

This is a Y/n X Lord Shen love story that will follow some to most of the movie's story line. Everything in your life was normal. That is until you went to Gongmen City to visit a friend and you come face to face with the red eyed evil peacock. Known for killing Thundering Rhino and taking over the city of Gongmen. Determined, powerful and merciless to get what he wants. To take control of China and everything in it. But there's something else about him that you come to learn about him at the same time.

MidnightMoon8888 · ภาพยนตร์
4 Chs

Chapter Three: Love At First Captured

Lord Shen walks into his bedroom for the first time in years. Everything is still here as he had left it. A glass bottle of gunpowder is next to some old small fireworks that are on his nightstand. In his closet are his luxurious silk robes and steel swords. His bed has been made, and there's a thin layer of dust almost everywhere.

He's surprised how all of his things are still here. Considering that he thought his parents would have everything relating to him thrown away.


Lord Shen: Everything is right where I left it.


He walks towards one of the paintings that's near his bed. It's a painting of him when he was a child, and he's being carried by both his mom and dad. Such a happy relationship with his parents he used to have.

Raising his hand towards the painting, only the tips of his heathers touch the painting. This upset him... how could his own parents disown him? How could they? He loved them. He wanted to be just like his father and make him proud...


Lord Shen: I don't have time to mourn. The past is dead.


Lord Shen puts his hand down, and his face shifts to anger. He's going to have to get rid of some things around here. Whatever reminds him of his parents, he'll get rid of it all. And replace it with his own legacy.








You and Huan are in a dress shop in one of the shopping districts. While you two are looking at dresses, you also take this time to catch up.


Huan: I'm curious. Have you met someone yet?

Y/n: No, not really. I mean, I talked to a couple of guys back in the village, but... I don't know.

Huan: Well, if you want, I could help. You know I'm a great matchmaker. I'm even thinking of having my own service, and you'll be my first customer, free of charge because you're my best friend.

Y/n: Ha, I'll think about that offer.


Some of the dresses here are beautiful. There's a small section of almost every color and each dress has its own designs on it. But then there's a pink one with lily flower designs that catches your eye.


Y/n: Hey Huan, what do you think of this one?


You hold the pink dress in front of her.


Huan: Oh, that's the one for you. Go try it on. It looks like it's your size.


You happily go into the fitting room with it and try it on. It fits perfectly, and it's so beautiful. You walk out of the fitting room where Huan is waiting.


Huan: Y/n, it's beautiful! You have to get it.

Y/n: I know right? This would be perfect to wear if the festival wasn't canceled.

Huan: Well, you can wear it just because. It's cute.

Y/n: I really do like it. Alright, I'll get it.




... A Little While Later...




You and Huan are walking back to her home. Both of you are carrying a couple of bags, including some pre-made snacks to eat later today. Because the wolves are making sure that they get everything relating to metal, Huan doesn't want to cook anything until it's after midnight.

And speaking of the wolves, as you and Huan make the corner, you see a wolf holding a citizen by the shirt. Though you couldn't hear much, the wolf seems to be threatening the citizen.

There's no way you're going to stand here and do nothing. You give Huan to hold your things, and just before she can get a say in this, you run towards the wolf. Confident that you can take this wolf down, you run even faster. And by the time the wolf turns his head around after hearing your footsteps, the bottom of your foot hits his face.

The citizen thanked you before running away. Now it's just you and the wolf who get back up.


???: You want to interfere with Lord Shen's plans?! You're coming with me!

Y/n: Try me, bitch.


These seem to piss the wolf off even more than he already was. You get into a fighting stance as the wolf charges at you. Swifty dodging his move, you turn and punch him in the back, causing him to almost fall.

You know Kung Fu, sure not as much compared to the Furious Five, but Hell, you're winning this fight. Huan could only stand from afar as she watched more wolves coming in to help their soldier and they joined in the fight. This doesn't bother you one bit. In fact, watching them fall one by one was making you feel a great rush of adrenaline.

It wasn't until one of the wolves used their chains to gain the upper hand that he managed to tie the chains around you from shoulder to waist. The rest of the wolves get up, some with bruises on them. That's when a wolf with one eye steps towards you and he says...


???: Take her to Lord Shen!


Two wolves grab your shoulders, and they take you away. Huan is still standing from afar, but right now she's hiding behind the corner as she peaks her eye out to see you get taken.

You turn your head towards her and show a small smile, somehow reassuring her that you'll be okay. But she's not so sure about that. Lord Shen is a heartless murderer who will kill anyone that stands in his way. She wishes she knew kung fu to help you, but all she can do is watch you leave.

The wolves take you to the Peacock Palace as the lead stands in front of you. The big front doors to the palace open, revealing every building inside the stone gates. You have to admit, it's beautiful here, but that isn't your biggest concern right now.








Lord Shen stands in front of the standing gold-framed mirror in one of the royal bathrooms, this one is in the tall tower. He's made sure everything about him is perfect. Not a stain or dust particle in his silver silk attire. He polished and re-sharpened his metal claws. He even practices his stance about how he will greet you.


Lord Shen: Greetings my dear, We finally meet at last. No, no, that's too much. Greetings my dear wife- fuck! No!


He definitely can't say wife yet, and if he says that, it'll freak you out. Pacing back and forth a bit, he lets out a deep sigh as he tries to compose himself. He's actually nervous about meeting you, and what's also making him nervous is that he'll soon meet the panda.

He stands up straight again and smiles, and that's when a good idea comes to his mind.


Lord Shen: (Opens his tail feathers and extends his hand towards the mirror) Greetings my dear, and what is your name? Yes, yes, that's it!


He then closes down his feathers before he walks out of the bathroom and back into the throne room. He's made some changes to his bedroom earlier that he hopes it's to your liking. It is the room that you and he will be sharing when you feel comfortable sleeping in the same room as him. But until then, he's already had the maids prepare your room, which is right next to his room.


Soothsayer: I can see that you are nervous.

Lord Shen: (Chuckles) Nervous of what exactly? I'm not nervous.

Soothsayer: It is okay to be nervous Shen. I know you haven't exactly had a lot of experience, but both of you will learn.

Lord Shen: Experience?! What exactly are you getting at?

Soothsayer: Was there any room for love in your heart after you left?

Lord Shen: I was banished. Exiled. I didn't have time for love. But now I do. It's about time I settled down.

Soothsayer: But you haven't completely healed yet. The pain you felt from your parents.

Lord Shen: My parents have nothing to do with my soon-to-be marriage. They have nothing to do with my plans for China. I only look forward to my plans, and I never look back.


That's when they hear footsteps coming up the stairs. The first person he sees is his general, which is the one-eyed wolf.


???: Lord Shen, we have another prisoner for you. This lady stopped one of our guys from taking the metal and she beat some of our guys down with kung fu.


You walk up the stairs, still tied up in chains and the wolves lead you towards Lord Shen. The moment Shen sees you, his eyes widen a bit and he can feel his tail wanting to raise.


~Shen's Mind: It's her... and she's beautiful...~


Soothsayer was right, he is certain that you are the one he's going to marry. It is love at first sight as he just can't stop staring at you.

The two wolves make you kneel down in front of Lord Shen where you finally look up. And when you do, you and his eyes meet for the first time.

Damn... you've never seen anyone with red eyes before. And he's pretty handsome too. But you also remember that he's evil. He doesn't care for the things he's doing to the people here. And who knows what punishment he's going to have you go through.

And then, finally seeing the bigger picture, seeing you in chains is angering him.


Lord Shen: Release her from those chains!


As confused as they are, they don't dare to question his order and they untie you. With one look at his general, Lord Shen lets them know that they are no longer needed here, and the general and his wolves quickly leave the room.


Lord Shen: Forgive me, my dear. I apologize for their behavior.


He expands his hand to you at the same time he smiles and his tail opens, allowing you to see the stunning red and white patterns of his tail feathers. He helps you get up as you give him your hand.

It's best not to piss him off, not right now. So you willing gave him your hand.


Lord Shen: I know this wasn't the best greeting, not the one I was hoping for. So let's start here, call me Shen. Tell me, what's your name?

Y/n: Y/n.

Shen: Oh you have nothing to fear my dear. In fact, I've been expecting you.


Still holding your hand, he continues to stare at you with a gentle smile on his face. You don't know if he's playing some kind of game, but you find your cheeks flush a little bit. It's definitely a weird feeling right now. Are you not his prisoner right now? What does he mean by he was expecting you?


Y/n: I- I don't understand.


He knows you don't feel the same way he's feeling for you right now, but that's okay. He knows you will, and he will ensure it by having you stay here with him. That way it'll give him plenty of time for you to fall in love with him.


Shen: Well understand this. From now on you will stay here in the palace and we will get to know each other. Dinner will be ready in a couple of hours, the maid will take you to your room.


The moment he lets go of your hand is when the maid enters the room and she asks you to follow her. Not wanting to risk angering him, you just follow right behind the maid as she leads you down the stairs and out of the tower. But even as you leave the room, you can feel Shen's eyes piercing at you.

You still don't know what he means by he was expecting you. And now you're finding out that he's set up a room for you? And he's inviting you to join him for dinner? You're surprised you're not being thrown in a jail cell right now, but if there's any chance to escape from this place, it'll be while he thinks you're willing to see him for dinner. You'll have a better understanding of your surroundings and maybe you can get some answers as to why he's taking all the pots and pans from the villagers.

Also, you're not too worried about him even if you were in a jail cell since you know your best friend Po and the five are on their way here right now. They could even be in the city by now, but it shouldn't take too long for them to get here.

You'll play along for now and just play the waiting game for Po and the five to come, or for you to find the perfect time at the right opportunity to escape.

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