
Cranky Eater

"You and Kanon." Gina said again, scanning the area with her scope.

The inmate was silent. He only kissed Kanon this morning and not 5 minutes later the call to action had gone off.

"(What do I tell her!?)" Sanguine thought.

(Tell her nothing! This is hardly the time to discuss it! Remember our deal with Paylor!)

Sanguine's teeth grit and he hesitated to answer.

"Oop. times up!" Gina said suddenly.


A Sariel was swiftly shot in the eye-head, and it tumbled down in the ruined buildings below.


A Chi-You soon followed having both its arms shot off. As it landed it was also felled with a headshot.

(Are you just going to let her take my lunch!?)

For the past 10 minutes, Gina had been sniping any and all aragami in range of her sniper rifle. With perfect precision.

Sanguine had seen my long-range god-eaters, but the amount that could compare to Gina was very few.

If any.

However, the truth of the matter is, the inmate was using her skill as an excuse to further keep his thoughts off Kanon.

Gina didn't waist a single shot for ten minutes straight.

Sanguine continued to wait for her signal, but no Aragami made it half a mile towards their location.

There was nothing to do…

(So I'm not eating today is what you're saying?)

"(What do you want me to do? You fly faster than helicopters, but outracing bullets?)"Sanguine thought, glowering at Sameem.

(Well as a matter of fact!)

Sameem begun to transform into flight mode.



Gina once again downed an Aragami, via headshot.

"That should be about it. Head on down, while I reload." Gina said grabbing O-Ampules.

She hummed to herself while not looking at the inmate at all.

Sanguine awkwardly nodded and headed for the edge of the ruins.

(You're letting her turn me into a janitor now!?)

Sameem snarled loudly as he transformed.

"(Why are you so cranky?)" Sanguine thought.

(No caffeine.)

Sanguine was pulled into the air by Sameem and with wings spread soared to the remains of the Aragami.

As Sameem feasted on the decaying bodies, his demeanor seemed to show more and more disgust.

(Bah! Second hand scraps!)

"(Since when do you care that much!?)" Sanguine aimed the predator at a Chi-You trying to crawl.

Sameem grabbed into it with its jaws and with a toss, let the avian fall down his gullet.

(Just find the next one!)

Sameem seemed to spit in a mock fashion as he returned to his sword form.

Sanguine scanned the area for more corpses but halted taking half a step.

The inmates peered to the side, as the ground erupted behind him.

A cocoon-maiden, red in color, appeared, preparing to release its spikes.


Before the inmate could dispatch the beast himself, a hole appeared in its torso. The inmate also felt a rush of wind on his leg.


Then it's head.

The Cocoon-maiden went limp and slouched as it began to decay.


Far off in the distance, Gina peered through her scope with a smile.

The inmate couldn't see her off in the distance but somehow he could feel Gina starring back.

As if to confirm Gina waved at him with a grin.

(That was a red one too!)

"(Is this what Kanon calls Hangry?)" Sanguine aimed Sameem at the Cocoon-Maiden and the god-arc ate it reluctantly.


"(That wasn't Gina's!)" Sanguine thought.


Sanguine quickly took flight with Sameem and he found a red blaze hurdling towards Gina's current location.

Sanguine flew to intercept. veering in front of the fireball.

Sanguine rose his shield to the flame taking the initial impact.

Once he nuzzled the force the inmate pushed his shield dispersing the blast to a brush of flame.

(Aaaah I knew I recognized this sound….)

A ways away on top of a ruined building, a red Aragami stood on all fours. A cannon made from its own flesh mounted on its back. It had gold plating for scales and a mask to match akin to a visor.

Adjacent to its cannon was a molten core, floating like the sun itself.

The blast from earlier had been shot from behind one building through another. This building crumbled revealing the Red Aragami:


(Ooooh Ravana my old friend, it's been too long. Too, TOO, LONG!)

The god-arcs wings would seem to flap with anticipation, seeing the red cannon over yonder.

"Thanks, I appreciate the save, but I don't think that was actually going to hit me-Then again a good hit to this building and it'll probably all go. Bah, let's just say we're even." Gina radioed in.

Sanguine rolled his eyes, finding her demeanor unappreciative.

"Now if you would scootch about 2 inches to the left? I'll bury our loud red friend here." Gina said taking aim at the Ravana.


Sanguine groaned grabbing his phone.

"Gina, wait!" he said.

"Huh?" she uttered, halting her finger on the trigger.

"I need you NOT to shoot this one!" Sanguine said urgently.

"Pardon?" Gina said, raising a brow at the inmate.

Sanguine struggled to find words to plead his case.

"You have until one shot. Just. One." Gina said, breaking the tension.

(Hurry! Before she takes it!)

Sanguine's god-arc flapped its wings viciously toward the Ravana.

"If it shoots as much as once, I'll have to shoot back." Gina teased.

As she spoke the Ravana prepared another blast, taking aim at the inmate.

(Need more speed, LAUNCH ME!)

Already at an absurd velocity the inmate took his buster sword into both hands and flung with all his might toward the Aragami. The predator's head stretched and extended like a spring.

The Ravana was nearly ready to fire. Heat was already brimming the barrel.

Sameem opened his mouth wide and as flames began to emit from the Ravana, they were smothered. Glomped, molten core first.


Sameem and the Ravana crashed through the ceiling, and a loud boom echoed from the bottom.





Gnawing and gnashing could be heard for nearly a whole minute.

Sanguine crashed landed through a window, hanging by the sill.

"Sam?" Sanguine said, looking at the chasm his god-arc created.


A bellow of flame erupted from the chasm jetting out of the ceiling.

(Aaaaagggh, I needed that…)

Sorry for the slow chapter releases. College is taking more of my time than I thought and I’m not confident I’ll be able to pump the chapters like I was hoping. To everyone still with me, thanks for reading.

Hase0creators' thoughts