
Overwhelming Feelings

"Feel better now?" the inmates asked sarcastically.

(Fantastic I should say. ) "Ready to talk?" Sanguine asked.

(Ask yourself, and keep in mind we're on the clock.)

Sameem returned to Sanguine's hands as the god-eater gave his blade a peculiar look.

When they took flight Sanguine couldn't help but think of Kanon for a moment.

"Heads up!" Gina's voice said from the radio, breaking Sanguine out of his thoughts.

The sky was filled with multiple sky-bound Aragami.

Chi-you, and Sariel.

"Look alive flyboy, chances are I'll take home more than you." Gina said gleefully.

Firing rapidly Gina's targets were felled with headshots.

(IM baggin this bitch!)

Sameem's mouth opened wide and erupted with a balm of flame.

Fires filled the sky, and the Aragami were incinerated one by one before Gina's bullets could make contact.

A few Chi-you tries to escape by diving below, but the waves of flame expanded and consume them all.

From Gina's perspective, it looked like the Aragami were fanned out of existence.

"Oh my." Gina said, immediately unleashing rapid fire in an effort to keep up.

Gina managed to mark a sum of targets, but the flames took the bigger cut.


Sameem breathed a short stream of fire while the molten core robbed from the Ravana bounced in his mouth.

"That's not a jawbreaker!" Sanguine chided.

(Could've fooled me.)

Sameem juggled the magma core as he constantly gummed down on it.

"Okay, you got the bigger bounty this time. But next, we meet I won't be so nice." Gina said, with a hint of sarcasm.

Sameem stuck out a tongue comprised of oracle cells in response.

"Tatsumi it looks like we're done here. Any further orders?" Gina asked.

"Uhh....I think we're good here. Shun, Karel?" Tatsumi said weakly.

"Rounding up the last of 'em, no one come to interfere. This is MY payday." Shun radioed.

"You mean MY payday!" Karel said, the radio filled with sounds of gunshots and slashing.

"Don't get greedy you two, just get the job done. Brandon, report!" Tatsumi said.

"We have the area under control, but we'll have to search for strays afterward." Brandon said.

"I'm sorry!" A stressful tone erupted from Erina in the background.

"Roger, I and Kanon are about done on our end. Sano-Sanguine and Gina, let's meet up at the flare's original location. Shun and Karel head for Brandon's group to back them up, remember we don't want a single one wandering out here right now." Tatsumi commanded.

"Far be it from me to help the newbies pick up the slack." Karel said snidely.

"Hey Brandon, keep the targets warm for us, I'm aiming for a nice bonus today." Shun said, Brandon could feel his cocky grin.

"HA! There won't be any scraps for you two when you get here!" Erina said haughtily.

"Hey, respect your seniors! C'mon, Karel!" Shun said.

"Think about what you're doing kid, it's rude to take a good pay-off from your senior staff." Karel chided.

"Focus on the task at hand! All of you!" Brandon said, sternly.

"Right...we'll head to the Satellite base as planned, call for more backup if you need it, over and out." Tatsumi said with a depressing sigh.

"Should we head out Tatsumi?" Kanon asked, making Tatsumi let out a hushed scream.

"Y-Yeah, Kanon a-and g-good work today!" he said, with sweat forming on his forehead.

"Thanks, I'm really glad to work with you all again." Kanon said cheerfully, oracle-matter was disintegrating on her dress. Humming to herself she walked into their vehicle, while Tatsumi looked at the oracle footprints she left. While he found this disturbing he found the source to be much more terrifying.

Lines of craters and disintegrating aragami corpses filled the landscape like it was hit by a carpet bombing.

Tatsumi's own shot-sword was nary dulled during the time of this event.

"(All I got to do was eat cores. All I told her to do was shoot on my signal!)" Tatsumi fretted.

Tatsumi warily entered the APV setting his god-arc on a rack and entered the cockpit. As the engine started Tatsumi peaked back seeing Kanon hum to herself, as her god-arc rested on her lap.

"Careful Kanon, this ride might get a little bumpy." Tatsumi hinted.

"No worries, I got everything under control here." Kanon said with a salute.

"Alright..." Tatsumi muttered grimly. Tatsumi wasn't a stickler about keeping god-arcs on your person, in fact, he would often encourage it during live missions. But seeing Kanon's performance and combined with her friendly-fire history, he couldn't help but want to change his tune. Tatsumi also didn't want to treat his comrade like a child.

"(Maybe I should still talk to her.)" Tatsumi thought.

Back with Gina and the Inmate.

"Oh don't worry, we don't have to rush. It's guaranteed we'll reach them before they reach us." Gina said.

Sanguine couldn't help but stare at her suspiciously with Sameem.

"So it flies, shoots fire, got any other tricks?" Gina asked kindly.

(I don't trust her.)

"He's flexible." Sanguine said sarcastically.

"I see, I see, how long did it take you to make him work like that? Days? Months? Years?" Gina pestered.

"It was a process." Sanguine said. Sameem extended a tendril and began tapping on his non-existent wrist condescendingly.

"But you took the time to make it happen right?" Gina asked.

"I mean, not alone, there's a lot to the story, but I dont think now is the time." Sano argued, fidgeting uncomfortably.

"So years then, and you put in all that time." Gina said with a smile, which only confused the inmate.

"As I said, it's a lot and it's personal. Pretty sure I told you the bulk of it yesterday. What are you getting at?" Sanguine asked, Sameem began to coil around him looking at Gina hostilely.

"Kanon deserves that time put in too." Gina said, utterly stupifying Sanguine.

He couldn't formulate a response and Sameem's hostility was replaced with a stun.

"You probably already know, but Kanon is the type of person who once she bonds with you, Kanon will give you all or nothing of her heart. It's one of her greatest and damming qualities. Before you can even wink she'll unload all her feelings for you if she thinks the need arises. Kanon's still a veteran Defense Squad member, but she hardly knew us a year when we started working together." Gina explained.

(That tracks.)

Sanguine felt Sameem retract his wings.

"She'll tend to overwhelm you with her feelings and that kind of tendency would scare away most people. But not you." Gina said pointing a finger in Sanguine's face. "You had a lot to unload yourself. I mean you killed a guy. Guys. Supposedly." Gina added.

Sanguine gave no avid response, his confession held nothing on him as far as Kanon was concerned and that was enough.

"First let me just say. Aside from the revenge story, everything else was fair game as far as I can say. FENRIR has a track record, you know it, I know it, anyone older than Erina knows it." Gina said, which comforted Sanguine somewhat.

"More importantly I imagine that Kanon's response was what you were worried about. I take it she responded well?" Gina teased.

Kanon's blunt response of "I don't care you killed them." and right to his face triggered new feelings within the inmate that was still fresh. Sanguine couldn't help but lose himself to the memory of their kiss.

"I'll take that as a yes." Gina said coyly.

"(She kissed back too...)" Sanguine thought.


"She's passionate to a fault. extremely passionate." Gina warned.

(I don't want to say she's right, but she's right brother.)

"(...)" Sanguine thought with a frown.

(I mean she's worth listening to if nothing else.)

"So I'm asking you." Gina put a hand on Sanguine's shoulder. "Be careful with her, and be careful with each other." Gina pleaded, her red-eye of mischief was filled with sincerity.