sleeping. She don't want to call him now because he is looking so tired. But doctors duty is finish for today and now it's time to go home. But as he is sleeping so she is thinking she can talk with her brother now. She can tell her brother about him.......

Now she call her brother but she can't contact with him now. So she is thinking what she will do with him now. Is she will take him with her to her house....? She is living alone but she have so many room so she have no problem. But if her brother receive her call today it would be good for her. But it's a fate and so what she can do.....? Now she is calling him and he wake-up. Now she is telling him they have to go home. Before she take him with her for the last time she is asking him where is his house and whereis his relatives...? ........