
Chapter Two hundred and twenty-seven

He raised an eyebrow at her tilting his head as if mocking her. She had moved her finger away to his knee when he had looked at her and he had considered it to a cowardly move at her part.

As if, she scoffed lightly.

raising her head a bit she, once again, moved her whole hand upwards. As she reached his mid-thigh, she stopped lightly traced circles on his thigh making him grip the cutlery even tighter. He glared at her. His mocking eyes had gone and were replaced with slight anger and a tonne of excitement. He wanted this and she knew it.

She dug her nails in making him stagger a bit.

"Everything okay?" Isabelle whispered.

"Ye-yes. It's fine." He cleared his throat and nodded at his mother. "Don't worry." He flashed her awkward smile she turned the same impression. Looking weirded out by him as well.

Oh well, who could blame his mother?

She bit back her smile and continued her assault.