
Invictus: Hero From The Shadow

The rare skill non-Combatant Job class meets the Legend Combatant Job class. I acquired a rare skill when I had the desire to fight for my second-time life. I don't want to stand by anymore watching the monsters with their various powers trying to destroy the place where my second life has just begun. I promise to risk my whole life for this new world even though I am unknown, abused, and also considered an enemy to the Hero and his allies. For me, the most important thing is her safety as well as the world I live in now. Fuck the others! I call myself Invictus. The one who will save the world from behind the shadows.

Ikrisnaw28 · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

Chapter 14 First Quest

At that moment Kaley immediately approached the quest list and bounty list that he could take and matched the rank he currently has with himself. Kaley also immediately left the Arsenio guild and immediately went on a quest closest to the city.

The main reason Kaley rushed over immediately was the money he got from the quest reward to buy material items for crafting through a broker. If he is lucky, he will also get a newly summoned monster.

In this world, there are two coins that enter as a means of buying and selling. Silvercoins and GoldCoins. There are various uses. Silver coins themselves are usually used for reward quests, purchasing necessities, including materials for making equipment, and so on. The gold coin itself is needed as a means of payment for purchasing items that have above-average prices. Not many mercenaries also have this currency. Only the natives of Dragestva had noble titles, high-income mercenaries, or job-class non-combatants who were famous and had many orders.

The four quests and one bounty quest that Kaley got all turned out to require a one-day trip from the city of Aldheisna. Public transportation in Dragestva is divided into four types of transportation, namely the use of horse-drawn carriages on land, the use of a monster called Xeros on land and in the air, the use of ships with magic powers for the sea, and teleportation.

Xeros itself is a monster that has the head and body of a wolf but has a difference, namely the front legs are like human hands with only four fingers that can be used to grip the opponent or be used to run. While the hind legs are shaped like the legs of a wolf which has the function of accelerating its running power. Because Xeros also have wings like Unicorns, Xeros can also be used to fly. The most expensive transportation is teleportation. Teleportation requires at least one gold coin even though the location is very close.

After Kaley checked the quests that had been taken, there was an important clue in the four quests.

"It seems that all of these quests took place in one village. The village of Agarte is located just south of the city of Aldheisna. I need a horse carriage too to make this trip," Kaley muttered.

"Searching and Finding for Anne in Agarte Village. The village's head daughter is disappeared. The villagers have been trying to find it but haven't found it yet. Reward 150 silver coins. The quest will be considered a failure if Anne dies."

"Danger from Inside. Several times there were attacks on Agarte village from monsters. However, no one knew when the exact time the monsters came to attack. The residents of Agarte need the help of the mercenaries to push the monsters that attack the village and stop the root cause that caused everything to happen. Reward 50 silver coins. It is recommended to use the party system. The possibility of fighting more than one monster"

"Illegal logging. The kobold monsters living not far from the border between Agarte village and Werst Village cut trees at will. Heavy rains have caused the agricultural land owned by the people of Agarte to be always submerged by water because there are no more trees that have benefits as rainwater catchers. The Mercenary was asked by the villagers to stop the illegal logging carried out by the kobolds and ensure it would not happen again. Reward 50 silver coins. It is recommended to use the party system. The possibility of fighting more than one monster"

"Red Mane Egg. The weather was very hot for several months only in Agarte Village. This weather is really annoying. The residents represented by the village head wanted to ask the mercenaries for help to investigate this heat. Stop the root cause of this hot weather. Reward 100 silver coins and ???"

In addition to the four quests, there is one bounty quest listed in Kaley's quest window.

"Stop Valez Bad Demeanor. Stop the bad attitude and bad behavior that has shocked the people in Werst Village and Agarte village caused by Valez, the swordsman. Imprison him in Aldheisna prison or kill him. There was an eyewitness who saw him enter Goblers Cave. Reward 250 silver coins. It is recommended to use the party system. The possibility of the target being countered is very strong."

While still checking all the quests and bounty quests he got, Kaley faintly heard some loud voice not far from the guild building.

"We need another party member. We need one new member to temporarily join our party to complete a bounty list. We will share the reward for free if someone joins us. We will also help you complete your own quests. Come join us," said the voice.

Kaley's footsteps stopped. He thought that if they had the same quest as those voice owner, the quest would be easier and quicker to complete.

"That voice… I seem to know to who this voice belongs. Alright, I'll try to ask what quest she's referring to."

Kaley approached the party group that needed help. It didn't take long to stand right in front of the owner of the voice which incidentally was the voice of Jessie, one of Kaley's customers who always forged her equipment through Kaley.

There, Kaley saw that Jessie and the three members of her party were already like her. It seemed that the four of them had passed the test and became adventurers who had the tag name amateur like him.

"Ah… he's that person," Nagita said to Kaley. It seemed that she remembered the incident when she was helped by Invictus from the attacks of several monsters that were attacking Aldheisna at that time.

"Ehh… You're right Nagi, he's the one who saved you that time," replied another girl who brought a staff similar to Kaley's. The difference is that Kaley's staff looks slimmer than the girl's.

Jessie approached Kaley. She as the party leader started asking Kaley.

"Are you going to join us for a while? We'll help you too…" said Jessie who also saw Kaley's name tag. She also knew that Kaley had the same rank as her.

"I'll go if our bounty list is the same, then what about the other members of your party? Each party has six members, whereas what I see now is only three. Where's the rest? " Kaley replied, looking at Jessie's party, which seemed to lack one or two person.

Jessie seemed to just smile at Kaley's question.

"If you join, you will find out later"