

((Sup people I'm back :-). This chapter is gonna have a lot of lists so be prepared lol, hope you enjoy it and thanks for waiting))

When he sat down at his desk Rex began looking over the list that he had that contained the race, age, and gender of each slave. He sighed and took out a blank sheet of paper so that he could begin to organize the information.

Slaves Total: 457

Men 343

Women: 86

Kids : 28



Race: Tiger


Men: 45

Women: 8

Kids: 2


Race: Rhino


Men: 47

Women: 12

Kids: 6


Race: Snake


Men: 38

Women: 13

Kids: 1


Race: Leopard


Men: 58

Women: 10

Kids: 4


Race: Cheetah


Men: 37

Women: 11

Kids: 4


Race: Wolf


Men: 69

Women: 17

Kids: 8


Race: Fox


Men: 49

Women: 15

Kids: 5

After looking at the list Rex felt a headache "Wow we really are a big mess of a group. Well, at least some of their races make it easy for me to come up with their roles."

He took a closer look and began to sort them out "Rhinos are a definite shield unit, they would make an awesome heavy cavalry but they are just too heavy for any horse to be able to hold them. Tiger, Leopards, and Wolves sound like they could make a good infantry/cavalry. Foxes could be a good scouting and archery unit along with some cheetahs. The cheetahs could also become a light swordsman but they lack strength but if they are equipped with falcatas then that might even things up a bit."

Rex began to look over his ideas and began nodding to himself "Yep finally somewhat organized. Oh, crap forgot about the Snake people, they can't become a calvary at least not with that big tail that they have behind them." In the end, he decided that they could be part of a chariot squad but before that he would try and see if he could make some armor for them and have them act as spearmen. He could tell that the tail was going to be a big target but once that was covered it could end up as another weapon since he had seen how strong it was."

After he had made sure that he was happy with his decisions he had made Rex took out yet another paper and finalized what he had decided.


Shields Men


Race: Rhino

Men: 47




Race :Tiger + Leopard + Wolf

Men: 86




Race :Tiger + Leopard + Wolf

Men: 86




Race :Cheetahs + Fox

Men: 86


Spearmen / Chariot


Race: Snake

Men: 38

Max looked at the group and nodded, he didn't feel comfortable with sending women to war so he decided that they would stay and guard the Mansion.


Shields Women


Race: Rhino

Women: 12


Swords Women


Race :Tiger + Leopard + Wolf

Men: 35




Race :Cheetahs + Fox

Men: 26


Spear Women


Race: Snake

Men: 13

He finally began to relax, "Man I wish that I had some more Shields Men but that's fine, it's not like we are going to war right now so I should be okay to slowly fill in the gap. The thing that I'm most worried about is how am I supposed to sustain all these people. If I don't come up with a good idea then I really am going to have a financial crisis."

After thinking for solutions for about an hour he had finally come up with some good ones that he wanted to try later. Rex couldn't help and sigh "By the time this training is over James should just give me his position as general. I mean not only do I have to decide how they live, but now I have to make sure there is no spying and leaking of information, that everyone follows orders, and I have to make sure that everyone has everything they need. If I think about it this is even worse than the training I got from father."

He left chainling 34 in his desk again and teleported back to Fang's office.

The demon jumped up from his seat surprised "Master, you gave me a scare haha, how can I help you?"

Rex handed him the list that he had in his hand "These are the units that I'm thinking of making with what I have at the moment, what do you think?"

Fang grabbed the list and began reading them "This doesn't look too bad other than shields and spears the numbers are pretty well balanced. The thing I'm wondering is why not turn the Rhinos into a heavy cavalry instead?"

Rex gave him a slight smile "Well the thing is that their bodies are already heavy, no horse would be able to lift their weight."

The demon nodded "But if you tame some beasts and equip the Rhinos with them then that should take care of the problem."

Shaking his head Rex sighed "That would make an incredible combo but the taming skill that I have seems to be unique, I would only be attracting even more attention to myself than I already am."

Fang laughed "Well then everything seems to be fine, it's a small force but since they are demi-humans each one is probably worth 3 human men. Speaking of that I can also see that you have chosen the women to become your home guards."

Rex nodded "I figured that it would make the men be calmer if they knew their wives and children would be facing fewer dangers.

The demon gave him a devilish grin "I can already imagine how Jemma is going to react when she finds out that you have more than 80 women living around you. She is gonna freak haha."

Rex just shrugged and returned the smile but his was even more devilish "You could tell her but then I figure all your going to see is stars once she pounds you into the ground haha."

Fang stopped laughing and turned pale "Thank you, master, you just saved my life. Is there anything that I can do to help you further?"

Rex laughed and shook his head "No I'll be going now, tell Jemma and my parents that I say hi."

The demon nodded and Rex teleported back to the office in his mansion. He laid his head on the desk and went to sleep. Not long after he heard a knock on his door "Master it's me, John, I come here to bring your food."

Rex looked out the window and was surprised to see that it was already dark outside, he sat up and responded to the butler "Come in John".

The butler opened the door and walked toward the desk with a tray of food on one hand. He set it down on the desk and gave a short bow "Sir if there isn't anything else that you need then I'll be in my room. Just give a shout if you need me for anything and I'll try my best to show up as soon as I can."

Rex gave him a short nod and began eating, the butler began to walk backwards and left the room after closing the door.

Rex sighed and looked at the ring that was on his desk "Chainling 34 give me the report for today."

"Yes, master according to the others there has been no abnormal behavior among the guards or slaves. Though there have been 4 guards and 7 slaves that have taken their rings off even after you warned them not to."

Rex sighed and nodded "Give me the numbers"

"As you wish master, they are 6,28,31,....."

While Chainling 34 was giving him the numbers Rex was summoning them on his desk when they had finished he now had 11 rings spread around in his desk. He put them away in a drawer and began to think of ways that he would punish the people that broke their word.

After falling asleep for a few hours he was awoken by a voice in his head "Master this is Chainling 156 the wolf demi-human that I'm tasked to monitor is leaving the barracks."

Rex sighed and shook his head to see if that would be able to help him wake up faster "Don't tell me that someone is already going to try and escape."

He teleported to the courtyards and quickly found a young demi-human sneaking into the mansion. He began to follow it and found himself even deeper into the mansion which confused him. If the slave wanted to get out then what the hell was he doing moving deeper into the mansion, was he a spy or something.

The slave led him to a hallway that was full of doors and he saw as the man entered one of the rooms. As soon as the Demi-human entered the room he received another report.

"Sir this is Chainling 38 I'm in charge of looking over the maid called Mala, the demi-human that was reported earlier has now entered her room while she is asleep."

After hearing that Rex immediately ran into the room and found the slave next to a young woman and was covering her mouth. The slave was surprised when he heard the door open up but as soon as he found who it was he froze in fear."

Rex brought out his chain and wrapped it around the neck of the demi-human pulling him towards him.

He looked at the scared maid "Are you injured?"

She quickly shook her head and looked at the slave in hatred. Rex gave her a gentle smile "Don't worry I'll make sure this doesn't happen again."

As he said that he stomped at the slave's genitals and heard a loud shriek as the slave began to pass out. He walked to the girl and wrapped her in a blanket since the slave had ripped apart her clothes. "Mala do you think that you could come with me?"

The terrified girl showed a glint of surprise as she looked at her young master that had remembered her name out of the hundreds that he had heard throughout the day. She wiped her teary eyes and nodded "Yes master".

He nodded and left the room as he dragged the unconscious slave on the ground. When he was out he shouted at the top of his lungs "Everyone Wake UP!!!!!"

Immediately all the maids began to open the door surprised to see their master dragging a body of a demi-human from a chain as he was being followed by Mala wrapped around in a blanket. They quickly put two and two together and ran to Mala asking if she was okay.

"Go around and let everyone know that I want them in the courtyard ASAP."

They nodded and began to disperse, meanwhile he teleported to the courtyard with Mala and the slave. He began to walk towards the barracks and yelled out "I want everyone out now, there had been a huge problem !!!"

In less than a minute all the slaves were out and looking at Rex in anger as they saw the young slave's limp body but they stayed silent.

After everyone was present Rex summoned a bucket of cold water that he carried around and poured on the body of the slave. The demi-human quickly woke up and began to curl into a ball as he put his hands on his privates.

Rex looked around and then spoke, "This man that you see here went into the mansion and tried to rape one of the maids."

All the slaves looked at him in anger since they couldn't believe that it was true. The guards, on the other hand, began to spit on the slave, one even looked at the other demi-humans and yelled "That's the only thing that you can expect from filthy beasts."

Rex quickly teleported next to him and punched his gut, the guard bent and hit the ground. "I warned you that I didn't want to hear a comment like that again, the action of one man doesn't speak for their race otherwise all the races would be called filthy don't you think."

He turned around and looked at the slaves and sighed "You don't believe me do you?"

They all kept quiet and simply glared at him with an amazing amount of hatred. He shrugged and walked up to the chained slave "Tell them what you did".

The slave looked at him in fear and tried to speak but nothing came out. Rex sighed and used heal on his body, not completely curing him just enough to allow him to speak.

"I'll give you another chance, tell them what you did."

The man hesitated but he began yelling "I didn't do anything, he dragged me from my bed and beat me. This is all a setup you have to believe me."

Rex nodded, he had expected the response. He gave the man an evil smile and stomped on his privates again leading the man to pass out once more.

The slaves began to tense their bodies preparing to start a fight. Rex walked closer to them and sat on the ground "Choose a representative, someone that you trust and let him sit here with me"

The demi-humans began to stir and after a few minutes, the Tiger demi-human that had spoken out walked forward and sat directly in front of him.

Rex nodded his greeting and looked around the slaves "Is this the person that you have elected?"

Nearly all of them nodded. He yawned and brought out a vial and handed it to the demi-human called Trey. In the vial was one of the things that he found most useful from the training with his father. "In that vial, there is a drug that doesn't allow you to lie, it's called a truth serum and it's effective for about 5 minutes. I want you to consume it and prove it's effects.

Trey hesitated but nodded in the end and drank it in one go, after waiting for a few minutes Rex began questioning him.

"Do you respect me?"

Trey shook his head but responded "I respect your strength"

The man looked at Rex shocked and began covering his mouth. Rex gave a smile "Don't worry that answer is not even that bad, it's normal to respect someone due to their strength. The thing is since I don't really know you there aren't many things that I can ask hmm. Let's make this quick, out of all the women here which do you think is the hottest?"

Trey looked at him in anger and tried covering his mouth but Rex got a hold of his hands "Riana"

Rex gave him a nod and began looking around "Who is Riana?"

All the slaves backed away and left a tall, busty leopard demi-human standing alone while she was blushing. Rex held down the urge to laugh, he patted the man's back "There is nothing to feel embarrassed about, I'm with you that is pretty hard to beat."

He stood up and helped Trey who was extremely red get up. His smile began to disappear as he turned around and walked towards the chained slave and brought out another vial. He opened it and poured the liquid down his throat.

He poured another bucket of water and healed him a bit. "Did you or did you not try to rape one of my maids ?"

The man shook his head but spoke "Yes I did". The man just looked at the ground in shock.

Rex smiled and turned to the slaves "Well you heard him now I need all the women and children to go back to sleep as I give all the gentlemen here a demonstration of what will happen if they try to force you into doing anything, Oh and careful because from now on there will be 2 River Fanged Wolves guarding the courtyard.

All the women nodded and began to go back to their rooms. When they were left alone Rex brought out his Chinese sword breaker and began breaking all the bones from the slave. All the men began flinching as they heard bones breaking. Rex kept healing the man and waking him up until he was tired and used the point of the sword breaker and punctured his lung giving him a slow and painful death. After the man was dead he stored his body in his storage.

He had tortured the man for hours without stopping and was really tired. He yawned and looked at all the men "His treatment ended earlier than expected since It's late and I want you to get some sleep. Trust me if I hear that any man tries to rape, or somehow blackmail a woman I will give you a more thorough lesson."

Some of the men swallowed their saliva as they looked into the seriousness of Rex's eyes, he began to walk towards the mansion but stopped halfway turned around with a smile and yelled out "Oh and nearly forgot there are some of you who broke their word and took off your rings, you should expect some sort of punishment later in the morning."

He left the courtyard as he headed to bed leaving 11 men in cold sweat as they began to imagine what they were going to face in a few hours.

HAHA finally back and happy that my story finally reached 400 collections.

Thanks for everyone that has made it this far :-)

wolfster101creators' thoughts