
Chapter Two hundred and forty-four

"Do I go in now?" Alexis asked trying to slow down her breathing. "Now?"

Agatha shook her head. "I bought from different companies so, we have to wait at least ten minutes."

She nodded a bit dazed. "And how long has it been now?"

"Two minutes, Madam." She tsked as if feeling exactly what Alexis did.




"Agatha?" She asked the woman who was leaning over her shoulder.

"Yes madam?"

"Do you see what I see?" She asked pointing at the three sticks.

"Two red lines in two and a plus sign in one. Yes, Madam. I do."

"I think I am pregnant." Alexis nodded and cupped her stomach.

"I think so too ma'am." Agatha nodded too looking at the womb. "There's a bun there." She giggled.

Alexis didn't.

She swallowed. "Sorry, Madam. Too soon for jokes, I guess."

Alexis sighed and sat down on the toilet seat. "I..can't think.."

"About what?" Agatha took a seat on the ground.