
Into the omniverse with a beast tamer system

This is a story of how a young man and his younger brother died in a tragic accident and were given the chance to travel the omniverse with the power of the { Beast Tamer System } WARNING This will be a slow-paced Fan-Fic and will also be my first time writing so do expect a few mistakes. I will also try to update chapters as much as possible as well as make the chapters at least 1000 words long. All rights to all the Anime, Manga, Moveis, Shows, Games and images I have used for this Fan-fic are reserved to the respective creators and companies.

Orian2209 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
39 Chs

Battle of brutes

(POV Unknown)

As the world was frozen and Cyrus was about to lay his final breath at the claws of the Tigrex a panel of white light shot out of him with haste traversing the grave at blinding speeds.

<Come on… come> Lyra muttered as the panel searched for something.

<FOUND IT! Shit, it doesn't have it!> She stopped in front of a spiky corpse resembling a dragon before zooming away with haste.

<Cyrus doesn't have long so please luck be on my side and help me find it…> She wished herself luck as the world slowly reverted to its original pace.

<shit… Shit! SHIT! COME ON THEY WERE PLENTIFUL HUNDREDS OF YEARS AGO!> Lyra cursed as she zoomed past the bodies.

<is that… YES THIS CAN WORK!> She exclaimed as a small purplish blue shard almost invisible to the naked eye floated above an ancient skeleton similar to that of the spiny dragon before.

<Accept! > she shouted as the shard dissipated into thin air.





(POV Cyrus)

(…So that's how the virus that wiped out multiple species of this world and gave most of the remaining sapience came to be…) I gathered my thoughts as I was once more in the void.

(As much as I like learning the lore of this world why was I shown this instead of returning to the afterlife?... Perhaps-) Before I could answer the curiosity I gave myself my sight returned to the frozen Tigrex.

(…What the fuck is going on I am supposed to be dead!) I screamed mentally before another blast of memories engulfed my mind.

(…I see… Lyra accepted the soul piece of a Nergigante in my stead so its regenerative powers would heal me…) I thought as I recalled the unknown memories of how to transform into a nergigante.

<Yep! Now we can beat this guy's ass!> Lyra said in a tired, rage-fueled tone.

(Before the healing factor kicks in and I regain my lower half care to show me my stats?) I asked to her mentally as I observed the Tigrex for any weak spots.


System: Beast tamer system

System host: Cyrus Ryker

Level: 7 [648 exp/1250 exp]

Age: Physical 16, Mental 59

Current state: Death grasp, Heavy external and internal bleeding, Recent Nergigante soul piece absorption 

Affinities: Ice SS, Water B

HP: 2.6/34500

STR: 34/780

DEF: 36/9000

SPE: 0/400

STA: 14/2000

INT: 500/500

ACU: 46/100

MANA: 80/249

M-DEF: 59/4500

M-ATK: 200/200

Tamed beasts: Amalgam geodude, Mimikyu, None x 47

Transformation: Nergigante- Variant- Hornless Nergigante

Skills: Cooking-4.7, Gun works-7.4, Ice magic-3.4, Herbology-5.3, Engineering-6, Chemistry-8, Biology-6, Close combat-12, Mana burst-1.7, Carpentry-5, Pain nullification-12.8, Water magic-2.08, Scan-1.8, Brain time-2.5, Oceans vortex-1.2, Sub zero cradle -1, escapist -2.5, Poison resistance-3.5, Ice rupture-1.8, Water bullet-0.7, Ice bullet-1.2, Water torrent-1.5, Regeneration-20, Quill cannon-19.4, Spiked crash-16, Bloodlust-25, Dragons rage-20, Quill storm-16, Counter-12, Bio-Demon drug-27


Sp- 678460000





(DAMN THAT'S GOOD! LYRA YOU'VE OUTDONE YOURSELF PICKING THIS ABSOLUTE UNIT OF A NERGIGATE!) I expressed my gratitude as time resumed and the Tigrex slammed its bulky arm on my body flattening it to a pancake of gore.

<CYRUS-…Oh, I forgot you can regenerate now…> Lyra muttered.


The Tigrex raised its head to the sky and roared with pride at what it assumed was its victory only for it to hear my ominous chuckles moments later.

"Huhuhuhu… Did you think I was that easy to kill you overgrown lizard?" I said as my body slowly rose from the ground as it healed in a gruesome way.

"Now why don't I show you the power of an elder dragon?" I grinned at the beast as my body sucked a fallen eye back into place before my body was engulfed in a black sphere.




(POV unknown)


A deafening roar irrupted from the sphere as it started growing in mass


the Tigrex roared back with arrogance as its muscles swelled even more and it smashed its claws onto the ground, a failed attempt at asserting dominance.

Once the sphere was brought down the Tigrex faltered slightly before it took a step forward and roared sending debris flying everywhere.

In place of Cyrus stood a 35 foot bulky beast with black scales a reddish purple scaled underbelly, long sharp white spines present nearly everywhere on its body, and a maw littered with unorganized fangs ranging from the size of a pea to a toothbrush… A Nergigante, beasts that mastered the art of brutality and badassery to its core



A thunderous sound bellowed out the Nergigante as it flapped its wings sending the debris hurling at the Tigrex.

The Tigrex in return caught a piece of debris that flew at it and crushed it between its claws turning it into powder.

It then smashed its front limbs on the ground similarly to a gorilla creating a spider web on the ground as a display of physical prowess.




(POV Cyrus) 


^SO THAT'S ALL YOU GOT LET ME SHOW YOU REAL POWER^ I screeched before I felt a primal instinct take over as I raised my front limbs.

I then brought them down with such force that a miniature earthquake enveloped the area.


The creature growled at being out down with envy and awe as its muscles swelled and it slammed down its arms once more.

It then stood on its hind legs before it started flexing its body while doing multiple taking strange stances that showed off its muscles.


^Lyra what the fuck is he doing?^ I asked her as I stared at the Tigrex with confusion.

<Wait give me a sec- Ah here we go! It says that after the plague Tigrex species gained somewhat sentience becoming even more brutish and started to respect strength like religion. When stops mid-battle starts flexing posing it's basically saying 'I recognize your see you as my equal or superior may have good brawl death.'>


^Should I flex in return it seems kinda of fun?^ I say with slight amusement and excitement.

<Sure just give me a second to film it! Hahahaha oh this is going be good!> 

I stood on my hind legs and then spread my wings before I banged on my chest and flexing with a grin on my face.


The creature gave a bold toothy grin as it charged at me with more red glowing veins appearing on its body along with small streams of steam.


^COME AT ME PUNK!^ I screamed as my eyes became bloodshot, my muscles bulged, and a primal aura enveloped me.

{Skill 'Bio-Demon drug-27' has been activated}

{Skill 'Dragons rage-20' has been activated}

I coiled my claws back before slamming them onto the Tigrex's s shoulders, making its charge halt then I flung it into the air with some difficulty.


The creature growled before it clung to the cliff walls and launched itself at me in a circular motion slamming its tail at me.

Instinctually I gripped the ground tightly with my legs from the Nergigante's memories as I tanked the blow with my arms open and battle craze in my eyes.

{Skill 'Counter-12' has been activated}

I then grabbed the beast by the tail before slamming him to the ground and pinning the beast down.


The beast roared on my face as it slammed its tail on my back in turn causing my spines to pierce into it.

I looked at the dragon with an expression of pure fury as its blood mixed slobber dripped down my face.


{Skill 'Bloodlust-25' has been activated}

I roared straight on its face inducing fear into it before I mercilessly grabbed its neck with my claws and ripped it apart.


My roar of victory echoed through the valley and beyond as I raised the Tigrex's head high like a trophy. 

<Damn that's some brutal shit right there…> Lyra commented to which I simply rolled my eyes.

*…Grrahhhaa…gha..raa… Kkkkrrah…haaa-…ggraahh….ahh*

^…What's the plan now Lyra… Our base was caved in, we're in one of the most uninhabitable environments in this world, I've got three kids-…'tames' on the way and so much more…^ I felt myself overcome my instincts and sought guidance from my system as I plopped down.

<It's simple just go to the highest point in coral highlands!> She said merrily.


^…Am I missing something?^ I blurted out as I tilted my head.

<*Sigh* Well while you were brawling in your new from I was lamenting the next course of action which concluded going to highlands, a stable source bioenergy for Namielle grow with, lots resources, many sapient and tamable creatures, nearest best nursery our Namielle, good training environment, quick access vile other parts world need say more?>


^But why the highest peaks?^ I questioned her as she stored the Tigrex and some of the surrounding corpses.

<The Legiana that's why! Before we discovered the Namielle grave were talking about possible tames I noticed you had a particular interest in species. this world gained sapience and flock groups so it be no brainer to tame them especially since they are now quite intelligent social compared others have an S rank affinity ice which makes lot more… well familiar negotiable with creatures of ice. You'd easily able live nests mean shelter!> She cheerfully explained.

I gave her a toothy smile although it looked absolutely terrifying it was filled with genuine thankfulness and sincerity. 

^Where would I be without you…^ I said as I took off from the ground taking my first flight.




To be continued next time…