
Iron and Monsters

The story is set in the Medieval ages where a family who are blessed the ability to kill monsters who have been around for years must deal with a new and dangerous and a past that nobody seems to know about

Princess_Edak · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Things went sideways

Richard, Luther and Thomas all saw what had happened to Florence, they were devastated and it made them to fight with so much anger to the extent that they were able to wipe out all the guard blocking them from Eleanor and Florence. Eric, Oliver and Edith finally came into the room now that the guards were no longer, they all gathered round Florence, Eleanor, the triplets, Richard and their dean wolves. "Florence, what happened to Florence?" Edith said quivering when she noticed the blood coming from her sister's chest. "Florence, no, please no" Richard said crying seriously with everyone else who could not believe their eye that Florence was actually dead. Florence's dean wolf, Joan was trying to wake her up licking her face and whimpering. "You can fix this can't you Richard, there is a way to fix it right" Eleanor asked wiping her face. "We have to take her back to Iron Ground, I can perverse her body there, help me pick her up" Eric said while him and whole were trying to pick up Florence and then all of a sudden another crack was heard from the stone ball, this got the whole family's attention and the face the direction to where the sound was coming. Luther's was filled with rage as he stood up and turned his head to face Damian who was standing near the rock, trembling in fear as he saw Luther walking toward then suddenly the stone ball cracked again, and this time it was a big crack that was almost the length of the ball, then it cracked again and this time pieces from the stone started coming off. This made all the dean wolves to start growling and they all came closer to the stone and the way they positioned their bodies looked like they would jump at it at any moment. It cracked again and more pieces fell off and when they did, the head of a man with silvery colored hair with his eyes closed seen. Richard eyes grew wide when he saw that, he lifted Florence's body and gave it to Eric, he fumbled with his pocket and brought out the ruby necklace he used to open the portal back at Iron Ground and gave it to Eric. "Everyone, remember the plan, now run, leave this place" Richard shouted and then the whole family stood up from the ground ran out of the door with their bags.

The Marian family was running until Richard, who was in front of them made a turned at a corner and stop running, everyone followed him except for Edith who was lagging behind because her dean wolf, Flame, held onto her clothes and was dragging her. "Flame stop it, I have to go with them" Edith said and then she immediately remembered her father's word that if things should go sideways she should follow Flame. "I'll go with you okay, just let me at least try and say goodbye" Edith said and after those words Flame let go of her clothes, they both ran to meet up with the family. "Eric take Oliver and Florence back home. Luther, Thomas, and Matilda you three and your dean wolves follow me, they are going to send guards after us so we need to leave this place. Eleanor you stay here, I left a container that has blue powder in it in your bag, pour it on your face and people will see you as a different person" Richard said and just as he was about to move he noticed Edith running in and then he run over to her. "Edith you follow Flame okay, you might not know this but the faith of Iron Ground and perhaps this world rest in your hand" Richard said as he held Edith hand tight. "What about you, what about all of you" Edith said with tears coming out of her eyes. Just as Richard was about to say a word a deluge of royal guards came pouring from the opposite direction of where they were standing. "Seize them" one of the guards shouted and the all the guards came running but before they could even come close, Luther, Thomas and Matilda jumped right in front of the guards, swung their weapons at the same time and it created a very big shockwave that blasted the guards away and broke the floor and the ceiling of that place. "Go, we don't have that much time" Richard said pushing Edith aside as he walked closer to the triplets. With tears in her eyes Edith ran away with her bag and Flame. "Eric opens the portal" Richard said. "Already on it" Eric said as he put the ruby necklace in Oliver hand "Wait!" Eleanor said. "Let me say goodbye to him" Eleanor said as she stretched out her arms in front of Oliver. Oliver ran and gave her a big hug and this made Eleanor cry a little. "I'll come back for you. You, Edith and Florence" Eleanor said as she squeezed Oliver tightly, she then walked over to Eric who was carrying Florence's body. She leaned over and kissed it and said "You will come back to this world again, I am certain of this", she looked at Richard as she said those words. "Oliver, you are going to squeeze this ruby necklace and when you do, think of home. Think of Iron Ground" Eric said. Oliver was really overwhelmed by the fact that Florence was dead and Edith was no longer with them so he too was also crying, he shut his eye squeezed the necklace as tight as possible and after a short while, a glimmer of light began to show. "Yes, keep going my boy, you are going great" soon the sound of guards running was heard and it was getting louder and louder. "We have to leave now" Richard said. "Can't we go with Oliver?" Luther asked. "No, if Alaric has escaped then we have no chance against him, we have to go to a place, located in the western regions first" Richard said. The portal was completely open now and Eric and Oliver and Oliver's dean wolf, Bolt and Florence's dean wolf, Joan, quickly went inside and on the other side of the portal was deserted place in Iron Ground castle where the whole family stood when they first used the portal. Oliver was still mesmerized by the fact that he just opened a portal and while he was still lost in thought, Eric placed Florence on a wheel barrow closed to them, collected the ruby in his hand and stepped on it, breaking it into piece and because of this the quickly disappeared. "Sir Eric what did you do! How are they supposed to come back now?" Oliver said screaming as he shoved Eric away from the broken pieces of the ruby. "Oliver, you saw that man is that room didn't you" Eric asked. Oliver nodded his head in responds. "Well this is the only key to the portal, and if I hadn't destroyed the ruby which is the key, he would have been able to open the portal from wherever he is whenever he wants and destroy the whole of the North without any effort. Now, do you know why we are here" Eric asked Oliver. To, to take care of everything here while the rest are fighting that Alaric man" Oliver said. "You are correct, in a way, but the main reason we are here is to prepare for war. Now, come and help me preserve your sister's body" Eric said lifting and pushing the wheel barrow. "What about mother, why does she need to stay there" Oliver asked with tears running down his eyes. "Just as we are preparing for a war, Alaric will be doing the same. Your mother has to pose there as one of the royal maids and supply us with information" Alaric said. "But why me, why not Edith then, she knew more about war strategy, giving monsters critical hits and other things more than me. Why wasn't I the one killed instead, why Florence" Oliver said with more tears in his eyes. "What happened to your sister was a terrible tragedy, but we can avenge by winning this way that Alaric wants to bring to Iron Ground and as for Edith, it is a long story, but for now, let's preserve your sister's body. And I can assure you Oliver that you mother and father and your siblings, all your siblings will be coming back, but as for now, we have to reinforce the castle, train more soldiers and we also have to train you " Eric said

Meanwhile back at Baron Fall, the castle gates that the Marian family was standing front of when they first came were blasted off with a shock wave and in front where the triplets and Richard running. Behind them were a lot of royal guards. The royal guards couldn't keep up with Richard; his children and the dean wolves for they were all extremely fast. Richard and his children dashed into the rowdy city road with the children's dean wolves and there bags and this caused a lot of chaos in the city. The people of Baron Fall were screaming and running away after seeing such dreadful creatures, the dean wolves, and because of this movement for the royal guards became very difficult and so they lost track of Richard and the rest. Richard and the triplets were still running until Luther heard a familiar voice. "Luther over here" the voice shouted. When Luther looked around to fine where the voice was coming he saw Amelia, the girl who he helped in the city when he went to buys apple. She was the one calling him from a not so far distance. "Over here!" Luther said as he dashed out to meet Amelia and the rest followed him. Amelia was in front of a small house when Luther, his father and his siblings came running toward her with their dean wolves. She was frightened by the dean wolves and lot out a scream. Luther immediately coved her mouth and opened the door in front of them and they all went in and he closed the door the door behind them. "Amelia, I am going to let go of your mouth now, you have to do me a favor, when promise me you will not scream" Luther said while covering her mouth. Amelia nodded her still trembling though. Luther let go of her mouth and when he did she took a deep breath and moved as far from them as possible, she was still trembling. Richard took a good look at the house they were in. It was a four wall room with a small dining table at one end of the room and three small beds at the other. The whole house was made out of strong wood. There was a fire place, that's where Amelia was standing trying to catch her breath. "Who is this girl Luther?" Richard said pointing. "You know we should be the one asking the question, like why we had to run when we could easily take down all the guards there and why you didn't let us use the portal and where have Edith and flame gone to and why mother is acting like a spy in Baron Fall" Luther said come really close to his father's face. "Like for example what Damian did to Florence" Matilda said. "Or for example what we are going to do now" Thomas said. "Look, we need to leave Baron Fall. I didn't use the portal because Eric needed to destroy the key so that Alaric wouldn't be able to go to Iron Ground through that portal. The Thyroid, they have set Alaric free. I am sure he is already out of that stone ball, I'm he's heading for Iron Ground" Richard said and when he mentioned Alaric heading for Iron Ground their eyes grew wide. "What could he possible want from Iron Ground" Thomas asked. "To Burn it to the ground, that is why I sent Sir Eric and Oliver to stay there and that is why we must leave here right now" Richard said and he approach Amelia. "The smugglers that carry people to the North, where are they?" Richard as Amelia. "Oh you can't go there. Moving to another kingdom is banned in Baron Fall, If caught you'll be sentenced to death. Soldiers are usually at the end of the city so no one can get out of here, but, if you are lucky enough, during night time some guards usually leave there duty post and wonder of somewhere else and that is the only chance you have for the smugglers to put you on a boat and send you through the tunnels." Amelia said. "I don't have that much time" Richard said. "Well there is another way. I heard the underground of the castle was dug today and underneath was this carriage, they say it has the same replying power as the thing that covers this entire city. I know where it is and a secrete passage out of Baron Fall and I also where to get two horses from but if I must help you, you have to take me with you to Iron Ground" Amelia said. Richard and the triplets looked shocked when Amelia asked to take her with them. "Girl, a trip to the North by road with not a safe one, it's too dangerous, I'm sorry but I can't take you" Richard said. "Please you have to take me, my family is there and I haven't them in months, please I am begging. If we ever run into any monster I will just hide in the Carriage, the monsters can't hurt me there. Take it as a way of repaying me for all the help I'm giving you." Amelia said. Richard looked at Luther then back at Amelia. "Fine, we'll carry you along with us" Richard said as he stretched out his hand for a hand shake and Amelia shook his hand with a smile.

In the castle of Baron Fall, Eleanor is looking over a terrace. She sees the royal guard searching round the village for her husband and children. Eleanor walks away from the terrace and picks a piece of amour from the floor that was from a royal guard, must have broken off due to the triplets shock wave. Eleanor opened her bag and rummaged through it until she brought out a container with blue powder in it. She looked around to see if anyone was around but fortunately for her nobody was in that area of the castle. Eleanor poured and blue dust covered her whole body. After the dust was clear and she could see well, she look at her reflection in the amour and behold she was a completely different. Her green eyes were now brown and her blond hair was now red. Eleanor looked at reflection in the amour for a while before dropping it and then she walked away