
Chapter One hundred and nineteen

After receiving no reply Alexis was scared. She had no idea what was going on. No one had replied to her questions that she had directed to the camera on the wall neither has someone come in for a confrontation.

She wanted to remain calm and think it through but as the time passed, all she could do was panic and become more and more anxious. She was kidnapped and she had heard no word from someone and contrary to his word Angelo had not found her yet. He had promised that no matter what happened he would find her and always keep her safe. Now it felt like he just had said it to her when they were having sex to make a feel better.

So she had dragged herself up to a wall, leaned against it and continued to silently think and worry herself more. what was she supposed to do now? She had no communication to the outside world or to be honest, inside this building.