
A professional driver.

As Heaven came back home tired with a sprained ankle and a bruise on her left hand, only her knew how much her butt hurt from the fall earlier .

Every body who talked about Tom Glutcher, it was just a reminder of the ticking clock . She really wanted to know about what happened that day so badly but her parents never allowed her to talk about it even for a single minute .

They were always not around but there were several orders to follow in the mansion especially Heaven.

She wasn't allowed to go out of the mansion without a body guard and either Hazel or Lady Axel would follow her .

At first she thought it was for security reasons but it's too much for her no personal space is left for her at all

Not to mention her phone, it's like someone is tracking each and every move she takes.

As for the room, it's like the room is filled with security cameras.

Not to mention the doctors and nurses at the hospital, Lady Axel and Hazel too .

No One talked about it and even when she asks atlest they bring another story to cover it up with gloomy faces and weird looks, which seemed weird.

Her room was cleared and nothing from her past was left, everything was replaced with new one's . All her personal stuffs especially her daily.

Why would one take away the diary if he/she is not covering up something.

No news talked about him and even her phone nor her laptop could get any information about Tom Glutcher.

A reporter who was digging up on what happened died one week ago .

He committed suicide but everything is fishy about his death.

Heaven herself doesn't remember anything that happened but no one wanted to tell her so she really promised herself to get all the answer she need by herself one by one .

" I have to be wise enough regarding this matter because no one will help me other than myself." thought Heaven before calling Hazel in .


"Yes" replied Hazel .

"Overseer, you called me in ." politely said Hazel as her head bowed down.

"Firstly, don't call me those names again and secondly don't ever tell anyone that you are my servant , thirdly don't ever tell anyone about my condition especially students at school." warned Heaven .

"Yes" Hazel nodded positively.

"How many years you have been working here ?"

Why is she asking about this right now is she suspicious of anything thought Hazel before she replied "Two years and seven months"

"Good!!!! that's alot of years, seems you know much about me." said Heaven looking at her dead in eyes .

"What do you mean by that?" Hazel politely asked .

"Here, write everything about me , boyfriends I dated in the past, those I chased before but never got them , my rivals, enemies and friends , what I liked and hated , my hobbies write everything about me either bad or good ." ordered Heaven as she handed over the pink pamphlet.

Next before you write that stuff we are going to the mall right now .

"Right now?" asked Hazel.

"Why? any problem with that ?" replied Heaven .

"No..... no .... no, let's go but I can't drive and the driver...." said Hazel .

" Don't worry am a professional driver, I will drive, you just have to do one thing to direct me to one of the best malls in the town with latest fashions and expensive clothes."replied Heaven smiling.

"Get me the car keys"

"One thing after the other, what's going." mumbled Hazel before moving out.

As soon as she started the car from the parking lot, she knocked the car opposite Thiers.

"Oh My God Heaven, is that how a professional driver is?" asked Hazel fear written all over her face .

"Sit still, tie your seat belt properly am the one driving not you." replied Heaven .

Driving her legs crossed and one hand raised on top of her seat , pulled out from the curb without signaling and almost knocked another car .

"What the f*ck are you doing?" Yelled an old man furiously who seemed to be in his sixty's or seventy's .

"Am driving can't you see?" replied Heaven

"Heaven, we are using the left not the right." shouted Hazel.

"Let me turn to the left" Heaven shouted back.

When she turned left she nearly knocked a tree.

"Stop the car right now?" yelled Hazel.

"How will I go to mall without you ? I need your help." replied Heaven as she continued to driving with her one hand outside.

"Give me a minute I need to use the washroom." said Hazel and she walked away.

" Didn't I tell you not to follow me?" yelled Mirror.

" Did fate brought us together, Mirror?" said Heaven while hiding behind the clothes .

"I told you, I will be okay by myself, why have you followed me to the mall?" Mirror yelled again .

"I just wanted to make sure my Wife is okay and safe ." calmly replied Justin.

"Your wife!! huh!! are claiming ownership now ?" Mirror asked in a cold and angry voice.

"It's not like that." said Justin appologically.

"Hold this, I need to use the washroom." said Mirror as she threw the shopping bags to him and walked away.

"Hi" greeted Heaven.

"Oh," replied Justin abit shocked.

"What a coincidence ? I didn't know I would run into you again . I saw you at school earlier." <<< Heaven ..

Yeah.... replied Justin surprised.

She was the kind of girl who never spoke to someone first and always minded her own business. It was really shocking that she had spoke to him first.

"I heard you are Justin one of the most handsome boys and a natural womanizer in sunflower class." Heaven spoke.

"I used to be a womanizer but am no longer one because am a married man now." replied Justin abit shy.

"Why are you shy? because you are married and at the same time studying? it's normal especially with rich kids like you and me it's no big deal." asked Heaven.

"You two, what do you think you are doing?" thundered Mirror.

[AlN: Someone asked me in the comment section if this novel is from Africa, Europe or Asia.

It's from both Asia and Europe.

Thanks for reading.]