
Into a Parallel World

Bai Yi Yang is a 26 years old genius who mysteriously transmigrated into a parallel world. While fleeing the organisation to save herself from being killed, Bai Yi Yang was saved by the power of the system and entered a body in a parallel world. Her name is the same and even how she look is similar. Only that, the timeline is 10 years behind and she became a 16 years old high school student again. Luckily she didn’t come to this world alone, she have the most incredible creation of human in her original world, the system that can even help human cheat death. Of course her system is not the kind of cold and unfeeling system, maybe even a bit silly and a little glutton. Turns out, her 26 years of life before cannot be calling as living at all, living the current kind of simple life is much more interesting. She will cook a lot of delicious food, farm fruits and vegetables, catch delicious fish, forage mushrooms and do a lot more things that is possible with the system’s help. With Bai Yi Yang determination and hard work in addition to the incredible system, the Bai siblings will only walk on flowery road from now on. Follow the Bai siblings together with their adorable pets to slowly transform their life from poverty to comfort, from a bitter fate to a life full of sweetness. They will get entangled to new people, make new friends and reunite with their family. NOTES: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, places, events and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Enjoy reading it with light heart :)

LeCiev · สมัยใหม่
271 Chs

Chapter 140: Bai Family ancestral home Part 3

"That is another matter, whoever did who wrong has nothing to do..." The 4th daughter feel like her family has lose face so she must expose the matter about Bai Yi Yang seeing an old man for money.

"4th daughter of the first branch, you still doesn't want to admit the truth?" Bai Yi Yang cut her off before she finished speaking. Her expression is helpless, as if she is really tired with all these.

"Right ah..your family is really being too much, don't regret it when this is really brought to authority.." Someone in the crowd scold the 4th daughter.

"I have had enough of all of you. You have been telling different stories all this time, I feel pity for the children now.." Another one said.

"Since you can't move on, I will report for the children!" Someone shout from the crowd. They are really enraged with this shamelessness.

Bai Yi Yang knows what the 4th daughter want to do, she wanted to bring out the matter about them asking to be removed from the family. She purposely entice the people to scold her, when she is emotionally unstable from being scold, she will spout ugly words and this will make the first branch look even more ugly when the truth come out. Not enough with the emotional 2nd son, there is also this lunatic 4th daughter. It must be hard to manage a family like this, Bai Yi Yang pity Bai Chang Yan, she smirk mockingly inside.

"You all have been fooled by this little b**ch! She and her mother is the same kind of people who sleep around! My third sister-in-law gave birth to the the first child 1 month earlier than the due date, if not because it was other people child then what else?! Just because she was caught with some old man by my niece, she frame my niece and almost got her expelled from school. If you don't believe, ask my niece here!" The 4th daughter is desperate to explain herself so she spout out all the nonsense she heard from her mother.

This is really the most ugly accusation from the first branch towards a person who have died. The first branch is really going too much. Bai Yu Jing step forward in front of the 4th daughter and Pa! A loud slap lands on the 4th daughter face.

Everyone feels that the 4th daughter words is really too much, but nobody dare to do like Bai Yu Jing do. Some women know the late wife of the 3rd son, and they also feels that the 4th daughter is too insulting that they wanted to tear her mouth. They think that Bai Yu Jing action towards the 4th daughter is justifiable, it's just that they don't have the bone like Bai Yu Jing. Serve the 4th daughter right!

"If you know nothing then don't say anything with that stinky mouth of yours." Bai Yu Jing glare at the 4th daughter. The 4th daughter is still holding her slapped cheek and haven't reacted yet.

"Who have birth twin here before?" Bai Yu Jing ask the crowd. Two woman lift up their arm.

"The 4th daughter accusations is baseless, when carrying twins, the child must be born early because if not it can cause many complications to the mother and babies . That's why they need to be born earlier." The mother of a twin said.

"I am a labour nurse of 25 years. It is really true that a twin pregnancy must be birth before term. You don't know the fact doesn't mean that you should accuse other people with wrong fact, I am really ashamed as a woman when I see you." A middle age lady also said. After that, a few more woman come out and say the same things. The 4th daughter of the first branch really lose her face.

"How can I not know that you all are siding with this b**ch, my mother has birth to many children and she told me this about my sister-in-law." The 4th daughter scold back. Her statement makes the women there become angrier, she is too ignorant and the old lady of that branch is much more poisonous, dare to talk about her dead daughter-in-law like that. This family is too scary ah.

But this is what Bai Yi Yang is waiting for. When a person is angry and can't control their emotions, they will blurt out things without thinking. This 4th daughter is originally not a fool, it's just that she is blinded by emotion. It may have wronged the Bai sibling's mother, but this will expose Bai Chang Yan ugly family.

"Family head, may I say something." Bai Yi Yang step forward.

"En, yatou, go ahead." The family head is amazed that this girl is still calm after being insulted like that, even she thinks that the 4th daughter is being too much, he even feel ashamed in Bai Chang Yan's stead.

"I will verify everything that the 4th daughter of the first branch has said. Where should we start? Right, Bai Yi Chao step forward." Bai Yi Yang call out Bai Yi Chao who is already hiding behind her brothers. She lied about the real matters and only said it was because of Bai Yi Yang that she is nearly expelled.

"You come forward..tell everyone what you saw.." The 4th daughter pulled Bai Yi Chao out.

"We met that day, and you start insulting me without reason. Correct?" Bai Yi Yang question her.

"That's because you are too arrogant and ignore me." Bai Yi Chao said.

"So unreasonable. What do you expect when someone suddenly come up to you and start accusing you of being rude and so on. You are lucky that I didn't slap you on the face like how my older sister did to your aunt." Bai Yi Yang said as she look at the 4th daughter with a smirk.

"I saw you wearing expensive clothes and go shopping with that old man so you must be having an immoral relationship with him. He looks rich, how come you know someone like that if not because you have that unspeakable relationship." Bai Yi Chao said, feeling like her reasoning is correct.

"This girl thinking is too rotten. Just because she saw someone walk with some stranger, she immediately accused the other girl. Tsk, tsk, tsk.." An elder said while looking at the whole first branch in disappointment, truly rotten to the bone.

"Really is rotten way of thinking. If all people are like her, I won't even dare to walk with my daughter or granddaughter.." Some other people also think the same.

"So, you are saying that with this baseless assumption of you, you spread the word that I have an immoral relationship with that old man directly? Without finding out the truth first?" Bai Yi Yang ask.

"Yes. Then where else would your money to buy expensive clothes come from, even the one you are wearing now..I know you all don't have money, when you leave that year you have less than 50,000 yuan. You can't lie, I heard my grandfather and uncle say it." Bai Yi Chao said without thinking about the effects of her words towards her family. Isn't this all because she wanted to prove herself right?

The adults in her family branch sigh at her stupidity. Isn't this like exposing their family more? In the family, who didn't took a bite on their 3rd brother insurance money? Aren't they going to get criticised for taking money from the siblings. On top of that, there is also the abuse scandal.

"Isn't the insurance money more than 250,000 yuan after the funeral? Where is the money gone? The first branch really cheat the children of their money? The children is really too pitiful.." All sort of comments come to the first branch, they really lose too much face today.

"Very well. Then let me verified. The old man that you accuse is called Cui He Rang, he is an elite lawyer in City Nan for more than 30 years. Everyone can search him up if you don't believe. He and his old wife is kind to me and my siblings, they treat us like grandchildren because they knows about how our real grandparents treat us." Bai Yi Yang smile at Bai Chang Yan when she said this.

"What happened was that, this Bai Yi Chao suddenly made the demeaning accusation in public, so Lawyer Cui called the principal of Bai Yi Chao's high school to seek for explanation, if not he will sue Bai Yi Chao and the school at court for defamation of character. Not only expelled, Bai Yi Chao will have to enter the court for months and leave her name with an unclean record. Of course we settled it on the spot since Bai Yi Chao apologise. If you are not satisfied with it, I can always call Lawyer Cui and we can bring this case in court, at that time don't expect me to withdraw, since we already paid more than enough 2 years ago." Bai Yi Yang said in loud voice.

The first branch pale, they didn't think that it was that serious. Bai Yi Chao story is only about Bai Yi Yang going out with an old man and the teacher scold her for that. And the principal also warn her to not speak nonsense.

"You..!" The Eldest son look at his daughter and wanted to beat her on the spot. This serious matter, she dare to hide from them and lead them to think in different directions. If his daughter and the school is sued because of this, he will surely lose his job.

"As for my and my siblings money..what does it have anything to do with you? We have a piece of land, we have two hands and feet to work. Of course we earn it. Or how about we all here write down all our source of income so it will be fair." Bai Yi Yang said to the crowd.

The people who heard this think that someone private matter like income shouldn't be publicised, at least, they themselves don't want to do so. So they all said that Bai Chang Yan branch is purposely searching for trouble.

"Family head, as for the thing about cutting the family relation with the first branch. It is really us siblings who initiate it. Let me ask everyone, if you were me, would you still want to be close family with this kind of people who always wanted to harm you? I am really scared, what will happen next if we didn't come out if this kind of family." Bai Yi Yang sigh.

"En, I understand.." The family head nod. Other people also nod, they are scared to get close to this branch, they are really a bunch of evil people, really from old to young, everyone is the same.

Like that, the things were settled. The first branch returned with shame after apologising to the people. They didn't even get to offer incense before the whole branch leaving with their two big cars.

The Bai siblings is comforted by the rest of the family and they also leave without having lunch first. Along the exchange, Bai Yi Chen didn't say a single word. He was very quiet but his eyes also doesn't have the same look when looking at their original branch. He is really disappointed when hearing it upfront.

Bai Yu Jing was complaining along the way about his first uncle branch, she was saying about how they weren't like that before when Jiang Yu Tong first married in. Jiang Yu Tong is the Bai siblings mother name.

The Jiang family is a family that has money, not very rich but Grandpa Jiang was a successful architect, he even have company and properties in City Shan, so of course the Bai family was ecstatic when they found out that the daughter of this kind of family wanted to marry their 3rd son, even though she is just a teacher but her family is rich ah. She will definitely get a huge inheritance later that will be benefit the Bai family.

But who knows that when she married their 3rd son, she declared that she will not fight for the company or properties in the city with her older brother and will live a simple life with the 3rd son as teacher in City Bei. When the Jiang parents was still alive, the Bai family is still polite, but when the two passed away and Jiang Yu Tong also have bad relationship with her rich older brother because of the child adoption issue, the Old Bai couple resent this stupid daughter-in-law of them. And that is how their treatment towards Jiang Yu Tong changes. That's why they dare to slander her in public.

"Since the beginning, they weren't good to us sincerely. It was because of mom's family's money." Bai Yi Chen smile weakly after Bai Yu Jing finished retelling the story. Bai Yi Chen was 14 when their parents died, of course he can see how his grandparents treat his mother with lukewarm feels, but he thought that his grandparents is just in a bad mood, he never suspect these people. Now he clearly understands it.

"Da jie, send us to the hotel bah. We will take a rest first." Bai Yi Yang pat Bai Yi Chen shoulder and told Bai Yu Jing.

"En. It's good to rest, later at night come over to our house, we have dinner together. I will let Ah Sheng to invite you." Bai Yu Jing said.

After that, it was mostly Bai Yi Yang who is chatting with Bai Yu Jing. They chat about light topics and the children is fast asleep, Bai Yi Chen dazed out watching the scenery outside. Bai Yi Yang let him be, he can take his time to fully accept that the first branch really isn't their family anymore.

Notes: Merry Christmas!!!💚💚💚