
Infinite Evolution: A spy in multiverse

An ace spy died and woke up in the body of Sheyan, protagonist of the Ultimate Evolution novel. With all his previous life skills and experience plus a System, read how he conquers all worlds while having fun along the way. I am not good with synopsis, just read til 10th chapter, I am sure you will be hooked. ✌️ --------&-------- First world: Terminator second world: Pirates of the carribbean Discord: https://discord.gg/mDFWsGubjt

_Crimson_ · ภาพยนตร์
94 Chs

Chapter 33 - Back to hotel (Mild torture)

In Pauline hotel room, Sarah opened her eyes.

She felt her whole body full of power, she was just a normal person before this, a weaker one at that but now she felt she could lift 100 Kg, maybe more.

Sarah sat up and clenched her fists and loosened them.

"Sheyan, i feel much stronger now." She spoke but didn't get any response.

She looked around curiosily, but suddenly her pupils dilated because she saw two strangers standing at the corners of her room with guns in their hands.

She quickly got up from the bed and turned her liquid metal into Uzi. She pointed the gun at the stranger.

"Who are you? How did you get inside!" She asked demandingly.

"I am Mr. White" "I am Mr. Black" Mr. Black and Mr. White told their names.

""Sir asked us to stay here and protect you."" They spoke at the same time.

"Sir? You mean Sheyan?" Sarah asked doubtfully.

""We don't know Sheyan, we only know sir."" They replied at the same time again.

"Then what is the name of your sir?" Sarah asked cocking her gun at Mr. Black.

"Sir is sir, I don't know his name." Mr. Black replied.

"Are you kidding with me!?" Sarah shouted at Mr. Black.

Mr. Black shook his head. "I don't know how to kid." He replied.

"Ugh! Tell me the facial features of your sir." Sarah asked irritated.

"He has black hairs, black eyes, 6 feet height, above average build." Mr. Black replied.

"So you really work for Sheyan." Sarah breathed a sigh of relief and sat down.

"Where is he now?" Sarah asked.

"We don't know." Mr. Black and Mr. White shook their heads.

"Why are you both covering your faces?" Sarah asked.

"Sir asked us to do it." They replied.

"Show me your faces." Sarah ordered curiosily.

"Yes." They replied and took off their mask.

"What! You!" Sarah looked shocked, these guys looked exactly same as the one Sheyan killed at her appartment.

"Are you two Terminators?" Sarah asked once again aiming her gun at them.

"Yes, we are model T-800." They replied.

"Weren't you ordered to kill me and Sheyan, why are you following his and mine orders now?" She asked.

"Sir defeated us, then repaired us, and programmed us to follow his orders." They replied.

"Oh Sheyan repaired you, well as expected of him, he can make something like this, repairing two robots is no big deal for him." Sarah said as she looked at the liquid metal gun in her hand.

"When will he come back?" Sarah asked.

"We don't know." They replied.

"Useless." Sarah scoffed.


Sheyan came to the hotel on his bike along with others and stopped at the gate.

Mr. Woody and Mr. Purple were standing there.

"Charl Krist get off we are here." Sheyan said to Charl and Krist who were still hugging him tightly.

"Yes sir." Charl replied and let him go as she got off the bike she grounded her breast on his chest slowly.

"Slut" Krist cussed from behind and got off the bike too.

Sheyan smiled and stepped off followed by other Terminators.

"Okay, you all wait for me here." Sheyan said and walked towards the hotel enterance.

"Sir, can I follow you inside?" Charl asked from behind.

"Umm okay you can." Sheyan didn't mind it.

"Me too sir?" Krist asked.

"Okay you can too." Sheyan agreed.

!"Me too sir"! All Mr. Terminators asked in unison.

"No you all stay here." Sheyan commanded and went off with two blondes in each arm.

Mr. Terminators looked at each other and stood aside in attention.

Sheyan came inside the hotel, the Receptionist saw him coming with two blondes and gave a pervert smile.

"Sir, you should take care of your body, one in night, two in morning, isn't it too much." He spoke with a pervy grin and glanced at Krist and Charl with the corner of his eyes, looking at the two top notch beauties he felt his pants got tighter.

Sheyan glanced at him, he didn't like people meddling in his things and giving him uncalled advice.

'Kill him, do it cleanly.' Sheyan commanded Charl and Krist mentally.

Charl and Krist smiled and came to the guy.

"Hey handsome, we need help regarding something, follow us to the toilet will you." Charl said in a coquettish voice.

Receptionist looked at the Charl then at Sheyan and smiled.

"Sorry sir, no hard feelings, your partners here seems to be more interested in me." He spoke in a humble manner but his suppressed grin couldn't be hidden from Sheyan's eyes.

Sheyan didn't say anything and just went to the lift.

"Two beauties, why go to toilet, i got a presidential suite in this hotel, we should go there." Receptionist said to the two women.

"Okay, lead the way handsome." Charl smiled coquettishly.

Receptionist felt that his lucky day has came, he quickly took the two beauties to his personal presidential suite and opened the door.

"We are here, let's get to work ladies." Receptionist said and opened the button of his shirt.

Charl and Krist entered the room and Krist closed the door.

"Are the walls sound proof here?" Charl asked with a smile.

"Yes completely, you can moan and scream as loud as you want later, not even an ounce of your sweet voices will leak out of this room." Receptionist said and completely removed his shirt.

""That's great."" Krist and Charl said with a smile.

Krist's left hand's wrist flicked back and a cutter appeared at its place spinning at an extreme speed.

"Wha- what? What is that?" Receptionist asked in shock and doubt.

"Just some sex toys dear." Charl said and quickly pinned the receptionist on a sofa.

She willed the excess amount of liquid metal in her body to turn into ropes and bind the guy to sofa.

"Hey! Hey! stop stop what are doing!? what are these things!?" Receptionist shouted at Charl.

"This lowly being dared to look at us with his deranged eyes in front of sir." Krist came from behind and spoke.

Her right hand's index finger turned into a sharp needle.

She hovered it above the eye of receptionist.

"Hey Hey stop! Calm down! let me go!" Receptionist quickly shouted, his pupils widened at the sight of sharp needle right above his eye.

"You don't need these eyes anymore." Krist spoke and stabbed her needle finger into the eye of receptionist.

"ARGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Receptionist screamed loudly, his scream reverberated in all corners of the suite but didn't leave the room, he was right this room Is really sound proof.

Krist took out the needle from his eye and flicked the blood and white eye fluid on it away.

"His lower body was releasing a large amount of heat when he looked at us, let me see how much heat it can handle." Charl said and her right hand slowly turned into a gun muzzle.

She aimed the muzzle at receptionist lower half and feiry burst of flame came out of it and burned his pants in an instant.

"ARHGGHHHH PLEASE STOP THIS AHHHHHH FORGIVE ME" Receptionist screamed and begged, feeling his crotch burning.

"Sir said to do it clean, would he be angry if we did this?" Krist asked suddenly.

"We will clean this up completely after we are done." Charl replied.

Krist nodded and took hold of receptionist fingers with her right hand and slowly moved the cutter near them.

"You can moan and scream as loud as you want now, not even an ounce of your sweet voice will leak out of this room." Krist spoke.


Krist and Charl came out of the presidential room calmly and closed the door.

"Let's go back to sir now, we have already wasted too much time." Krist said.

"Yes, i already miss hugging him." Charl said in an intoxicated voice.

"Slut!" Krist cussed.

"You are just jealous." Charl smirked.


Sheyan went to the lift and pressed on the button to his floor.

Lift soon stopped at his floor and Sheyan walked up to his room.

He opened it directly and entered inside.

Sarah, Mr. Black and Mr. White heard the sound of door opening and looked towards the door.

Sarah saw Sheyan entering inside and quickly ran to him.

"Where did you go? Did you go to deal with the team of Terminators? couldn't you wait for me? I am strong now, i could have helped you." Sarah talked quickly.

"Sorry sorry, you were still unconscious and time for them to appear was close so i had to go, but don't worry it was much easier than expected, i dealt with them easily." Sheyan took Sarah in his arms and replied.

"That's great, but does that mean that skynet will be sending even more Terminators?" Sarah exclaimed happily at first but soon asked in worry.

"No, Skynet used too much power of space time convergence this time, so it won't be able to send more Terminators back in past for at least 5 years." Sheyan replied.

"Really! Then we don't have to worry about those robots for 5 years." Sarah smiled happily.

"Yup, but we don't have any time to waste, come with me, i need you to meet someone." Sheyan said.

"Didn't you just say that Skynet won't be sending anymore Terminators, then what's the hurry?" Sarah asked confused.

"I will tell you when we reach there, let's go." Sheyan said.

"Okay." Sarah replied and went to wear her shoes.

After she was done, they went to the lift along with Mr. Black and Mr. White.

When Sheyan came down to the ground floor, Krist and Charl also appeared on the ground floor.

""Sir it's done."" They said to Sheyan after coming in front of him.

"Good now follow me we need to go somewhere else." Sheyan said after noding in approval.

""Yes sir"" Charl and Krist replied.

"Who are these two Sheyan?" A monotonous voice asked from behind.

Sheyan turned around to see a cold faced Sarah glaring at him.

"These two are also robots sent by skynet but now they follow my order." Sheyan replied with a nervous smile.

"They are robots too?" Sarah asked in confusion and looked at Krist and Charl with curiosity.

"Who is this sir?" Krist asked.

"My girlfriend." Sheyan replied.

"""Girlfriend!?""" All three girls exclaimed at the same time, only difference was one girl felt happy and bashful while the other two felt jealousy.

Krist and Charl looked at Sarah, Sarah looked at them too.

Both parties felt each other's thoughts by just looking at each other's eyes.

'Damn, he is attracting even robots now.' Sarah gritted her teeth.

'This human being is not suitable enough for sir, only I should be with sir!' Both Krist and Charl thought internally.

Sheyan didn't care about the tension happening behind him and kept walking towards the exit.


A/N: I made an auxiliary chapter, you all can go and check it.