

The child of two cosmic beings Astraylius Von Asterea born as Extraordinary One as he grows his Adventure begins

beingafter4thwall · Fantasy
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83 Chs

Dragon Gods and Goddesses *Spoiler*

Certainly, here is the ranking of the ten Dragon Gods and Goddesses, including Bahamut and Yvelina, along with their powers and physical appearances in both dragon and human forms:

1. **Bahamut, the Dragon God of Annihilation**

- **Powers**: Unmaking existence, control over destruction and chaos.

- **Dragon Form**: A colossal dragon with a body like a night sky, wings that span dimensions, and eyes like black holes.

- **Human Form**: A tall, imposing figure clad in armor that seems to absorb light, with eyes that hold the depth of the universe.

2. **Yvelina, the Dragon Goddess of the Ecosystem**

- **Powers**: Harmony with nature, control over life and growth.

- **Dragon Form**: A majestic dragon with emerald scales that shimmer with life, and wings that unfurl like leaves.

- **Human Form**: A nurturing presence with hair like vines and eyes that reflect the green of the forest.

3. **Tiamat, the Matriarch of the Depths**

- **Powers**: Mastery over oceans and sea creatures.

- **Dragon Form**: A serpentine dragon with scales that ripple with all the shades of the ocean, and a crown of coral and pearls.

- **Human Form**: A regal figure with flowing hair like waves, and eyes the color of the deep sea.

4. **Vritra, the Storm Warden**

- **Powers**: Control over storms and weather.

- **Dragon Form**: A sleek dragon with a body made of clouds and lightning for veins, with thunderous wings.

- **Human Form**: A dynamic individual with hair that crackles with static and stormy eyes.

5. **Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serenity**

- **Powers**: Bringer of harmony and peace.

- **Dragon Form**: A vibrant dragon adorned with bright feathers and a gentle aura.

- **Human Form**: A serene figure with ornate feathered attire and a calming gaze.

6. **Nidhogg, the Rootbound Ravager**

- **Powers**: Guardian of roots, control over the earth.

- **Dragon Form**: A dragon with bark-like scales and roots for limbs, blending into the forest.

- **Human Form**: A rugged individual with skin like tree bark and eyes like soil.

7. **Fafnir, the Hoarder of Flames**

- **Powers**: Command over fire, protector of treasures.

- **Dragon Form**: A dragon whose scales glint with the glow of molten lava, and breathes fire that forges and destroys.

- **Human Form**: A charismatic figure with hair like flames and a gaze that burns with intensity.

8. **Jormungandr, the World Encircler**

- **Powers**: Influence over life and death cycles.

- **Dragon Form**: An immense dragon that encircles realms, with scales that reflect the cosmos.

- **Human Form**: An enigmatic individual wrapped in garments that flow like the rings of a planet.

9. **Ladon, the Orchard Guardian**

- **Powers**: Master of growth and healing.

- **Dragon Form**: A verdant dragon with foliage growing from its back, and breath that revitalizes.

- **Human Form**: A youthful figure surrounded by a faint aura of blooming flowers.

10. **Leviathan, the Tidebringer**

- **Powers**: Control over tides and water.

- **Dragon Form**: A sleek, sea-dragon with fins and scales that shimmer like the ocean surface.

- **Human Form**: A fluid figure with hair that flows like water and eyes that change like the tide.

These divine beings are the embodiment of their respective elements and domains, their forms in both dragon and human guise reflecting the vast powers they wield over the universe.