
Chapter One hundred and twenty-nine.

A week had gone by after their talk. It was slow and unsteady for him. to pass the time he worked continuously to make sure that the work was done by the time she was woken up and after that, he would be able to spend all his with her. 

To be frank, The only reason why Angelo had her woken up was that he had missed her voice. Now that he had heard, it was completely fine with her recovering. 

And since she had been in a medically induced coma, he had been in Chicago. The Chicago organisation was in Shambles and he had finished them. All of them. And after that, he had established his base there.

Now he owned many buildings in which his soldiers resided but mostly they were scattered in different places. He had bought offices and houses. It had taken a long time for all of this to happen and he took all the precautions for it. Silvano had preferred to stay in a mansion in Chicago houses and he had brought it for himself.