

The child of two cosmic beings Astraylius Von Asterea born as Extraordinary One as he grows his Adventure begins

beingafter4thwall · แฟนตาซี
83 Chs

The Prologue

The Prologue

In the boundless void of Nothingness, two celestial beings were locked in an eternal duel. Archon, the embodiment of order and structure, clashed with Aerish, the essence of freedom and change. Their battle was a symphony of chaos and cosmos, each strike resonating through the emptiness around them.

As they fought, their powers intertwined and amplified, creating a spectacle of light and darkness. The Nothingness itself seemed to tremble under the weight of their conflict. In a moment of unprecedented convergence, their energies catastrophically collapsed, sending shockwaves across the non-realm.

From the heart of the collapse, a new life emerged—a baby girl, born from the remnants of Archon and Aerish's powers. Her first breath was a whisper that filled the silence of Nothingness, her eyes shining with the purest of lights.

The two beings, now devoid of hostility, beheld the child with a sense of awe and purpose. They knew that their endless battle had been for this singular moment of creation. With a silent agreement, they decided to lay down their arms and embrace their new roles as parents.

Archon, with his power of structure, began to weave the fabric of reality, creating the bones of a world. Aerish, with her power of change, breathed life into the creation, filling it with endless possibilities and wonders.

Together, they worked in harmony, their combined powers giving birth to mountains and valleys, oceans and skies, flora and fauna. They created a world that was a reflection of their daughter—a place of balance, where order and change existed in a delicate dance.

They named their daughter **Elysia**, and the world they created became her playground. As Elysia grew, she inherited the strengths of both her parents. From Archon, she learned the power of creating structures that could last eons. From Aerish, she learned the grace of evolution and growth.

Elysia's world flourished under her care, becoming a beacon of hope and a testament to the unity of her parents. And though Archon and Aerish had once been adversaries, they now stood together, watching over their daughter and the world they had created with love and pride.

Thus, from the ashes of their conflict, a new era of peace and creation dawned, heralding the beginning of a legacy that would echo through the ages. The birth of Astraylius Von Asterea adds a new layer of happiness.

In the celestial tapestry of Astral World, a new star was born, one that defied the norms of the cosmos. Archon and Aerish, still basking in the harmony of their creation, were taken aback by the arrival of their second child, Astraylius Von Asterea.

Astraylius was unlike any being the universe had ever witnessed. Born genderless, they were a perfect fusion of their parents' essences, transcending the traditional boundaries of celestial entities. Their appearance was a dazzling array of colors that shifted with their mood and thoughts, a living aurora that danced across their skin.

Their eyes held the wisdom of the ages, a deep and endless well of knowledge that seemed to understand the very secrets of existence. Astraylius's hair was a flowing river of silver light, reflecting the stars of their home realm.

The birth of Astraylius left Archon and Aerish, and even Elysia, in a state of wonder. They realized that Astraylius was destined for greatness, a being that would chart their own path and perhaps one day, redefine the fabric of reality itself.

As time passed, Astraylius grew to exhibit extraordinary abilities. They could manipulate the elements of Astral World with a mere thought, conjure creations from the void, and even bend the flow of time. Their presence was a gentle breeze that could transform into a tempest at will.

Archon and Aerish knew that Astraylius was a symbol of the future, a bridge between the known and the unknown. They watched with pride as their child explored the limits of their powers, shaping Sonaria into an even more wondrous realm.

The birth of Astraylius Von Asterea was not just an addition to their family; it was a sign that Astral World was evolving, becoming a place where the impossible became possible, and where the lines of reality were drawn by imagination.


Hello EveryNayn I'm a new Writer at Web Novel so please feel free to criticize me

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