
The Far East Felon

The helicopter FE-09 descended upon the landing pad of the Far East Branches Den. Inside the cargo bay, Ciel still held her gun to the god eater with the black helmet.

"Uh...Ciel, did you have to have your gun to him the WHOLE way?" Nana asked moving her eyes between Ciel and the inmate.

"Protocol for handling armed/unarmed convicts is to always treat them with the utmost hostility. He should be chained, but as a god-eater, that would do limited good." Ciel said,

"Plus we don't have any." Nana said.

"Yes, so I won't give him or her a chance to do anything to escape." Ciel said as the helicopter touched down on the landing pad. The prisoner in question was lounging on his side with his god arc on his right and Nana on the left.

"I think if he wanted to run he would've by now. Right?" Nana asked turning to the convict. The stranger only stared at her.

"FE-09 to base, god-eaters are coming in with the convict, and bodies are ready for transport." the pilot said. Off to the side, a few Fenrir morticians dressed in white came to the cargo bay and lifted the bodies of the Convoy pilots onto gurneys.

"They'll handle the bodies, you, slowly exit the chopper and no sudden moves." Ciel said coldly sitting up.

The inmate went slowly for their god arc and hopped out of the helicopter. Ciel did the same keeping her gun trained on them.

Nana could only look in concern, as she never saw her friend draw her gun before.

The morticians took the lift down, and the three were left alone. Their pilot took off in the helicopter to his next assignment. Since they could only wait for the lift to come back up, they stood in awkward silence.

Not lasting a minute Nana began to fill the silence with her chatter.

"So are you really a convict? Do you know what killed that Psion? Is there a reason you're so quiet? Wait, can you not talk in that thing!?" Nana went on and on.

The convict shook their head.

"Oh, but you can hear us? And see us? Also, it's stuck right?" Nana questioned, as the lift approached the roof.

"Go in, and don't get too close Nana." Ciel commanded.

Nana sighed in frustration.

As the gates opened the prisoner walked in followed by the duo. Ciel's stare never left them. Nana hummed to herself, to relieve the tension. The inmate simply stood in the back left corner leaning with his buster blade on the wall.

Is she gonna keep that gun on me forever?

I think someone keeps up with their push-ups.

The lift stopped and Ciel position herself 1ft in front of the prisoner.

"Out and remember no sudden moves." Ciel said.

Hardly paying attention to her, the stranger walked out of the lift into the lit reception area of the Den. On their right, they could see a door light in color, next to two consoles.

On the left were another two consoles next to a lift. Nana moved past the prisoner and flew her arms out joyously.

"Welcome to the Den!" she said.

"Hibari we're here!" Ciel called out exiting the lift.

"Coming up!" A voice called out from the back. Footsteps approached the three as a redhead came into view. The woman wore a white collared shirt, with a black vest and white dress skirt.

"Welcome back. The directors' orders are to take the prisoner straight to his office. !!" Hibari came to a jerking stop at seeing Ciel hold her gun to the helmet-clad god-eater. Had a human weapon ever been drawn in the Den before? She wondered.

"Inmate, go to that lift over there and wait in front of the door. Leave the god arc by the console." Ciel said motioning the convict towards the door.

The inmate walked to the elevator but propped his buster blade on the consoles' railing.

"Nana, please open the door." Ciel asked.

Nana in her own timid way pressed the button and the gate opened.

"Good luck." Nana said with a wave and went to Hibari's side.

Before Ciel could say so much as Prisoner, the inmate went in the lift.

She hurried inside tightening her already firm grip on her pistol. Moving one hand away from her gun she pressed the intended floor button, careful as not to lose aim.

The device ascended and thus they were back to awkward silence.

"Hey, Hibari? Breath." Nana said, getting concerned as Hibari let out a long-held breath.

"Sorry, just didn't expect that." she said, putting her weight on the railing.

"Huh? Hey, where did their god arc go!?" Nana said, alerting Hibari.

The buster blade left by the console was gone.

Back on the elevator, the inmate leaned on the side railing, unfazed by Ciel even now. Ciel ever so focused only breathed through her nose. The lift finally came to a stop, and she wasted no time motioning the person out.

The inmate grabbed their buster blade and preceded out.

Ciel immediately walked out with caution, pointing her gun closer to the convict. "(Where did that god arc come from!?)" she thought.

Holding the god arc backhanded, they walked down the hall.

"No sudden moves, I won't warn you again!" Ciel said fiercely.

Acting as if he did not hear her, the prisoner, looked back and forth between the 3 doors.

"Ciel is that you? Come right in, I'm ready to meet our guest." a voice called from the furthest door.

The guest looked back at Ciel and nodded forward. Upon approaching the door it opened automatically and they went in.

Ciel in a panic rushed to the door searched for her target to re-train her aim.

"Welcome, have a seat." a male voice said.

Ciel moved her gun towards the voice but pulled it back up right away. The male had white hair and wore a yukata with a black waistcoat.

He wasn't looking in Ciel's direction and so she turned her gun to the side. The inmate was sitting on the couch. Their god-arc rested upon their arm.

"Ciel you may leave, and please put the gun down, it's not necessary." the man said, with a gleam on his glasses.

"But Director sir, I must insist I stay and keep guard over the inmate." Ciel said, sharply.

"I know the jailers aboard the convoy are deceased, but I'd like to talk to them alone." the director said, with a plain smile.

"Sir I must protest, I can't leave you defenseless." Ciel remarked.

"I believe our guest, could've broken away after the crash, and as I understand it, they've come willingly. Besides, I'm warier of that gun you've been pointing in my office! Now please exit now, that's an order!" the director said, his smile becoming harder as he waved his gloved hand for her to leave.

"...Yes Dr.Sakaki." Ciel said reluctantly. She slowly lowered her gun, and went out the door.

"I imagine she'll at least stand by in the hallway, so be prepared for that. I am the director of the Far East's Fenrir branch, "The Den", Paylor Sakaki. Now if you'll bear with me. Upon your arrival, it seems a Psion was defeated mighty efficiently. Was this you?" Sakaki asked.

The inmate gave no audible answer, but put their feet up on the table, rather arrogantly, and titled their head.

"Hmmm, I'll take that as a yes. That couldn't have been an easy feat, I don't know if you're familiar with Psions, but they are aragami with special bias fields that inhibit god arcs and oracle technology. They bend the oracle cells to their will and can repurpose them for their needs." Sakaki explained.

So that's what happened!?

The inmate put their feet off the table and sat up leaning towards Sakaki.

"Piqued your interest? Yes it as I say, they can override the oracle cells in your god arc, make them rendered inert. At least, that's supposed to be the case. More on that later, I've noticed you haven't said a word, that helmet meant for felons doesn't leave much for sound acoustics does it?" Paylor asked, hunching up from his seat to inspect the helm.

The inmate, made many gestures suggesting it was talking inside the helm, but Sakaki nary heard a word.

"Ah, yes, I have bad news about that. I had just received word, that after searching the wreckage and the bodies. There was a remote device found on their person. It is damaged and no longer able to function. I assume this was the key for your helmet. " Paylor said to bring up a picture of said device on one of his monitors.

The inmate approached Sakaki's desk and nodded to confirm that it was. A little remote, barely bigger than a grape.

"I see, my apologies, but without this, we can't undo your lock, and what's more you can't eat with that on your head. For the time being, we must give you sustenance, like a coma patient. Again I do apologize, I'd like to hear more of what you have to say." Paylor said, giving a slight bow.

The inmate could only shrug and took a seat back next to his god arc. They immediately got back up however and pointed at their wrist at Sakaki.

"Hmm? Oh, the time? You must need a bias factor injection by now, a moment, please. Nurse Yae, can you come to my office, your assistance is required for our visitor." Paylor said, taking out his pocket watch.

"Right away Doctor." a voice echoed from the screen.

"Our nurse will be up in a moment, I'll make contact with your prison warden soon to see what they'll do about picking you up. Until then, enjoy all the Far East has to offer. You can wait here, or you can wait in the hall, although I think Ciel will be ready to tail you." Sakaki joked.

I think I've had enough of a gun being pointed at me for the time being.