
Infinite flow of metaverse

Fu Qinghai was sucked in the infinite reincarnation world when he witnessed Alien vs Death Eaters, Jedi vs mutants, Predeator vs Anna Bell, Titan Beast vs. Mecha Hunter, ... Join Fu Qihai journey to the messed up world’s where we don’t know what’s gonna happen next … The main world will be Warhammer 40K world where Mc will begin as a giant Astarte . RAW-https://www.69shu.com/txt/B39100.htm

Tortle121 · วิดีโอเกม
21 Chs

Chapter 13: The Weapon Room

In the house of Feiyi's parents.

Fei Yi cried, cried until the pear blossoms were raining, and while crying, she helped Fu Qihai pack his luggage.

"Why can't you take me with you, why?" Fei Yi spoke, tears streaming down her face.

Fu Qihai sighed helplessly and said, "Didn't I tell you? I am going to fight, not to travel, and people would die in war."

Faced with the tears of such a beautiful darling, Fu Qihai was a little at a loss and didn't know how to comfort her.

"Why are they taking you? You don't know how to fight. You can't even beat Cedric and the others, and you have to rely on me to protect you," Fei pursed her lips and said while crying.

It hurts my heart, sister... But I, Fu Qihai, am not what I used to be, and I have a chance to join the space marine.

Seeing Fei Yi desperately stuffing clothes into the box, Fu Qihai gently said "It's alright, it's okay, no more stuffing, I'm not moving forever ."

Hearing this, Fei Yi put down the box in her hand, turned and walked into her parent's room, and came out holding a pot of alien plants with fangs and claws.

"You can take this pot of sharp-toothed bloodthirsty fern away too, I remember you love its fruit the most."

What the hell... I eat whatever you cut, did I show any special preference?

Fu Qihai was speechless and hurried over to take the plant in Fei Yi's hand and put it down.

He cupped the girl's cheeks, inserted his fingers between the hair on the sideburns, and looked directly into the girl's eyes.

Fei Yi's originally bright eyes were a little red and swollen at the moment, her long eyelashes wet with tears, and she was crying like a silkworm.

"When I'm not around, you have to protect yourself," Fu Qihai said softly.

"Hmm..." Fei Yi, whose face was being held by Fu Qihai, let out a hum, and the girl's hot and humid breath spewed out on Fu Qihai's face.

Fu Qihai lowered his head slowly and his lips were lightly printed on Fei Yi's crystal-clear and soft lips, as soon as he touched, he turned.

The girl's eyes widened, and her cheeks instantly turned red.

Although the two of them were already very familiar, it was indeed the first time they had done this kind of kissing, and Fei was a little flustered.

Fu Qihai was very calm and helped Fei Yi straighten the slightly curly hair sticking on her forehead.

He said calmly, "Wait for me to come back."

After speaking, he lifted the box on the ground, turned and left.

"Locke!" Fei Yi shouted from behind, "Mother's necklace in your box."

Fu Qihai did not look back and raised his hand to signal that he heard it.


Different from the last reincarnation life, this time the reincarnation world has endowed Fu Qihai with richer and deeper memories.

—Fei Yi.

This prevents him from participating with the mentality of a bystander like in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Facing a powerful space marine, Fu Qihai can jump out of the thinking frame of this world and think about solutions to problems from the root of the official Warhammer 40K novel.

But facing Fei, he couldn't treat her as an NPC in a game or novel.

She is a person of flesh and blood, and this flesh and blood grew in Fu Qihai heart.

Fu Qihai did not choose to take Fei Yi on board.

Firstly, Wo Kuotai did not tell Fu Qihai that he could bring other people with him. Second, the White Scars would not wander aimlessly in the universe. After they set off, they would definitely go to find trouble with other rebel legions, and they might go to Terra to participate in the decisive battle between the loyalists and the rebels.

Fu Qihai said that he would come back, but in this chaotic world of cut-off traffic and communication, no one can guarantee anything or promise anything, let alone Fu Qihai is strictly speaking a visitor from another universe.

Cheslatan is indeed one of the few peaceful refuges in this burning galaxy at present, and this refuge should be left to Fei.

Fu Qihai appeared in front of Stormbird carrying the box.

Facing him were two figures, one tall and one short.

The tall one is Astarte in full armour, and the short one is Wo Kuotai sitting in a wheelchair.

A huge Stormbird can be loaded with fifty fully-armed space marines, excluding the pilot, but only one Astarte came to take Wo Kuotai back to the ship.

From this small detail, Fu Qihai saw the predicament that White Scar is currently facing - a serious shortage of Astartes.

Also, at the peak period, there were only more than 50,000 white scars Astarte.

After a few intense civil wars, the number of personnel may be stretched. However, there were 300,000 Ultramarines at the peak.

Backed by the powerful and well-populated Ultramar 500 World under the rule of the Legion, not only were there no shortage of personnel in the war of attrition, but even more may be bought.

How afraid was Warmaster Horus of the Primarch Robert Guilliman of the Thirteenth Legion? Regarding Jaghatai Khan, the Primarch of the Fifth Legion, who was not sure whether he could be recruited, Horus chose to use the power of the Warmaster to transfer the White Scars to remote galaxies to deal with the remaining green-skinned orcs during the rebellion.

In fact, it was to divert the White Scars. No matter what Jaghatai Khan's choice was, he would not be able to return to the core area of the human empire in a short time, and it would not affect Horus' future layout.

For the Ultramarines, Horus and the rebel legions set up one trap after another, not only to strangle the Vigor of the Ultramarines but also to destroy the hematopoietic ability of the five hundred worlds of Ultramar.

Wo Kuotai watched Fu Qihai walking towards them with a smile on his face.


Fu Qihai walked up to the two of them, and it was obvious that Wo Kuotai was very satisfied with Fu Qihai's choice, but he didn't say anything.

He just said lightly, "Let's go."

Then he pushed the wheelchair and turned around to board Stormbird.


The Stormbird took off, and the cabin was extremely bumpy, accompanied by loud noises. Fu Qihai fixed himself firmly on the seat, holding the seat belts on both sides firmly with both hands.

Putting aside the vague memory of taking off from the hive capital of the Levant, strictly speaking, this was the first time Fu Qihai flew into space. He was so nervous that his toes were stuck together, his face pale.

And Wo Kuotai and the tall space marine sat quietly in their positions like two people who had nothing to do.

That was a seat specially reserved for space marines in full body armour. It was so wide that Fu Qihai was like a quail egg in an eagle's nest.

As the speed of the Stormbird increased, the huge acceleration made Fu Qihai a little short of breath and dizzy.

"Oh!" At this time, Wo Kuotai slapped his head, as if he just remembered, got up, and pulled out a tube with a breathing valve from Fu Qihai's back, stuffed it into his face, and said with a smile: "I forgot that you are a mortal, sorry."

The Stormbird successfully arrived at the warship parked in space orbit.

After the Stormbird came to a complete stop, the hatch opened, and the busy boarding deck came into Fu Qihai's eyes.

The bright lights illuminated the entire deck, and the busy ground crew on the deck were ordinary people like Fu Qihai, dressed in white and red crew uniforms, but he did not see other space Marines.

The rumble of the tractor passing by, the creak of the boom rising and falling, filled Fu Qihai's eardrums.

Fu Qihai looked back at the scene outside the boarding port for the last time. Outside the blurred light of the void shield, there was a huge brown planet, Cheslatan.

The boarding port slowly closed.

Fu Qihai followed Wo Kuotai and Talar to the interior of the battleship, and the passing crew members stopped to salute them along the way.

The status of space marines is evident.

Wo Kuotai placed Fu Qihai in his single cabin and then went to the bridge with Talar.

Every space marine has its own independent rest cabin and weapon bay on the battleship, regardless of military rank.

Fu Qihai, who was staying in the rest cabin of Wo Kuotai was a little bored.

Because this room is too simple and clean, there are almost no personal items, let alone entertainment facilities.

There was only one small box, but Fu Qihai didn't want to rummage through other people's things casually.

Fu Qihai, who sat on the chair for a while, thought to himself: Although I don't know what internal management regulations there are on the battleship, I am so familiar with Wo Kuotai, it's not too much to go to his weapon room.

Then he got up and went to the weapons room.

As soon as he opened the door, a huge green head came into view, and Fu Qihai was taken aback.

It was a huge head that was as big as three heads of an ordinary adult. The rough and thick skin was abnormally grey-green.

It must have been treated with some chemical agent. The two pairs of thick white fangs turned up raised the upper lip, and there was sparse hair on the top of the head.

It turns out that Wo Kuotai likes to put battle memorabilia in the weapon room.

This is the Orc, one of the four major races of the Warhammer universe. Before the rise of the Eye of Terror and the invasion of the Tyranid Zerg, it was once the first opponent in the galaxy.

Orcs are a kind of magical green-skinned creatures. They have no gender. They are half-fungus, half-animal intelligent creatures. They rely on spore mushrooms for asexual reproduction. Any adult Orcs can develop a tribe of orcs on a planet with suitable conditions.

After the Human Empire initiated the Grand Expedition, the first major military parade that participated in all the legions was the orc warlords called "Ulak Ulig" in order to commemorate the 544.M32 period.

This orc warlord integrated most of the orc tribes of the Milky Way and conquered the vast majority of the galaxy.

All Astarte Legions participated in This protracted doomsday battle against the orc Empire, the emperor and the later Warmaster Horus once came to the front line to fight.

That is, the "Battle of Ulano", this battle laid the foundation for the human empire to unify the galaxy.

It was also after this war that the emperor promoted Horus Lupercal, the gene primogen of the Luna Wolves of the Sixteenth Legion, to "Warmaster," and became the supreme commander of all human empire armed forces except the Imperial Army.

He himself returned to the underground laboratory of the Terra Palace to start his secret experiments.

In other words, after the orc empire was settled, the emperor thought that Horus would be able to handle the remaining unfinished expeditions, and he himself became busy with more important things he thought.

Although the orc warlord was defeated, a large number of orcs were massacred, there are still orcs in every corner of the galaxy, including the remote galaxy Kondax, where the White Scars Legion was ordered to clean up this time.

Based on the half-plant and half-animal characteristics of orcs, the main advantage of the orc subspecies is that the body size of the orc is not fixed within a certain range like humans.

Orcs can continue to grow throughout their lives. Basically, the more powerful an orc is, the bigger the body is. This body size is also directly related to its social status. The strongest orc warlord is even taller than the Primarch. ".

Wo Kuotai singled out a war boss? If it wasn't for a solo kill, he probably would be too embarrassed to hang it on his wall.

To be able to kill a war boss alone, Wu Kuotai's strength before his legs were cut off is unfathomable. There is one thing to say, although the number of the Fifth Legion is small, the White Scars marines are generally quite strong in single combat, and their gene primarch Jaghatai Khan himself is also an unfathomable master of swordsmanship.

The weapon room is not big. Apart from this orc's head, there are other body parts of other alien races that Fu Qihai doesn't know are hung on the wall as souvenirs.

Such love for keeping the enemy's body materials may be derived from certain fighting customs in Chogoris culture.

It also shows that Wo Kuotai is indeed a battle-hardened veteran.

Fu Qihai is not very interested in the taxonomy of aliens, but what attracts him more is the other things in the weapon room.

Scattered armour polishing powder, maintenance oil, fibre rags in the corner, various types of bolt guns, power hammers on the weapon rack, and - a complete set of MK4 extreme power armour.

"Tsk tsk tsk..." Fu Qihai stretched out his hand to caress this set of well-polished and well-maintained standard power armour, tsk tsk in his mouth.

As the protagonist of the Warhammer 40K universe, the standard equipment of the Space Marine - the appearance of the power armour is very recognizable.

First of all, there are two huge shoulder armours, which can be regarded as the markers of the power armour of the space marines.

This makes the space marines wearing power armour look very wide and burly, and the wide shoulder armour surface is also where the space marines draw their own Legion's characteristic paint and logo.

It is not unreasonable for the shoulder armour to be so large.

In addition to the thick ceramic steel layer, the various servo systems built into the shoulder armour are also the key to the normal operation of the power armour.

Compared with other sci-fi IP armours, the Warhammer 40K Power Armor, which emphasizes defence first, is undoubtedly a bit bloated in appearance compared to those close-fitting armours such as Iron Man and Batman.

But contrary to the hideous and huge appearance, the space marines wearing power armour are not clumsy. On the contrary, the power armour makes the space marines whose agility is far stronger than mortals more flexible and faster.

The powerful power armour made of ceramic steel and plastic steel can ensure that the Space Marines will march towards the enemy under the hail of bullets.

This brave and fearless characteristic caused many armies that lost human civilization to collapse directly in the face of the onslaught of interstellar warriors during the Great Crusade to recover the homeland of mankind.

After all, no one can fight an invulnerable enemy.

Domed helmet: binocular eyepieces, breathing grids are arranged obliquely and symmetrically, and the face protrudes outward.

Power backpack: The exhaust port is spherical, and the nozzle is backward. This design is intended to make the space marine play a role of balance, stability, and propulsion in a gravity-free environment.

Compared with the previous generations of power armour, the design of arm armour, leg armour, and breastplate has more concise and smooth lines, cancelling the stacking of plate armour, the armour is more integrated, there are fewer exposed cables and almost no rivets.

MK4 fourth-generation power armour can be called a new generation of armour in the true sense of this period.

MK1 Thunder is the original power armour for wars in the Earth's atmosphere;

MK2 Expedition is the first fully enclosed and integrated armour designed for the Great Expedition, but it still has many shortcomings in actual use;

MK3 Steel only sacrifices mobility on the basis of MK2 to strengthen its defence. For individual legions that are good at defence or the special units in the legion, the overall changes are not much;

MK4 Extreme was made in Mars. The world's various technologies were finally optimized to a new generation of armour.

When MK4 was launched, it caught up with the Horus Rebellion.

During the planning period of the rebellion, Horus used his power as a Warmaster to order this armour to be equipped with legions with potential rebellion intentions, especially his own Sixteenth Legion, Sons of Horus.

As a result, it was difficult for you to see a complete set of MK4 extreme power armour in loyal legions in the early days of the rebellion.

It's more of MK5 Heretic Power Armor, which is patchwork and improvised on the spot.

Wait... Fu Qihai narrowed his eyes, why did Wo Kuotai have the latest generation of MK4 armour?

Although it is not the early stage of the rebellion, there is a possibility of capture, but this armour is too complete.

Others capture pieces one by one. MK2 breastplate, MK3 leg armour, and MK4 arm armour and then weld it with rivets and connect it with chain links.

But this is a complete set of original goods from the factory.

Fu Qihai became suspicious.

Wo Kuotai... Is it possible that he is an insider?

Fu Qihai thought about it again, but when he rescued Wo Kuotai before, he was clearly reminded of getting assimilation points.

If Wo Kuotai was the ghost of the rebel army who planted in White Scars, according to my initial camp, the reincarnation world should not calculate the assimilation points for me... Tsk, who knows how the rules of the reincarnation world are calculated.

There is another possibility... Wo Kuotai is not the ghost, but the entire White Scars warship belongs to the rebel army.

Hiss... Fu Qihai's head hurt a little. If this is the case, then he is now in the mouth of a tiger. Apart from dying, it is basically hopeless to earn assimilation points.

Looking away from the brand-new MK4 battle armour, Fu Qihai looked at the weapon rack beside him. Bolt guns, mass explosive bombs, subsonic bombs, and other ammunition were neatly stacked.

The bullets were not removed, the authority of the space marines is really great.

How to explain the question of MK4 power armour, Should I ask Wo Kuotai directly, or try it out first?

If Wo Kuotai is really an insider or a traitor, he shouldn't have let me come to his rest cabin, because there is a risk of exposure.

His being so upright proves that he is not an insider.

It's also possible that he thinks that I'm just a mortal who doesn't understand anything and is not a threat.

If Wo Kuotai really belonged to the traitor camp, why did he fight the Sons of Horus Astartes? It is an eternal truth that the enemy of an enemy is a friend.

But I didn't see him fighting the Son of Horus with my own eyes. The fierce battle between the two small groups of White Scar in Cheslatan is also a suspicious point.

Moreover, the rebel army is not monolithic. For example, the original intention of the Alpha Legion's rebellion is different from other rebel legions.

Too many possibilities, too little information.

Thinking about it, Fu Qihai walked towards the small box next to Wo Kuotai's bed.

It was not locked, and Fu Qihai gently opened the lid.

Among a pile of small items, a silver coin laid quietly.

It was a silver coin engraved with the imperial double-headed eagle emblem, a bit old-fashioned.

Looking at this silver coin, Fu Qihai narrowed his eyes again.