
Chapter Sixty-two

Only the one who sat in a hot water tub knew the effects it had on one's soul. It brought relief and calm to the mind and body and after last night's events, she needed it. Angelo was really gentle at first and considerate of her but after being gentle for the first few times, he at some point had lost control and it pained Alexis a but. He looked sorry when he realised but that wasn't enough, he shouldn't have lost control in the first place. But at least she had drawn her a bath and the gesture counted too. 

Yet the hot water help in reducing the sourness of the muscle. 

Alexis knew that she was unwilling to admit it but it hurt her that her mother did not come to the wedding. She could have at least made an appearance but she didn't. Alexis, no matter what had never imagined that she would walk down the aisle alone but there she was. She was proud that she did not let that get to her. She was a confident and beautiful bride that walked down the aisle alone.