
Instant Death [DxD]

Xander Ranvil, the incarnation of death has arrived at the world of DxD. (Note) : First time writing so don't expect anything, if you don't like it then just leave. there would be strong beings arriving at DxD to level the grounds. (Not reincarnators or transmigrators) If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
120 Chs

Chapter 5

After escaping from the Student Council room, Xander immediately went to the rooftop to meet Koneko, she's probably waiting for him there and for his food. Xander is thinking whether he should be really spoiling Koneko when it could result of canon diversion.

Xander arrived at the rooftop and when he entered, there he saw a petite figure standing while shadow covers her face, she slowly asked. "So? Did you have fun in there?" Xander was already used to this Koneko so he just shrugged and sat on the bench. "Hmm, kinda? We just played chess and talked about some things" Xander explained as he opened his lunch box preparing to eat.

Xander also handed the other 2 lunch boxes to her. Koneko's mood immediately changed when she received the box, they clapped their hands together and said "Ittadakimasu" while eating they started some random conversations. "Koneko-chan, are you free on sunday? I wanna buy some outfits since everything I own was already old" Xander invited Koneko for a shopping while pointing at his shirt.

"...Sorry senpai, I have something to do on sunday so I can't accompany you" Koneko rejected Xander's offer with regret on her face. She really want to follow him in his shopping to know more about her mysterious senpai. "Ah, its fine" Xander said while thinking that maybe something serious is happening since he can see the regret on her face.

They continued talking until the bell started ringing indicating that the lunch break is done. Xander waved to Koneko while saying goodbye, and they finally parted ways. Even though Koneko rejected his offer, he will still go to the mall on the sunday to buy some new clothes.

Meanwhile in the Student Council room, Tsubaki sat on the chair that Xander used and invited Sona to complete the game, and Sona didn't refuse as she also sat on her chair to concentrate. They started playing and after a few seconds they both stared at the chess board with dumbfounded gaze. Because on the board you can see that Sona's king got trapped and is waiting for the knight to eat it, meaning she lost. "This is a joke right? Did I really lose? No, no, that was just a flunk" While Sona is denying reality, Tsubaki started to collect her thoughts 'He really won, I just followed his instruction and Sona got checked, but this is good, someone that can challenge Kaichou finally appeared, even though this is not counted as his win since he left halfway, I'm sure Sona will still panic about this problem' A small smile made into Tsubaki's face as the other members tried to make Sona calm.


"Is there still no information? Its been few weeks but we still don't have any lead?" Sirzechs asked with a grave look on his face. They've been investigating about what or who caused this changes in their world. But so far all the information they gathered was about the change of the world.

Many Gods from various pantheon got weaker and some even died, though most of those Gods are connected to 'Death'. Upon seeing this many people started avoiding the word 'Death' thinking that they would also be afflicted to the curse.

"Sigh, so far we haven't found any useful information about this being, but we already suspected that a being with same class as Ophis and Great Red might have been born. If Ophis is 'Infinity' and Great Red is 'Dream', then this newborn might be 'Death'" Ajuka Beelzebub reported to Sirzechs while sighing, this caused them many headache.

Ajuka was massaging his forehead when he remembered a particular rumour. "Oh right, I remembered hearing that any being with the intention of killing or just being hostile to the 'Death' would immediately die, I don't know if its true but just hearing it made my whole body shudder" Ajuka said while trying to stop his hands from shaking. The other 3 got shocked when they heard that.

"What!? Is that true Ajuka-chan~!?" The bubbly Maou asked, while thinking about her lovely sister, Serafall know that her and Sirzech's sister has always been the center of trouble, so she can't help but worry about them. 'I hope you won't meet the 'Death' So-tan~' she thought hoping.

"Ajuka, please try testing the theory with some of the prisoners, also don't tell them what to do, the 'Death' might notice that and will kill you too, just make them hate the being without too much of your part." Sirzechs instructed Ajuka while telling him to be careful. "Let's end today's meeting, oh, Ajuka, if the rumours are right, tell us right away so we can spread the news to every Devils, it will be bad if they stay ignorant without knowing the danger" Everyone nodded their head at his words. They're also tired and wanted some rest.


*Kuoh Gakuen

When the school ended, Xander directly went home after saying his farewell towards Koneko. He just walked to his house since its not that far from his school. Xander was glad that nothing happened while he was on his way home.

After arriving at his house, he went to take a bath since his body was quite oily from school. Taking bath was one of his favorite thing to do when he is home, bathing never failed his expectations of it and it can make his body fresh. After wearing his clothes he went downstairs and sat on the sofa in the living room.

Xander remembered something he hasn't touched yet, 'Oh right, I haven't opened my Storage since coming to this world right? everything was so peaceful that I forgot hmm, let's see..' Xander opened his Menu and went to the Storage section after clicking the storage "..!?, What the hell is this!?" What he saw in there baffled him greatly.



*Well Bag - 1

*Unlimited Bag of Cookie - 1

*Divine Sword - 1

*Magic Sword Balmung - 1

*Holy Sword Excalibur - 1

*Moon - 1

*Meteor Showers - 3

*Forge Magic - 1





"Really? I gained the items that Satou obtained? Wait, System! This Meteor Shower.. is it the same Authority of Dragon God Akon Kagura? Or is it the skill that Satou gained?" Xander immediately called the forgotten system, since he rarely give an quest.


[Host, the three Meteor Shower you can see is the Authority of the Dragon God]

"Ohhh!! That's great! If its just the skill, I can only hope to dropped it on Minor Gods, but if its the Authority, then even normal gods would be obliterated by it. Even Akon Kagura who made a Singularity Existence which is Satou and can kill every Gods in that world was killed by this authority" Xander was happy to hear what the system said and started inspecting many items on the Storage.

He brought the Excalibur from his Storage and inspected it, 'Too bad the holy swords in that world aren't as strong as in this world, they can only be used as a battery, though the real jackpot here is the Divine Sword, since when Satou used it he was surprised because the God Fragment which he cannot damage before was immediately slashed and died before his Divine Blade' Xander was immersed in his thoughts that he didn't notice it was already night. 'I got a whole Moon on my Storage, should I put it in this world? That would be funny' Xander thought with giddy smile on his face.

Xander went to his bed and was about to sleep when he sensed a killing intent far from him, he immediately killed that person and thought 'Damn, for how many is this now? I'm tired of these fools, trying to kill me' What Xander didn't know that instead of 20 people, he already killed tens of thousands people, when he is sleeping his ability would instantly react to those killing intent and every person who has hostile intention to him died.

For the next few days Xander's routine was quite repetitive, go to school, perfect every test, eat with Koneko, and messing with the Student Council members and going home. Even though its quite boring, Xander loved this peaceful time, what he loved the most though is teasing Sona, teasing serious woman and gaining a reaction can be quite addicting. Xander even lied that anything he change sized can't be turned back, so Sona can only glared at him while worry about her large wings, she's worrying about it when even her peerage loved it.

Time passed and its now sunday, the time where Xander would go out and shop for new clothes, and maybe have some fun in the middle of it. Xander woke up and started readying, he took a shower and eat breakfast. He went out and called a taxi to send him to the nearest mall.

After arriving at the mall, he started looking for new clothes and he finished shopping after 2 hours. Xander was wandering in the mall bored and got nothing to do, and when he was about to go home a system notification suddenly appeared in his face.


[Quest! Go to the park and take out some trash!]
