

My body hurt a tad. The swipe from the Ursa was pretty tough and the fact that I took it full force and am still standing surprising. I let out a groan as I look at the tree I smashed through, the numbing pain in my back being faint but still not feeling good. Thin silver wire floated about throughout the air creating a space of deadly wire. I carefully sat up, unsure if I was entangled in my own weapon, afraid that I was. I looked down upon my gauntlets which where undoing themselves ever so slowly, so far the tips of my fingers and my first knuckle. I couldn't help but smile at my olive skin peering out from beneath the silver. I tried to keep calm, unsure of where all those moves came from. The fact that I moved so fluidly was fascinating, unfathomable in a way. I had always gotten into fist fights, beating down who ever challenged me, but I alway did it for good fun. I was a good sport and always helped the other up but these gauntlets…. Where did I get them again? I can't remember exactly, it hours to even think about and the more I think about it the fuzzier the memories get. My hands shook from some sort of emotion, but I was unsure of which one. Could it be excitement, fear, anxiety? What was making me shake in such a way? Suddenly a ding went off in my head and Sam broke my concentration.

(Seryy, are you ok? This was your first fight with a Grimm but there is no point to be shaken up like that. Most people would have had to use their aura to take a hit from an Ursa and smash into a tree. That being said you have no broken bones and the most that'll happen to you is a light bruise!)

I sighed and took a deep breath. My aura hadn't even been up and yet only light bruising. Wind blew lightly and took up some of my wire and blowing it into the branches of a tree. I calmed myself, dulling my senses and focused on the silver wire. I allowed myself connect to them, thinking of them as an extension of myself, my reach to be widened. I slowly twisted my wrists and felt the wire shift, almost obeying me as they let go of the branches before I took my right hand and extended it before pulling my hand down. With almost no resistance at all but air resistance, a light thud sounds as I slowly open my eyes and see a mangle mess of what's left of the tree that I was hung up in. I was mystified as my eyes befell my gauntlets which where unraveling more.

"U-um Samantha, how do I retract the wire back into the gauntlets?"

(Correction, the wire is the gauntlets. The wires that make them up are simply like a extension of yourself, think of them as your reach being extended.)

I groan as she tells me what I already know, Sam being of little help at the moment. I closed my eyes once more and envisioned my reach to return to normal. For me to be able to retract the wires and weave them back to their original form. Light squeals of metal rubbing against metal, slight scratches go off to as I look down to see that they had returned to their normal state. I smiled and threw my hands up into the air , excited at the small achievement that I had made.

(Seryy, please turn your attention to your status screen, there are a few new additions to the page)

I perked up as I looked around for the screen that was nowhere to be found. After doing a full 360 I stopped in place and looked up and down. Nothing, there was nothing to even indicate a way into the page and for some reason I couldn't remember where it was.

"U-um How do I open the page again? I-I guess 'Stats'?"

With that a box jumped open and scared the shit out of me. I jumped back and almost fell on my ass. I stumbled backwards and the screen followed with a light glow to it. I slowly out stretched my hand and began to read,

Name: Seryy Ingram Ramos Smith


Age: 17

Sex: Male

Race: Unknown Faunus

Level: 2

Skills: Brawler:2, Wire User:1, Devil's Charm:3, Unyielding Endurance:MAX, Physical Resistance:5, Dust Resistance:5, Devourer:1, Jack of Weapons Master of Few:MAX

Titles:Weapon of the Gods, Destiny's Unbound


I looked over my stats and read each one carefully, trying to put together what each one means before closing the screen and walking back to my stuff which was just sitting in a clearing. I took up my satchel and fished out my scroll which had two notifications, one had a message one was an update. I checked the update which had read that I was only a day's travel to Beacon Academy, apparently was gonna go to this place and do….Something. I groaned how clueless I was and threw my satchel over my back and looked over the scroll which was pointing me East. I began to walk towards the thicket in front of me when the scroll vibrated gently. I took it out and saw that I had a new message, it was from an unknown number,

-Hello? Who is this? I picked up my scroll today to find that your number was in it which is weird for the fact that I have very few numbers-

I looked at the scroll curiously and read the message out loud before shooting back a text,

-The name is Seryy and I am not too sure who you are either. I've just been traveling and I got this message from you-

Quickly the stranger shot back,

-If I may pry mayhaps you be heading to Beacon Academy?-

This struck me as odd, this stranger knowing my plans and prying a bit made me uncomfortable to say the least.

-That I am stranger, what does it mean to you?-

-It seems that we will be meeting quite soon then! Well my new friend, when you make your way to the academy simply put 'A wizard sent me' on the application and we will meet-

The messages ceased as soon as they started, leaving me befuddled and wonder just who was that. I shook my head and ignored the nagging questions in the back of my head and began into the journey ahead of me.