
Instant Death [DxD]

Xander Ranvil, the incarnation of death has arrived at the world of DxD. (Note) : First time writing so don't expect anything, if you don't like it then just leave. there would be strong beings arriving at DxD to level the grounds. (Not reincarnators or transmigrators) If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
120 Chs

Chapter 59


30 minutes before*

Utaha's father that is named, Hiroshi was reading a newspaper in his house while watching his wife's behind who is currently cleaning the dishes. He suddenly felt his phone vibrate as he saw a call was coming. He wondered who this was, he was a high rank officer so only those special people could get his number.

"Right Dear, today is the day Xander-kun would be send to the camp right?" Hiroshi didn't accept the call yet as he prioritized his wife first. "Yes, I deliberately sent him to a simple training camp since he is still a highschool student" Hiroshi said as his wife who is named, Hana sighed in relief. Hiroshi saw that their conversation has stopped so he took the call and placed his phone on his ear.

"Major General! Something happened!" A loud voice appeared at the other side as Hiroshi winced in annoyance. "What is it?" Hiroshi asked with sternness on his voice. "The kid that you wanted us to train! He was sent to the battlefield!" Hiroshi immediately stood up as Hana and Utaha was surprised at his actions. "What did.. you say!?" Hiroshi was mad right now.

"Lieutenant Colonel Hanten accidentally placed his documents to the soldier who are about to fight that syndicate boss" the man explained as Hiroshi started shaking in anger. "Fuck that man! Fire him, and give me the information about the plan right now! When are they leaving?!" Hiroshi screamed making the two who was watching him surprised. "Actually.. they already left, they are probably at the location right now.." the man said.

Hiroshi kept talking to the phone until it ended, he began to calm himself. Raging in this situation would only make him worse, "Dear.. what happened?" Hana asked while Utaha also stared at him. Hiroshi was thinking whether to tell them about this but eventually gave in. "Xander.. is in a battlefield right now" Hiroshi said making the two widened their eyes.

"What?! How did that happen?" Hana asked as Hiroshi took a long breathe before explaining. "Some guy messed up and placed Xander's documents to the soldiers who would fight's section. So right now, he is in van that would attack the syndicate's lair" Hiroshi explained as he waited for Utaha's outburst, but instead of her, it was Hana who got angry instead. "Who is that guy?! What would happen to Xander from now on?!" Hana said while raging.

Hiroshi saw Utaha was still calm and couldn't help but ask. "Are you not worried about your boyfriend?" Utaha sighed at his words. "No.. actually I'm more worried about the terrorist" Utaha's words made them confused as they stared at her with inquiry gaze. "Father, can you ask someone to connect your phone to what is happening right now?" Utaha ignored their gaze and asked.

"Wait, I'll call them right now. And about the guy who messed up, I'll make sure he would be punished" Hiroshi said before taking his phone and calling someone, after 5 minutes Hiroshi's phone was connected to one of the soldier's camera. Hiroshi ordered that soldier to watch Xander, Utaha chuckled when she saw Xander's confused look while being in the van. She nodded her head when he saw him adapting to the situation.

They suddenly heard Xander mutter, "Did the old man did this?" Hiroshi's lips started twitching when Utaha and Hana stared at him with narrowed eyes. "I didn't do it" he just simply said as the two nodded their head. They also saw the panicked look on his face when he was informed of what happened, so they just accepted it.

The camera showed that the van stopped and everyone went out of the car. The soldier just kept his attention to Xander as per ordered. The three saw one of the soldier being shot before everyone dispersed making Hiroshi shook his head in disappointment. The man followed Xander who separated from the group, he stopped for a moment when he saw Xander rushing to the enemy base.

Hiroshi was angry at this as he ordered the man to move. The soldier moved and as the three saw Xander staring far at a mountain, they saw him raising his rifle before shooting something. Only Utaha understood what happened there, as the two could only tilt their head in confusion. The soldier started following Xander who kept shooting enemies as if having a stroll in the road.

What happened in the next 20 minutes made the three amazed while also scared. They saw Xander dodging bullets, while moving at a speed that is fast in a human's eyes. They saw Xander stomping a car's tire destroying it while breaking the same car's door and taking the boss with its head. They saw him breaking a gun with his bare hand before slapping the boss. They then saw him massacring the enemies with ease.

Hana stared at Utaha with worry on her eyes. "Utaha.. are you sure you didn't pick a former mercenary as a boyfriend?" Utaha just chuckled at her words and shook her head. "No Mother, I know what he can do" Utaha proudly said making her mother sigh. While the two were talking, Hiroshi was watching the scene with a big smile on his face. He was excited to see something like this.

If before, Hiroshi acknowledge Xander's strength then now he fully accept Xander as his son-in-law. This showcase of strength was enough for him, no it was more than enough. Destroying a base that has 500 mans on it? And each man has a gun too. Hiroshi was sure that this thing would be talked in the circle, so he was already planning how to introduce Xander to them.

Utaha smiled when she saw his father nodding his head in satisfaction. "How is it, Father. Is he worthy for your beautiful daughter? I'm sure you are still not satisfied right? Sigh, I could only break up with him.." Utaha said as Hiroshi started panicking. "No, no, no, he's great. In fact when are you going to marry? Don't break with him" Utaha and her mother chuckled at that.

"You still hasn't got used to our daughter's mouth, dear?" When Hiroshi heard that, he realized that he was just being made fun so he closed his eyes before continuing to watch Xander destroying terrorist left and right. Hiroshi already sent his military car to take Xander since he can see that the fight was almost done.


After Xander asked that, a lot of soldiers that have higher rank than the soldiers here appeared. "Lord Xander, please. This way" one soldier said as he guided Xander to a car. The others could only watch as Xander was being led by the officers.

When Xander was already inside the car he questioned the officer. "What happened?" The officer explained what happened as Xander understood it. "So my document was swapped in others? That's good, if the old man purposely placed me in here then he might received one special blow in the head from me" Xander said as he started relaxing. The car he was in was luxurious so he asked for a drink because he got too excited when fighting those enemies.

The officer didn't reject his request as he already know Xander's relationship with his boss. He also witnessed the battle so his respect for him is high enough to accept his order. "Where is this car going to?" Xander asked while the officer who is named Tatsuya replied. "To the house of Major General Hiroshi" Xander nodded his head as he nap for a bit as it was still a long travel.

They arrived at the place as Tatsuya shook Xander to wake him up. Xander woke up as he stretched his arms. He went out of the car and saw Hiroshi waiting for him with a big smile on his face. Xander stared at this dumbfounded, specially when Hiroshi suddenly embraced him. "That was good, my boy, Kuhahahaha!" Hiroshi laughed while patting Xander's back.

Utaha chuckled when she saw Xander's dumbfounded expression. Xander turned his head at her and tilted it. "Actually, we saw you fight in that forest. Father liked your performance so he's like this" Utaha explained as Xander just sighed. Hiroshi stopped and talked with Tatsuya for a bit before the car left the house.

"So? Did you like the show, old man?" Xander asked while Hiroshi just laughed. "Bet I did, you brat" Hana stared at the two of them before sighing. "It was cool right? I bet you never saw something like that before" Xander bragged gaining a pinch in the side from Utaha. "Hah? I did something like that when I was still young! It was even more dangerous than what you did" the two started bickering while the womans just sighed. "Haah, men"

"Can I be your daughter's official boyfriend now?" Xander asked as the two nodded their heads. "Protect my daughter. She is precious to us because she is our only child" Hiroshi said while Xander accepted it with determined look on his face. "Then, I won't need to go to a stupid training camp right, Old man?" Xander asked as Hiroshi nodded his head. They talked for a bit before Xander left the Kasumigaoka household.


Xander teleported to the Underworld and saw a confuse Sona. "Why are you here? Didn't you say that you will going to a training camp for a week?" Sona asked she was handling some documents. "Actually.. that was canceled since I was sent to the wrong camp" Xander said before explaining what happened. Sona was surprised at that, she thought that it was a unexpected happening that would only work on novels.

"How about you? What are you doing?" Xander asked while watching Sona signing some documents. "Sigh, this are the benefits that the Sitri Clan received on this war" Sona said as Xander remembered that there was indeed war that happened. He was not in the war, he only arrived at the last so it was still new to him.

Xander was amused by this situation. They were the one who caused the war, but they were also the one who benefitted from it. Does this make them a corrupt leaders? "Sona, do you want to do some interesting things?" Xander asked as Sona stared at him with the eyes saying 'Are you serious?'. Sona sighed before replying. "The war just finished, are you already preparing for a new one?" Sona asked.

Xander stared at the window with melancholic look on his eyes. "Well.. I wasn't there when you fought right? That was too bad. I hope I was there to witness it" Xander said as Sona just pinched his side. "You're kidding right? I bet you just wanted to fight. And since when did you become a battle junkie?" Sona aske while staring at Xander who just scratched the back of his head.

Xander didn't succeed in persuading Sona so he just went to Human Realm to see what's interesting in there. He opened his phone and saw many news about a movie anime. Xander raised an eyebrow as the Movie's plot was like a copy from his own work. Except for the animation that is still average. Xander was interested in this so he called Machida.

"Hello? Machida-san?" Machida heard Xander's voice as she raised an eyebrow. "What is wrong, Xander?" Machida asked as Xander went straight to the point. "Who is the one who made that thing? 'Your Surname'? And how the hell did that work got the approval to turn into a anime?" Xander asked making Machida sigh, she was also surprised when she saw that information. She didn't expect that someone would shameless plagiarised Xander's work and just change some things.

"That.. was the work of the other publishing company. I think they wanted to spit on our face by making that as they knew that our company didn't make the 'Your Name'" Machida explained. "Huh? What are you child?" Xander said bluntly. Like what the hell are they doing? They could get sued for doing something like that. Especially when some of the names wasn't even changed.

"Do you want to sue their company?" Machida asked as Xander scrunched his face. "As if I would do something troublesome as that. I'll let Serafall handle it" Xander said as Machida wondered who the new name was. "Serafall? Who is that?" Machida asked as Xander just thought of the Maou Shojou. "Nah, she is my sister-in-law. Remember the company that released my movie? She owned it" Xander said.

Xander didn't talk with Machida for too long and just hang up the call. He then procceeded to call Serafall and informed her about what is happening. After that Xander put down his phone, he suddenly gained an interesting idea. He called someone as the call connected immediately. "What's up, Xander?" A woman voice asked. "Eriri, want to go watch some movies with me?" Xander asked.

1 hour later.

Xander was waiting for Eriri when he suddenly saw a familiar man in a road, he placed an mark on that man's soul, as he knew that he would be going somewhere after this. Xander didn't stay in this place and just took the liberty to find Eriri.

Xander saw Eriri who is not wearing a disguise since its just a simple meeting, not going to Akiba. "Yo, Eriri~" Xander said while waving at her. Eriri was confused to why Xander is here but just replied. "Hello, Xander, what movie are we watching today?" Eriri said with a light blush on her face. The thought of just being the two of them watching movie is embarrassing her.

"Oops, that's a bad path, I have a girlfriend you know" Xander said with a cheeky smile on his face making Eriri pissed. "Shut up! Enough talking, let's go!" Eriri slapped Xander's shoulder while saying that. They went to a nearby movie theater as Eriri watched Xander move. She was wondering what they would watch today since no special movies had been released yet.

Eriri was dumbfounded when Xander pick 'Your Surname' she never heard of that movie before. "Hah? Why did you choose this? Isn't this just a half-ass copy of your work?" Eriri asked as Xander just shook his head. "I wanted to know if they did a good job plagiarising my work" Xander said as they entered the cinema.

Xander raised an eyebrow as he saw a lot of people already seated waiting for the show to start. Xander took a picture secretly as he sat on a seat with Eriri. "Hello, can I ask something?" Xander asked the person next seat. "Hm? Oh, what is it?" The person replied. "Why did you decide to watch this movie?" Xander asked as the man chuckled.

"Actually, I was surprised by their guts to plagiarized Yogiri-sensei's work. I just wanted to see if its good" The man said as Xander nodded his head while thanking him. The movie started as the two just watched. While watching it, Xander's eyebrow couldn't help but twitch. The hell is Mutsihi and Tako? And instead of a meteor, the reason for the destruction of the town was because of a alien space ship dropping in there.

Eriri's face also started to scrunch as she can't handle this movie. They turned it into a sci-fi! Mitsuhi became a alien fighter that was recruited by an underground society. Tako was just a normal high school boy, though the ending was the same, it was too forced that Eriri couldn't help but turned her face into that of a disgust.

A lot of people also couldn't handle it so they left the cinema when it was still ¼ of the movie. Xander forced Eriri to finish it so that he can give a proper review about the movie. The movie ended as all of the people in the cinema sighed in relief. Their bodies shook as they remembered that thing they just watched.

One guy said, "Uwah, I'm probably gonna get a nightmare from watching that thing" the same reaction was heard on everyone who watched the original 'Your Name' they couldn't help but compare the two making the movie suck for them. The others who still didn't watched the original tilted their heads. "What's the problem? Isn't it great?" One guy asked while the others stared at him as if he was a monster.

Surely, the taste of the people in this world is changing. Xander should be thanked for that, if before they would just accept a movie like this and even grant it an award, now they couldn't even fathom the reason they watched it. "Dude, you need to watch the original" One person gave an advice to the one who asked while patting his shoulder.

Xander shook his head and turned his attention to Eriri who'se face had gone pale. She was muttering something like... "I can't believe I survived till the end.." Xander just smiled at her and asked. "Did you like it, Eriri?" Eriri shivered and turned at him with hateful look on her eyes. "Xander.. what abomination did you made me watch.." Xander just laughed while patting her head. "Don't touch my head!" Eriri said while pushing Xander's hand.

Xander took his phone out and posted something on his social media account.

[Yogiri-sensei : Just watched the best movie of the year. ]

Xander posted it with a picture of the movie. Fans immediately began to comment on his post, as they wondered if its really that good. They put that post on their notes before booking an advance seat on the cinema. They didn't know that they would meet their worst nightmare tomorrow.

In exchange for bringing Eriri, Xander gave her another drawing of his that has his signature. Xander also already sent the manuscript for Mashiro to draw, so he was complete for the day.


In a dimension higher than the earth, a woman could be seen watching many worlds with a bored look on her face. This woman was a former human that gained power that made her equal to transcendence. Her ability is to get stronger every millisecond, and the power up she could get is terrifying. If its based on levels, then she could gain hundred thousands of level in a second.

Because of her ability she was bored to death, there are no more challenger fighting her. She wanted to fight those being in a higher planar of existence but she was also scared. She was just a human before so she know the feeling of an ant trying to fight a human. She might be able to so damage but it would just leave a red mark and itch, the human wouldn't die.

In her case, she is a bullet ant. She can kill a human but not before the human could stomp on her first. Her ability also can not be counted as every level up, she would gain a new ability, various abilities just from simple healing to concept manipulations.

She already battled beings that concepts don't work to, so she was war hardened woman. She was in her usual routine of looking for a new world to play, but it seems like she was in lucky today. She saw a Celestial Foundation that lost its 'Watcher', she tried to look into that world using her nigh-omniscience eyes, but immediately pulled back when she felt a pain on it.

She got angry at what happened so she tried again, this time covering her whole existence with various of defensive concepts. She was shocked when four beings were watching her from that world. One is a being with various heads, she can understand why he can look at her as she immediately know his origins. He was the son of the previous 'Watcher' of that plane of existence.

The other 3 shocked her, as it was just two lizards and one puny human. She couldn't comprehend how a lower plane's being could see her. It was like watching anime and your favorite character suddenly started talking to you. It was unnerving, the woman stared for a second before she heard a sound enter her mind. "Are you done?" She saw the little girl talking to her.

She was even more shocked at this, they could ignore all of the defense she placed on herself?! She pulled back immediately and started to think about it. She doesn't want to fight those beings as she know nothing about them, but her pride couldn't be healed from its humiliation. The mere thought that she was the one who backed away made her angry. The girl started forming some plan while the two dragons just continued eating.


I won't raise his relationship with Eriri. I gotta admit, if there is one thing I am good at, then its gotta be making stupid and forced shit, I just can't understand it.