
First Encounter

Another helicopter flew overhead, bearing the Fenrir logo. The passengers consisted of 1 pilot and two god eaters.

"This is FE-09, I and the two god eaters are diverting to the source distress beacon and we are 5 minutes out. Over." The pilot said. A beep sounded off in response.

"Hibari speaking, FE-09 there's been a drop in aragami presence on the location. Take caution, for some reason, the Psion oracle response has disappeared. As of now, there's only one signal." a female voice spoke over the radio. Suddenly a gloved hand grabbed the radio and pulled it over the pilot's head.

"This is Ciel, what's the origin?" A girl with silver hair and dressed like a gothic lolita answered.

"It's appearing to be an armlet, but it's not one of ours. Tell me what you see when you're on-site." Hibari said.

"Understood, currently 3 minutes out, we're right above the target location. " Ciel said, in her hardened manner.

"Woooaaah...Ciel take a look out there!" a girl motioned to Ciel to look ahead out the window.

"What?" Ciel whispered as she dropped the arm holding the radio.

On the ground was blood and oracle matter, enough to cover 15 meters. The bird-like Psion was split in two, both halves laid side by side. Its jaw was set open suggesting it was screaming upon death. Remains of zygotes just as bloody covered the field like a painting gone arie.

Oracle matter spattered with the blood, evaporated every second. The only thing left of the zygotes were bisected torsos and eyeballs of the hide shell.

"What did this!?" the pilot asked descending upon the landscape.

"Hibari we're approaching the ground, all aragami are dead." Ciel said, gaping at the carnage.

"Very, very dead." the girl next to Ciel clung on her "cat ears" and then to Ciel.

"All of them? Even the Psion?" Hibari asked.

"Yes, we have a clear visual on a downed Yan-Zhi, core extracted. All their cores..." Ciel said, looking to a nearby helicopter stuck sideways.

"Understood, take caution, search the wrecked bird for survivors and come home." Hibari said, fiercely.

"Understood, over and out. Let's go Nana." Ciel said, putting back the radio in the pilots' hands.

"O-okay." the cat-eared girl said, as she fearfully hung on to Ciel's dress, keeping her hood over her head.

Upon exiting the helicopter, they could feel just how dense the oracle residue was. It filled their nostrils like smoke.

"Let's hurry," Ciel said, drawing her shortsword.

Nana hesitantly nodded and drew forth her hammer.

They made their way to the still smoking helicopter, Ciel searched for signs of life, while Nana guarded the rear.

After searching the empty cargo bay she moved to the cockpit. She noticed the door couldn't be opened from this side and prepared to jump outside.

"CIEL!" Nana called out, alerting her senses to heighten. She somersaulted out the cargo bay and landed on top of the cockpit door, switching to her god arcs sniper form. Nana pointed up at their own helicopter and Ciel immediately saw the reason for the alarm.

Cloths smoldering from aragami fluid, the passenger in black leaned against the helicopter with his god arc at his side, unbeknownst to the pilot who was currently more scared of Ciel pointing her gun.

"A survivor!" Nana said running to the chopper with excitement.

Ciel however did not drop her gun. She looked down into the cockpit to see two figures bundled up towards the glass of the opposite window. However, she could see no signs of life.

She jumped the helicopter and went after Nana clinging cautiously to her god arc.

When Nana reached the helmeted stranger, they waved.

Unsure of what to do, she simply smiled and nodded. "Glad to see you're alright, something really tore through this place. Oh!" Nana cut herself off, and put down her hammer. Out of nowhere, she pulled out what looked like a meatball sub.

"Names Nana and this is an oden sandwich." she said offering it happily.

The stranger could only stare at the amalgamation of every sandwich known to man. They grabbed their helmet and pulled. The sleek helmet however did not come off. They pulled again and again, but it held tight.

"Oh is it stuck?" Nana asked with concern. She moved to put her hand on the helmet but was stopped by Ciel.

"NANA! Keep your distance from the prisoner!" Ciel said keeping her rifle high approaching the stranger. She lowered her rifle only to switch to her pistol training her aim on their head.

"Ciel!?" Nana gasped out in confusion. The pilot was no better, he didn't have a good view of the situation.

"Slowly get into the helicopter and keep your hands where I can see them." Ciel warned fiercely.

The stranger in black shrugged and beckoned them to get on the helicopter first, like a butler.

"Age before beauty." Ciel said, taking a step forward.

The stranger simply shrugged and with a fake gesture of gratitude climbed aboard with his blade. Ciel made sure never to lose sight of him as they took a seat on the helicopter.

"Nana there are two people stuck in the cockpit, get them out and check for injuries." Ciel commanded, getting aboard the helicopter. She really was dead set on keeping the gun on the stranger.

Regardless they sat leisurely next to their god arc, without a care.

"Um...okay..." Nana reluctantly did as she was told and pulled down her hood. As she approached the wreckage, she couldn't open the door at first. With a little more oomph, she ripped off the door hinges and all and dropped in.

She slung the pilot over her shoulder and his co-pilot just off the helicopter's side. When she got out, she carried both out and laid them gently on the ground.

Nana immediately began to frown and looked to be on the brink of tears. These men looked very dead. She could sense no life and their eyes were half-open.

She approached the bodies and closed them with as much care as she could.

"Ciel...the pilots didn't make it." Nana said sadly as her frown widened.

Ciel was notably upset, as noted by the stranger. She quickly reaffirmed herself and tightened her grip on her glock.

"It's ok Nana. Bring them aboard. Pilot, call the den to have a mortuary team on standby. We only have one survivor." Ciel said.

"Den, this FE-09, over." the pilot called over the radio.

Huh, I didn't even bother looking for those two. Whatever.