


'It's cold' I thought as I began to try and move which I felt was extremely hard.

'Where am I' I thought as I opened my eyes and looked around the blurry white room.

'Is this a hospital' I thought to myself before my vision began to clear

When I tried to sit up I felt a sharp pain on my side,

"Wow, Wow there" When I heard someone's voice I jumped in shock which caused my side to sting even more.

When I turned to see who it was I saw Charlie who was looking at me with worry clearly on his face

"What happened" I asked him, not remembering what happened to me

"You fell Bella, right off of a cliff" He explained while helping me sit up, which made me wonder how I ended up here.

Seeing my confused face he began to explain to me how I got to the hospital.

"You're lucky that Seth Clearwater and his friends were still on the shore of La Push." He told me before getting up.

"Get some rest, the doctor said that somehow you didn't end up breaking anything so you can be released tomorrow," He told me before going out to fill out paperwork.

As I laid there I began to remember what had happened which made me wonder if this got Edwards's attention and that he was coming back for me. As I was thinking I slowly began to fall asleep but I swear I could hear Edward still in the back of my mind.


It's been 8 months since we left Forks and Elijah should have graduated by now but he still hasn't arrived in Alaska, When I asked Carilise when he was arriving he always would try to avoid or change the subject.

Since we arrived Edward has been even more broody than usual, Alice, Edythe, and Emmett have been extremely apologetic for reasons that they won't mention no matter how many times I ask. Carlisle and Esme have been even more kind to me than Edward which is extremely unusual, and Jasper has been the same only fighting with Edward more than usual.

Exactly on the second month since we had left I went right to Alice and asked her if she had seen any visions of Elijah coming but she instantly denied them, she explained how she doesn't have visions about everything and that she couldn't control it which I already knew.

As more and more months went by I began to wonder If Elijah was coming, I began to question my family, maybe they didn't tell him the right place? Or worse what if something had happened?

Currently, most of my family are out hunting with the Denali coven and it is only me, Alice, Edward, and Esme in the house.

As I got out of my thoughts I saw Alice coming down the stairs but before she could get to the final step she froze in place.

"Alice" I called out to her before realizing that she was having a vision.

Deciding to wait for her to finish I began to think that maybe the vision was about Elijah, maybe he was coming here?

Not even a minute later she began to move again but with worry on her face.

"Alice, what's wrong?" I asked in a worried tone

But before she could answer we heard Edward walking out of his room, When Alice saw him she began to look even more worried but before I could ask what was wrong I heard Edward,

"No!" Edward yelled in anguish

"Edward–" But before Alice could finish Edward was gone.

"What happened?" Esme asked when she came running in

"Bella she's dead" Alice whispered but we both had heard it.

"Where did Edward go" She asked to which I looked at Alice hoping she saw where he went in her vision.

When Alice heard Esme's question she was about to respond before she got another vision, which caused me and Esme to have to wait even more.

"There's a problem," Alice said in a worried tone but before she could tell us what Carlilse and the others arrived.

When Carlisle" saw us all in the living room standing up he began to look around before beginning to speak but before he could Edythe interrupted him.

"No, that's not true" Edythe muttered before grabbing onto Emmett's arm.

"What happened" Carlisle asked in confusion.

"I had a vision that Bella fell off a cliff, But before I could have another one Edward read my mind and left, But as soon as he did not even 2 minutes later I had another one that she survived."

"What's wrong with that" Emmett asked in confusion

"Continue Alice," Edythe said in a sad tone

"In the second vision I saw Edward going to the Volturi and asking to be killed," she says, and when she does we all become quiet.

"Alright here's what were going to do everyone but Alice is going to go to Italy to try and stop Edward, And Alice you are going to go back to Forks and try to convince Bella to go to Italy to help persuade Edward to stop." Carlisle Said but before anyone coil agree I interrupted.

"Wait!" I shouted on accident

"Let me go too," I said.

knowing I was not going to take no for an answer Carlisle looked at Esme who nodded before agreeing.

"Okay, but get there as quick as possible"