
Invictus: Hero From The Shadow

The rare skill non-Combatant Job class meets the Legend Combatant Job class. I acquired a rare skill when I had the desire to fight for my second-time life. I don't want to stand by anymore watching the monsters with their various powers trying to destroy the place where my second life has just begun. I promise to risk my whole life for this new world even though I am unknown, abused, and also considered an enemy to the Hero and his allies. For me, the most important thing is her safety as well as the world I live in now. Fuck the others! I call myself Invictus. The one who will save the world from behind the shadows.

Ikrisnaw28 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 13 PVP

The Guild Administrator immediately explained everything to Kaley. He didn't seem long-winded considering there were still many people he had to test.

"Everything starts from rank G or what is called a newbie. They had a maximum of level 10. They were said to be low-level players. Then, in the position starting from the one you have now. Commonly referred to as a mid-level player. Starting from rank F which is called amateur. Has a maximum of level 20. Next, there is level 30, rank E which is called advanced players. While the last one which is said to have the highest rank of all mid-level players has a level limit of 40. Called elite players and has rank D."

The guild administrator's unfinished speech was immediately cut off by Kaley.

"I thought there was a hero in Dragestva. What position are they in?"

The Guild Administrator chuckled at Kaley's question, "Why are you asking about them? Are you thinking of aligning yourself with the two of them? Do not dream! Your level is still very far away. Miss Liliana Valdes and the mysterious man who does not wish to be named are among the front liners. They both have rank S and have a maximum limit of level 80 and are called legends."

Kaley actually still wanted to ask for one more name. He is really curious about Lee Hyun-ah's rank. But he gave up his intention. He didn't want the guild administrator to suspect him.

However, the guild administrator was surprised by several people who approached the two of them. Even Kaley himself had to turn around to see who was making the guild administrator look uncomfortable.

There were four men and two women who came to Kaley and the guild administrator.

"What can I do to help all of you, ladies and gentlemen?" asked the guild administrator with the house when he saw the name tags stuck to their bodies.

One of the group members immediately stated their wishes openly.

"Our boss wants to challenge this masked man in the PVP hall!"

The words of one of the men in the group made the guild administrator gasp.

"Pvp?! Are you guys crazy?! This guy just passed the guild exam. Why did you guys immediately want to challenge him in the Pvp hall?!"

Kaley looked confused when he found out that the guild administrator who was being mean to him just a moment ago had now turned 180 degrees towards him.

"What do they want, Mr. Administrators guild?"

Hearing Kaley's question, the crowd burst into laughter.

"Ha ha ha…!"

"It seems the guild administrator didn't lie! He still looks like a newbie!"

"You are right! He's such a complete idiot!"

The Guild Administrator at that moment immediately explained everything to Kaley.

"They challenge you to a one versus one fight at the colosseum"

Kaley replied lightly, "How hard is it to fight one on one? After all, are we going to fight to the death?"

Laughter broke out again when the mob heard Kaley's words, which seemed condescending to the fight.

"Looks like you really don't know everything, newbie! Hey, Guild Administrators! Looks like you have to explain everything to this newbie in detail!"

The Guild Administrator seemed to be wiping the sweat that was starting to trickle down his forehead. He also sighed.

"PVP battles are not as easy as you think. Although the battle did not make each player fight to the death, they risked each other's pride and also risked what they had. For example, each player can bet money. Whoever wins will get all the money from the player he defeated. Or they could risk their pride. Whoever loses will become a slave to the winner. The PVP system can also stake levels"

Kaley immediately lightly went back to discussing the fight.

"So when can we start fighting?"

The Guild Administrator wiped the cold sweat that was growing on his forehead once more.

"Not that easy. You must have the same level. At the very least, you must have the same rank. Now your ranks are quite far apart. The five of them all had the advanced rank, while this big man had the elite rank. While you are still an amateur"

Kaley immediately understood right away.

"So, since the man who challenged me was an elite player, I couldn't help but raise my level as quickly as possible so I could kick his ass as quickly as possible!"

Kaley said this to make it seem as if he was saying that he wasn't afraid of the challenge that was set against him. The big man himself was quite calm when Kaley looked down on him.

"So, will you accept the challenge once you're on the same level as me? I can't wait to make you my slave!" said the man extending his right hand in front of Kaley.

The Guild Administrator inevitably has to explain the rules of the game for the PVP.

"You must shake his hand if you accept the challenge. After that, you will get a notification right in front of your face and you have to accept it. When you reach the same level, you and that guy will be directly transferred by the system to the Colosseum to fight each other."

Behind his mask, Kaley smiled. He didn't seem to have a problem with that. According to him, he has nothing to lose. Confidently, Kaley shook the big muscular man's hand, and before long a notification appeared in front of his face.

"Are you going to accept the PVP challenge? Y/N?"

"Yes, I accept it"

After the system confirmed this there was a note that appeared in Kaley's status window.

"The PVP with Kovavic Szozak will be held when Invictus hits the elite rank. PVP will be held at the colosseum of Aldheisna city"

Now Kaley is back to getting things that increasingly make him excited to raise his level. He is excited to get a new summon, soon to be able to complete the task Aventda gave him and defeat the man named Kovavic right at the Aldheisna colosseum someday.

When Kovavic and his gang had left, Kaley immediately heard the guild administrator say to him.

"Looks like you'll be looking busy from today on, Mr. Invictus. You already have a challenge waiting for you over there," said the guild administrator.

"You're right, and I can't wait for that day to come either," said Kaley, smiling meaningfully behind his mask.