

This is a Y/n X Lord Shen love story that will follow some to most of the movie's story line. Everything in your life was normal. That is until you went to Gongmen City to visit a friend and you come face to face with the red eyed evil peacock. Known for killing Thundering Rhino and taking over the city of Gongmen. Determined, powerful and merciless to get what he wants. To take control of China and everything in it. But there's something else about him that you come to learn about him at the same time.

MidnightMoon8888 · ภาพยนตร์
4 Chs

Chapter One: What's Wrong With Po?

You leave the noodle shop with a happy face and a happy stomach. It's too bad Po wasn't there for you to say hi to him. Ever since he became the Dragon Warrior, you more or less get to see him. He's always busy training with the Furious Five.

Of course, you're happy that he's happy. But you do miss him though. He's like the brother you've always wanted, and you do consider him like a brother.

But just as you walk out of the noodle shop, you turn and see the villagers greeting Po and the Furious Five as they walk by them. Po smiles and greets them, but you can tell something's wrong. You've known him for so long that even if he hides it well, you know when he's hurt or bothered by something.

Po tells the Five to head on without him. They listen, and they leave him be while he heads towards you and the noodle shop.


Y/n: Po, hey! Long time no see.


You give him a big hug as always, to which he happily returns it.


Po: Hey Y/n.

Y/n: Is everything alright?

Po: Oh yeah, yeah. We beat down some wolves trying to steal pots and pans in another village near the mountains. But...

Y/n: But?... You can tell me Po.

Po: One of the wolves... head a red mark on his armor. It's strange but... I feel like I saw it before. I even had what I think is a memory of... my mother. I-I don't know if it's a flashback or if I banged my head too hard.

Y/n: Your mom? Do you think your dad knows anything about that? About where exactly you came from?

Po: I don't know, but that's why I'm here to ask him. I can feel it in my bones, like there's something about that red mark. I don't know what it is just yet.

Y/n: I'll let you go ahead. It was nice seeing you again Po.


You give him another hug before you walk away, letting him enter the noodle shop to see his dad.

It's honestly no surprise that he's adopted. Since he's a panda and his dad is a goose. You hope that his dad does know something about his birth family and where he came from. You'll come by the shop or palace later today to see how he's doing.

Oh yeah, you just remembered something. You'll have to go away for a little while and you wanted to tell Po. Well, you guess it can wait for later. You don't leave until later today, and the boat leaves in the morning. So, you got time.




...A Little Later...




Y/n: Well, that should be everything.


You packed everything you needed. Clothes and first aid supplies, all in one backpack. You're going to visit your best friend "Huan". She moved to Gongmen City a few years ago for a job opportunity and the last time you saw her was last year since you try to visit her every year.

Once you packed your backpack, you head straight for the Jade Palace where Po should be. Not only do you wanna say goodbye to him, but you're curious to know what his dad said about where he came from.

It takes a while, but when you finally reach the doors in front of the Jade Palace, you knock. The doors open for you and so you head on in.

You hear noises coming from the Training building. That must mean Po is in there training with the Five and Master Shifu. Everyone here is cool with you, so you bother to knock on the door and just let yourself in.

The moment you walk in, you see everyone training using their own method of training. Tigress uses her brute strength, Monkey with his flexibility, Viper with her smooth-slithering ability to dodge every move, Crane uses his flight ability, and Mantis uses his speed. All while Po is at the center training with Master Shifu.

You put your backpack down and sit to watch them train. You do know some Kung Fu, but the Five and Master Shifu don't know that, since it's not allowed for villagers to learn about their material arts. But Po has been training you in secret whenever he can.

After a few minutes, Viper is the first one who notices you first.


Viper: Y/n!


She happily slithers over to you and that's when everyone else notices you.


Viper: It's great to see you Y/n! How have you been?

Y/n: I've been good, it's nice seeing you too.

Mantis: You going somewhere?

Crane: What's in the bag?

Y/n: I'm going to Gongmen City in the morning tomorrow to see a friend. If you want, I can bring you all souvenirs. Gongmen City is a beautiful city with a lot of stores and food courts.

Viper: Oh, can you bring me a tail bracelet?

Y/n: Sure.

Po: So how long are you going to stay in Gongmen City?

Y/n: For about a month. There's a festival coming up that's going to last the whole week, and I can't wait to go.

Po: Well, we're definitely going to miss you. Right guys?


Po comes in for a hug and while you two embrace, almost everyone agrees that they'll miss you. You're friends with everyone here, especially since you invite them to come over for dinner at least once a week. You don't mind cooking for them. In fact, you love their company. And they definitely love yours.


Y/n: Hey Po, is it okay if we talk outside for a minute?

Po: Yeah sure, I'll be back.


As you and Po leave the training building, Master Shifu tells everyone to get back to training. Once the doors close and you and Po are not close to the building, you start the conversation about his dad.


Y/n: So, did your dad know something?

Po: No, he says he doesn't know where I came from, but he told me that I came in a crate that was filled with radishes when I was a baby.

Y/n: What?

Po: I know. That's what I thought too. But he took me in, gave me a bath, and fed me, a lot. And he said it was that same night he realized that he wanted to raise me as his own son.

Y/n: Aww... So how do you feel about all of this? Are you okay?

Po: To be honest, I'm still kind of shocked. Like, why was I in a food crate and did my mother give me up? I mean, I'm happy that my dad took care of me, and I love him. But... I just wish I could know more about my birth parents so I wouldn't have so many questions in my head. I keep thinking, why would my own parents give me up?


You place your hand on his arm, trying to comfort him.


Y/n: Hey, I'm sure they had a good reason to. Don't worry so much about the past Po. Sure, you don't know much about your birth parents, but you know, if it wasn't for them, you wouldn't be right here. Dragon warrior, being friends and fighting with the Furious Five, having a great dad who runs a delicious noodle shop, and you and I would have never met. It's okay to have a lot of questions running in your mind, but try to let it pass like a cloud. It can be slow and steady, but I'm sure once you let it pass, it'll all be okay.


Po smiles at your words, feeling a lot better.


Po: Thanks Y/n.


You give him a long, big hug before saying your goodbyes and leaving the Jade Palace. Of course, it's going to take time for him to heal from something like this. You definitely would know about this.

Now, you're on your way to the docks, on your way to Gongmen City. You can't wait to see your friend and celebrate with her during the festival.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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